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[Hamlet] Glaciem [KO] [28] [Honorable Evil] - Recruiting


Legacy Supporter 3
Sep 2, 2011
Hiding under a rock
Anddddd I'm back on my crappy macbook! Anywho, thanks to Afro, the walls are finished! Big round of applause for him! But, we still need snow to put UNDER the walls as well. We can't have people just swimming under the wall, that would be no fun :p . SO GET TO IT Troppicz Upb34t


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 10, 2011
We got a few free plots (and I'm in the process of making the outlines for the larger uc).

Congratulations, you've been accepted :D Get with a council member, Troppicz or me ingame. (Give him either TurtleSick's old plot as he moved to the bank).

1. IGN:GM_Setsuna​
2. How long have you been on Herocraft & Minecraft: Herocraft 1-2 days and Minecraft, I think since beta 1.2​
3. Why do you want to join our town (please elaborate):My friend said it is a good town to join.​
4. Towns you've been in:none.​
5. What do you think makes you indispensable for Glaciem: I want to join and your a new town wouldn't another member increase your power.​
6. How much effort are you willing to put into the town: Enough effort like help with buildings.​
7. Referrals / Warrantor: Brunotheminer​
8. Any case of town theft / rule breaking before: Well on this one server I built a fort and it was a no-no.​
9. How much time do you usually spend on HC:around 3 hours a day because I can only play games on my laptop fridays-sundays and only 3 hours each on those days.​
10. Do you have skype and can you get online frequently: I have skype and I will get on on the days above.​


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 10, 2011
Galaxial and I made the outline for the bigger Undercity. Please help clearing if you have time and want to contribute ;) Do NOT mine a block from the wall as it is the last regioned block and absolutely necessary for our protection.

kevinlive Tell us what you need for you traps and we'll get it :)


Aug 1, 2011
Guys, soon I will be making a glaciem Glaciem logo, so you can post your ideas and I'll try to combine them and make one awesome logo! :D I will also make a logo how I see it and IF you post me your ideas here and I won't be lazy, I can make each one of them to see which one looks the best.


Mar 7, 2012
Thanks for accepting me, but please do remember I can only play from fridays to sundays and 3 hours each day because I have strict parents. Btw the 1.2.3 server or the 1.1.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 10, 2011
Will do when I get home. Alternatively TurtleSick, Steven_B and theazian are region owners too; One might be online.


Legacy Supporter 2
Jul 10, 2011
Norway, Vardø
Btw, mazzima is leaving glaciem and joining altum. Might want to remove him from the regions, after he has moved out with his stuff ofc.