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[Hamlet] Glaciem [KO] [28] [Honorable Evil] - Recruiting


Legacy Supporter 2
Jul 10, 2011
Norway, Vardø
Thanks to YOU our whole town was covered in snow. When I tried to get rid of the golems, you killed me and left. Thanks.

Well, you obviously don't have the brains to do it, so I HAD to clear it up. Steven helped me, thank you Steven.

As for you Kevin, STOP MAKING SNOWMEN!! It is lagging and griefing the town up.

Thats my rant over.
You started the fireballing in the farm, then you followed me into my house and trapped me with cobble before you butt-fucked me with fireballs :eek: And then when I got out you were building a wood platform on my house >.<

And anyway, I'm not the only one spawning snowmen -___-

As for killing you and leaving, I had to go, you ignored me, so I put your stuff in your chest and left.


Legacy Supporter 3
Sep 2, 2011
Hiding under a rock
Hey, lets take things down like 5 notches. Whats done is done, but killing other townies is illegal. The only person who gets to through you around is me.


Legacy Supporter 3
Sep 2, 2011
Hiding under a rock
Alrighty guys, I really don't know how much more I can stress this. I'm gonna lay this out now. We always want to recruit, right? People want their friends to join. Well, currently we don't have the space to do that. Currently, we are waiting on me for the walls. I REALLY want to build them. Seriously. But, I can't do it by myself. All you need to do is farm like 5-10 stacks of snow a day. That takes like....20-30 minutes. So get to it. Then there's the wool. Wool can be hard to get, I understand, but you could always pitch in and buy them, or farm it in our new farms. Finally, lapis. Unless you're transmuting it into a diamond, donate it.


Legacy Supporter 2
Jul 10, 2011
Norway, Vardø
Already got 5stacks of snow blocks from before I logged off yesterday, when I come back from school I'll start making more. And majora, stop killing my snowfactory-snowman in my basement..

if you are willing to pay for wool I'm selling wool at my shop for 24c per stack, but since you're townies I can sell it for my buying price, get with me in-game if you're interested.

But as soon as we get sigpit to spawn us some sheep we'll be good there, unless steven wants to move the animal farm to the second floor(sadface).


Mar 7, 2012
1. IGN:GM_Setsuna​
2. How long have you been on Herocraft & Minecraft: Herocraft 1-2 days and Minecraft, I think since beta 1.2​
3. Why do you want to join our town (please elaborate):My friend said it is a good town to join.​
4. Towns you've been in:none.​
5. What do you think makes you indispensable for Glaciem: I want to join and your a new town wouldn't another member increase your power.​
6. How much effort are you willing to put into the town: Enough effort like help with buildings.​
7. Referrals / Warrantor: Brunotheminer​
8. Any case of town theft / rule breaking before: Well on this one server I built a fort and it was a no-no.​
9. How much time do you usually spend on HC:around 3 hours a day because I can only play games on my laptop fridays-sundays and only 3 hours each on those days.​
10. Do you have skype and can you get online frequently: I have skype and I will get on on the days above.​


Legacy Supporter 3
Sep 2, 2011
Hiding under a rock
1. IGN:GM_Setsuna​
2. How long have you been on Herocraft & Minecraft: Herocraft 1-2 days and Minecraft, I think since beta 1.2​
3. Why do you want to join our town (please elaborate):My friend said it is a good town to join.​
4. Towns you've been in:none.​
5. What do you think makes you indispensable for Glaciem: I want to join and your a new town wouldn't another member increase your power.​
6. How much effort are you willing to put into the town: Enough effort like help with buildings.​
7. Referrals / Warrantor: Brunotheminer​
8. Any case of town theft / rule breaking before: Well on this one server I built a fort and it was a no-no.​
9. How much time do you usually spend on HC:around 3 hours a day because I can only play games on my laptop fridays-sundays and only 3 hours each on those days.​
10. Do you have skype and can you get online frequently: I have skype and I will get on on the days above.​
Unfortunately, despite what the title of thread says, we are not recruiting. Check back in a few days, there might be more room! Upb34t , fix the title pwease. It's misleading.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 10, 2011
I know I repeat myself, but if you have a bit of time and nothing to do:

  1. Get Snow (or continue building the wall, if you think you know how the scheme looks like)
  2. Clear the Farm (Please don't start building stuff, parts of the farm without the consent of Steven_B)

Thank you very much :D

Edit: @Council Members: If you recruit someone, please inform Troppicz & me so we can keep track of what's going on and who's in town (has region access) and so I can add them to the charter :)


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 10, 2011
Thanks to the initative of Afro7897 the Farm is finished :D

I started making the outlines for the 15x15 OverOcean Plots (There are a lot more special Plots to come ;) ). Don't build on any of them yet!

For now: We need snow, blue wool and level up ;)

Once we've moved members from uc to the OO-Plots, we will start recruiting again and might expand the uc by 10Blocks in each direction to makes space for 20+ new plots, if we feel it's necessary. :)


Glowing Redstone
Dec 10, 2011
Ok lets get revenge on the guys wo ruined my house :D
Hmm lets begin with Kevin then Majora then trop Or just kill them!


Legacy Supporter 3
Sep 2, 2011
Hiding under a rock
Actually Upb34t , I'd prefer if no one worked on the walls without me. Last time someone did, they built it 10 blocks outside the region, and I had to spend some time just tearing it down. Just get the mats ready, and wait for me.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 10, 2011
Alright :D

Actually Upb34t , I'd prefer if no one worked on the walls without me. Last time someone did, they built it 10 blocks outside the region, and I had to spend some time just tearing it down. Just get the mats ready, and wait for me.

Edit: I made the outlines for 9 new OverOceanPlots. I'll discuss the plot details with Troppicz later and we'll inform you soon. Stay tuned :)


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 18, 2012
Madison, AL
Keep at least 8 of BOTH types of cow, IE 8 mushroom-cows and 8 cows.

Thank you Afro for finishing the last bit of the farm! Second floor of the farm originally was going to be the animal farm, but now it'll be trees. DON'T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. :D thank you

Edit: I also suggest we have our alliance list updated to not only include any changes in alliances, but also which towns specifically. Oh same also should apply to active enemies!