- Joined
- Jul 18, 2013
IGN: MrSwoOsh7
Age: 14
Time zone: Eastern
What classes are you specializing into: Warrior/Samarai
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: I do have teamspeak, but do not have a mic at this time. :/
How long have you been on HC: About an hour XD (noob alert)
Why do you want to join: Seems like a good place to start out also, owner seems friendly

Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker: I fit under all these catergories, but I prefer killer XP pvp keeps me entertained
What can you give to us, as a community: I could help build and
What towns have you been in: none XD
Why did you leave them (if applicable):
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yes
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: The one that talks about being respectful after pvp. There is nothing worse than pvping someone and after the fight getting a mouthful of "UR BAD" or "HACKER!"
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: Not at all
Tell us about yourself: I love sports and spend the bulk of my free time on the field or playing minecraft. I am good at pvp and am an ok builder.