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Cobbledumperton:Newbie Starting Town(PVE)


Glowing Redstone
Sep 7, 2012
IGN | Cupcakes_o_death
Age and Gender | 19 M
Location and Time Zone | Indiana Central Time
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic | Yarp
What type of experience do you want | Mostly one where I can find allies and have a chance to figure out this server and whatnot without having my face caved in by high levels.
Tell us about yourself | I played this for a time an age ago (over a year) and had some fun. I was turned away by the sheer hatred there was for new people. I couldnt walk to and from spawn without getting ganked by some max level. After a while it got really old and I left. Im hoping to come back and enjoy the game, I just need some help getting my footing. Other than that im just another gamer with decent experience in a variety of genres.


Balance Team
Adventure Team
Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 27, 2012
Mentor Application:
IGN | jrr5556
Age | 15
Location and Time Zone | aest, Australia

Are you a Guide| I don't have the time with the current positions I hold but I wouldn't mind helping here.
Any previous town management experience?| SIC of odyssey and manager of Aldenshire and Indar.
Any experience helping new players? | Yes, I have helped many in this past week as I cannot pvp with my current circumstances.
Why do you want to help lead Haven?| Just another enjoyable thing I can do.
Why would Haven want you to lead? | I have many ranks so newbies might want to follow.
What is your play style? | pvp and building.
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? | yup

Tell us about yourself | Not going to write much as its very hard and slow but I am just a person who loves a chat.
Referrals | n/a


Feb 5, 2014
Mentor Application:
IGN | Ruger392
Age |16
Location and Time Zone | Eastern TimeZone USA
Are you a Guide| Not being a guide doesn't mean you wont be accepted Not a guide
Any previous town management experience?| Managed DemonsWood which had the most player and 2nd highest town rank, Managed and revived player base in town sentinel, Managed Bosk in Current map :)
Any experience helping new players? | Yes im usually in charge of getting new players started
Why do you want to help lead Haven?| I think, no I know that I will be a great help and service to new players!
Why would Haven want you to lead? | I think im a model player to help, Im currently on a staff team, Never been banned and always willing to lend a head
What is your play style? | Mainly being involved and shaping pvp town(s) that im in but I really want to shift over to pve. I also enjoy gathering resources
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? | ts3 yes mic not at the moment
Tell us about yourself | Current flying penguin and entrepreneur on the server, willing to lend my resources to new players and do something that has never been done on herocraft :).
Referrals |


Legacy Supporter 6
Sep 17, 2012
Mentor Application:
IGN | carbash420
Age | 30
Location and Time Zone | USA Eastern
Are you a Guide| No, but I am pretty familiar with the way the server works. If I don't have an answer, I know where to find it.
Any previous town management experience?| Yes, some. Prometheus (Haven) I was a manager and Belegost (Bastion) I was a manager.
Any experience helping new players? | Plenty. I always do what I can to help new players learn the ropes.
Why do you want to help lead Haven?| I feel that new players deserve to be welcomed into the community. We can do this by showing them the ropes. If we build a strong foundation of new players, it will make for a better atmosphere for the entire server.
Why would Haven want you to lead? | I am dedicated to the cause. I don't mind helping people. I am pretty patient.
What is your play style? | Laid back. I level, mine, build, and help people. I like the occasional pvp fight (although I am terrible).
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? | I do have TS and a mic.
Tell us about yourself | I like playing minecraft, eating lasagna, and not working.
Referrals | Myself.
Apr 13, 2012
IGN | LeDrewxcore
Age and Gender | 25 / Male
Location and Time Zone | Newfoundland, Canada. Time zone (-3:30 GMT)
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic | I do not have TS, I do have a mic.
What type of experience do you want | I am looking for a friendly experience and to meet new people, possibly to group with other like-minded individuals.
Tell us about yourself | I enjoy everything from building to mining, if the mood strikes me. I try to be friendly and helpful to others.


