florosapien0 Some of your veteraned Dragongarde members should be aware that I was the person who helped Belegost the most under raids against your town. I several times lead defending parties over to Belegost and I even made a railway from Canterlot to Belegost (Made boosters out of my own gold) so I could aid you quicker. Most of the times I was avaiable to help, was early nights European time, so Haxnn himself and other Americans in BG probably never noticed.
I remember that one time TheAncientTeam's guild raided BG and I sat alone trapped inside the hotel/brothel with Egg, Kourne and Kim in Kourne's house on the other side of BG xD The raiders had split us up, so I put up traps around the Hotel and when they jumped down on me, I trapped them and killed 2 of them. Both were groupteleported back though :/ Then minutes after, I picked up a bow I found in a hotel room and took down their Wizard, too bad their Cleric revived him. Then we all just ran out at them and killed all of them except their Wizard who hid and Ported out. Kim had so many suicide attacks that day xD
Everyone in the lead of BG now a days are newcomers, I don't know people here anymore except Egg, Kim, Kourne and Haxnn

Later out this map, I might be joining Belegost to live with Kourne, Egg and Kim again just for old times sake. Being in a leadership position is tiresome, and i've been Mayor/SiC for 3 maps now.
Haxnn Why is Florosapien being so mean towards me? I am giving you all our recruits and she is just bitching? I'll keep sending them over though, a lot of them were in my town Canterlot last map so I can vouch for them.