What other towns were you in/why did you leave them:none
Why do you wish to join Belegost:For several reasons.
First, it seems to be pretty active and being in france I already suffer from the time lag, so a big town increases my chances to socialize

Second, the set of rules is clear, neat, rather well written meaning if my wife reads behind my back she won't say gamers are illiterates. Last but not least, I tried to figure what I would tell my kids 20 years from now "I was part of Belegost". Belegost sounds incredibly cool. Just by hearing that name you already hear gleeful hobbit children pouring out their holes.
How can you help out the town: Well I intend to find out. I like to vary pleasures in a game so i'll do a bit of everything. Trading, building, writing cryptic Levinas quotes on panels, pvping when possible. I like to talk and just walk mumbling stuff, and as IRL I manage 25 people, 6 kids, 3 cats & a dog + a hot (tempered) wife, I may have small aptitudes in decision making processes and calm-keeping under stressful circumstances. So when belegost will have a full-fledged justice system I intend to become a judge. In the meantime, I can compute taxes using finite differences or monte-carlo simulations, and produce shitload of bureaucratic procedures to craft useless items.
What do you want from the town:Some friends in the empty void of life, a shelter to cover my sorry ass when winter comes and an ongoing flow of projects to which participate (as long as i does not feel like work

What class are you going to be (Combat and profession): I started as a warrior to test herocraft but traditionnally I play healers online so I'll probably respec soon. As for profession, it will depend on town's needs, but by default smith will be fine.
How many hours a day can you be on Herocraft:2 hours roughly.
Why should we accept you into Belegost?:Because people are the salt of cities, and deep inside you know it's the right choice ;-) Last time I played Civilization, big towns where good but bigger towns were better.
Tell us about yourself:I copied my application to herocraft hereafter, there are plenty of details. Although I'm only the shadow of the hardcore gamer I once was, I believe I can still be a valuable asset.
Did you read the rules : yes ! (I feel there must be a trap ;-))
Reason you should be accepted: I have a 25 years of experience in video games & RPG, with 15 years of experience in online gaming. I've been in charge of one of the biggest french guild of Dark Age of Camelot, with many on-duty nights spent raiding albion castles and interviews to screen good candidates. As a consequence I fully appreciate importance of rules and filtering. I'm a moderator on JOL (biggest french MMORPG forum) and head of several online communities. I'm also an anonymous soldier in plenty of others.
Respectful, social and patient I have been an pleasant companion in all my former online communities. On my best day I can be a charismatic leader ordering an elite force of herobrines to disband a troop of zombies, and on my worst day I will simply be an average joe Smith, selling a iron sword forged with love to customers in silence while looking at them with sad blue eyes in which you could almost see a ...nevermind. I'm not a bloodthirsty PVP player but I can garantee I will sell my life dearly (and run like there's no tomorrow ;-)). As for building style, I love rabbit holes, distressing caves, wieliczka underground salt mines, minos mazes and floating highways (played waaay too much mariokart)
I would like to highlight the fact that, being in France, I will help populate Herocraft world 24/24 ! (with no chance to use a slot during peak hours)
Former forum warrior & retired from 50 hours gaming weeks, I now have 6 kids and, as any good fathergeek would do, introduced them to video game culture thru classics of yesterday (andariel farming in diablo II...don't look at the impaled corpses kiddoes) and classics of tomorrow (minecraft & terraria !). We've mostly played LAN minecraft with my kids and I would like to show them the immersive feeling that only a living, online and forever changing world can provide. In memory of the first night one spends in Minecraft, locked in a dirt hole without light and wondering if he'll see the sun rising through the dirt texture, survival mode, socializing and building cryptic architectures are my favorite ways to play.
I dabbled in mods but nothing serious, however I organized a "minecraft chain" called Heritage with the participation of Jason Rohrer (see the french website :
Hobbies are, non surprisingly, RPG, Magic The Gathering, Polish Sci-Fi movies (Obi-oba) and bringing my kids to the museum (and then reward them with a game of Diablo II )
I have long given up coding (I manage several engineers who code though ;-)) but I can remember enough to admire the work behind herocraft project. Although a tad smaller then other worlds (small earth, battlecraft), its design certainly looks more solid and well thought. I have browsed your map and the result looks pretty stunning. As a consequence, I accept Herocraft application as my server of choice ;-)