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 15, 2012
IGN | LeDrewxcore
Age and Gender | 25 / Male
Location and Time Zone | Newfoundland, Canada. Time zone (-3:30 GMT)
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic | I do not have TS, I do have a mic.
What type of experience do you want | I am looking for a friendly experience and to meet new people, possibly to group with other like-minded individuals.
Tell us about yourself | I enjoy everything from building to mining, if the mood strikes me. I try to be friendly and helpful to others.

Welcome aboard!


Aug 13, 2011
Mentor Application:
IGN | jrr5556
Age | 15
Location and Time Zone | aest, Australia

Are you a Guide| I don't have the time with the current positions I hold but I wouldn't mind helping here.
Any previous town management experience?| SIC of odyssey and manager of Aldenshire and Indar.
Any experience helping new players? | Yes, I have helped many in this past week as I cannot pvp with my current circumstances.
Why do you want to help lead Haven?| Just another enjoyable thing I can do.
Why would Haven want you to lead? | I have many ranks so newbies might want to follow.
What is your play style? | pvp and building.
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? | yup

Tell us about yourself | Not going to write much as its very hard and slow but I am just a person who loves a chat.
Referrals | n/a
Mentor Application:
IGN | Ruger392
Age |16
Location and Time Zone | Eastern TimeZone USA

Are you a Guide| Not being a guide doesn't mean you wont be accepted Not a guide
Any previous town management experience?| Managed DemonsWood which had the most player and 2nd highest town rank, Managed and revived player base in town sentinel, Managed Bosk in Current map :)
Any experience helping new players? | Yes im usually in charge of getting new players started
Why do you want to help lead Haven?| I think, no I know that I will be a great help and service to new players!
Why would Haven want you to lead? | I think im a model player to help, Im currently on a staff team, Never been banned and always willing to lend a head
What is your play style? | Mainly being involved and shaping pvp town(s) that im in but I really want to shift over to pve. I also enjoy gathering resources
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? | ts3 yes mic not at the moment

Tell us about yourself | Current flying penguin and entrepreneur on the server, willing to lend my resources to new players and do something that has never been done on herocraft :).
Referrals |
Mentor Application:
IGN | carbash420
Age | 30
Location and Time Zone | USA Eastern
Are you a Guide| No, but I am pretty familiar with the way the server works. If I don't have an answer, I know where to find it.
Any previous town management experience?| Yes, some. Prometheus (Haven) I was a manager and Belegost (Bastion) I was a manager.
Any experience helping new players? | Plenty. I always do what I can to help new players learn the ropes.
Why do you want to help lead Haven?| I feel that new players deserve to be welcomed into the community. We can do this by showing them the ropes. If we build a strong foundation of new players, it will make for a better atmosphere for the entire server.
Why would Haven want you to lead? | I am dedicated to the cause. I don't mind helping people. I am pretty patient.
What is your play style? | Laid back. I level, mine, build, and help people. I like the occasional pvp fight (although I am terrible).
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? | I do have TS and a mic.
Tell us about yourself | I like playing minecraft, eating lasagna, and not working.
Referrals | Myself.

Adding you three to the convo. Welcome aboard.


Aug 13, 2011
IGN | Cupcakes_o_death
Age and Gender | 19 M
Location and Time Zone | Indiana Central Time
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic | Yarp
What type of experience do you want | Mostly one where I can find allies and have a chance to figure out this server and whatnot without having my face caved in by high levels.
Tell us about yourself | I played this for a time an age ago (over a year) and had some fun. I was turned away by the sheer hatred there was for new people. I couldnt walk to and from spawn without getting ganked by some max level. After a while it got really old and I left. Im hoping to come back and enjoy the game, I just need some help getting my footing. Other than that im just another gamer with decent experience in a variety of genres.
welcome aboard. Try to talk to one of us ingame so we can get you upt o speed.


