IGN: Ryukoyshi
Age/Timezone: Sixteen, Eastern US Time
Referals: None
What other towns were you in/why did you leave them: First time in Herocraft
Why do you wish to join Belegost: Because I'm looking for a community experience and this seems to be the place to find one.
How can you help out the town: I can help in any way necessary.
What do you want from the town: Just a place to stay and people I can cooperate with.
What class are you going to be (Combat and profession): I'm currently a Rogue, planning to either go Ninja or Ranger, and I plan to be either a scribe or a miner.
How many hours a day can you be on Herocraft: Depends on my schedule, but I can be on most days and log decent time in.
Why should we accept you into Belegost?: Because I'm in easy going guy who just likes to cooperate and help others.
Tell us about yourself: Hmm. Well, I'm Ryukoyshi, Ryu for short, and I enjoy playing video games and reading. I play golf quite a bit, and I enjoy, but I'm not good at it. I'm a very constructive person who looks to work with others.
Did you read the rules: Yes, I've read them in full. Standard server rules and your rules about theft, donations and gold pricing.
IGN: Jackbres11
Age/Timezone: 14/US Eastern Standard
Referals: None
What other towns were you in/why did you leave them: Just started on HeroCraft havent been in any other towns.
Why do you wish to join Belegost: I just started HC and i wanted to join a twon and Belegost was recommended to me.
How can you help out the town: I enjoy pvp so I would be good at defending the castle and I also like to set up dfefences.
What do you want from the town: A friendly and team based atmosphere.
What class are you going to be (Combat and Proffesion): Im new to the whole class thing but i believe im a Rogue and my idk what my proffesion is.
How many hours a day can you be on HeroCraft: 1-3 depending on school.
Why should we accept you into Belegost: Im a nice person that wants to play as a team and defend our town together.
Tell us about yourself: Im 14 and i enjoy playing most video games such as minecraft,some call of duty,assasins creed, and expecially battlefield.
Did you read the rules: Yes
Comes out in a few days here I CanadaI missed the DoD, was at the local cinema watching Skyfall. The new movie was so much better then the two past ones![]()
Okay, I've been whitelisted.You don't seem to be whitelisted. To get whitelisted please apply here http://www.herocraftonline.com/main/forums/applications.11/. After you are whitelisted please inform me and i will continue to review your application. Thanks!
Age/Timezone: 14 / Pacific
Referals: Cameronduke98
What other towns were you in/why did you leave them: Nadda
Why do you wish to join Belegost: looing for a friendly community.
How can you help out the town: I am a very good pvper ( can be tested )
What do you want from the town: A fun but somewhat serious community.
What class are you going to be (Combat and profession): Rogue / Runeblade
How many hours a day can you be on Herocraft: 6
Why should we accept you into Belegost?: Im a good pvper and i am a descent builder. I am very positive and friendly.
Tell us about yourself: I am positive friendly and love to have fun.
Did you read the rules Yeup
Okay, I've been whitelisted.
IGN: Ryukoyshi
Age/Timezone: Sixteen, Eastern US Time
Referals: None
What other towns were you in/why did you leave them: First time in Herocraft
Why do you wish to join Belegost: Because I'm looking for a community experience and this seems to be the place to find one.
How can you help out the town: I can help in any way necessary.
What do you want from the town: Just a place to stay and people I can cooperate with.
What class are you going to be (Combat and profession): I'm currently a Rogue, planning to either go Ninja or Ranger, and I plan to be either a scribe or a miner.
How many hours a day can you be on Herocraft: Depends on my schedule, but I can be on most days and log decent time in.
Why should we accept you into Belegost?: Because I'm in easy going guy who just likes to cooperate and help others.
Tell us about yourself: Hmm. Well, I'm Ryukoyshi, Ryu for short, and I enjoy playing video games and reading. I play golf quite a bit, and I enjoy, but I'm not good at it. I'm a very constructive person who looks to work with others.
Did you read the rules: Yes, I've read them in full. Standard server rules and your rules about theft, donations and gold pricing.
I'll figure ill give you a chance at this town. Town needs more helpful and active members! Don't let me down. Get with me Haxnn siL3eNtHarPy_00 or Kourne ingame to get setup
IGN: Redpisces
Age/Timezone: 18 UTC/GMT -5 hours
Referrals: Bfittipaldi was advertising it. (have not actually talked to him)
What other towns were you in/why did you leave them: Vault 101/district 101. left due to map changes and a long hiatus.
Why do you wish to join Belegost: Dwarf towns interest me, and i wish to be part of the community
How can you help out the town: I can fill support roles, help with community projects, and book-keep if necessary
What do you want from the town: A relatively safe place to live and a community to contribute to.
What class are you going to be (Combat and profession): Healer(cleric)/crafter(alchemist or farmer, likely the former)
How many hours a day can you be on Herocraft: atleast 1-2
Why should we accept you into Belegost?: I can work as part of a team and have no problem filling support roles
Tell us about yourself: I was on and off farm manager for vault/district 101. had a pair of long hiatuses brought on by shoddy & expensive bell internet (fixed). I usualy end up playing a support role in games if my teamates are half decent (e.g. engy/medic).
Did you read the rules: yes
IGN: Buppjooup
Age/Timezone: 27/GMT+8
Referals: None
What other towns were you in/why did you leave them: None, new to this server
Why do you wish to join Belegost: Make friends on the game, and have fun playing with others
How can you help out the town: Anyway that is needed, crafting, combat, supplies
What do you want from the town: To be part of a community and have somewhere to call home
What class are you going to be (Combat and profession): Paladin/Miner
How many hours a day can you be on Herocraft: Minimum 2 hours a day..weekends likely 10 or more hours a day
Why should we accept you into Belegost?: Although im fairly new to minecraft iv been a gamer for many years now. I can fit into a community well and help, respect and play well with other people.
Tell us about yourself: Enjoy playing games, cooking, and movies
Did you read the rules Yes