Glowing Redstone
Feb 23, 2013
Citizen Introduction:
IGN | HBrules
Age and Gender | 14 And Male
Location and Time Zone | UK and GMT
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic | Mic and Teamspeak
What type of experience do you want | I want a friendly community to join and make some friends on the server so I'm not alone. Also, I hope to be able to help people out by just giving them information on classes and stuff, as well as showing them good ways to level, good ways to make souls etc...
Tell us about yourself | I feel I'm pretty mature for my age, I'm not the stereotypical screechy 14 year old that you want to punch in the face every time they speak who calls "H4X0R!" whenever they lose and start going into a swearing fit. I normally have a chilled attitude towards everything, no matter the situation. Im reliable to get something done (most of the time) and fairly active. Basically just looking for a fun time and a place to meet new friends and grow stronger.


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
Citizen Introduction:
IGN | HBrules
Age and Gender | 14 And Male
Location and Time Zone | UK and GMT
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic | Mic and Teamspeak
What type of experience do you want | I want a friendly community to join and make some friends on the server so I'm not alone. Also, I hope to be able to help people out by just giving them information on classes and stuff, as well as showing them good ways to level, good ways to make souls etc...
Tell us about yourself | I feel I'm pretty mature for my age, I'm not the stereotypical screechy 14 year old that you want to punch in the face every time they speak who calls "H4X0R!" whenever they lose and start going into a swearing fit. I normally have a chilled attitude towards everything, no matter the situation. Im reliable to get something done (most of the time) and fairly active. Basically just looking for a fun time and a place to meet new friends and grow stronger.
Welcome aboard! Get with a mentor in game to get set up!


Aug 21, 2014
IGN | _D4sssy_
Age and Gender | 14 Male
Location and Time Zone | London, GMT
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic | No, because of current irl circumstances.
What type of experience do you want | I just want experience in general! I feel the need to extensively know everything before I go out on my own :)
Tell us about yourself | I'm a happy go lucky kinda guy, if I die then I die! I'll just go back and get my stuff! (albeit with a little personal swearing rant :p) I'm not a person to PK or hold a grudge.(unless they start it) I'm actually very nice!!


Glowing Redstone
Jan 8, 2013
IGN | Docxm7
Age | 17
Location and Time Zone | UTC +10
Are you a Guide| Not being a guide doesn't mean you wont be accepted| No
Any previous town management experience?| No
Any experience helping new players? | Yes
Why do you want to help lead Haven?| A lot of people are pretty rude on this server. Thus, most new people quit early. I've experienced this and it is not fun.
Why would Haven want you to lead? | Because I am helpful and very active!
What is your play style? | Summon a totem and run around it til everything dies
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? | Yes
Tell us about yourself | I am 1 out of 3 people from Guam who've played herocraft
Referrals | The Region!


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 15, 2012
IGN | _D4sssy_
Age and Gender | 14 Male
Location and Time Zone | London, GMT
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic | No, because of current irl circumstances.
What type of experience do you want | I just want experience in general! I feel the need to extensively know everything before I go out on my own :)
Tell us about yourself | I'm a happy go lucky kinda guy, if I die then I die! I'll just go back and get my stuff! (albeit with a little personal swearing rant :p) I'm not a person to PK or hold a grudge.(unless they start it) I'm actually very nice!!
Welcome to CobbleDumperTon, D4.

IGN | Docxm7
Age | 17
Location and Time Zone | UTC +10

Are you a Guide| Not being a guide doesn't mean you wont be accepted| No
Any previous town management experience?| No
Any experience helping new players? | Yes
Why do you want to help lead Haven?| A lot of people are pretty rude on this server. Thus, most new people quit early. I've experienced this and it is not fun.
Why would Haven want you to lead? | Because I am helpful and very active!
What is your play style? | Summon a totem and run around it til everything dies
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? | Yes

Tell us about yourself | I am 1 out of 3 people from Guam who've played herocraft
Referrals | The Region!
Good to have you on board, Docxm!


Legacy Supporter 9
Dec 29, 2012
Indianapolis IN
IGN | Pietro011
Age | 24 going on 25
Location and Time Zone | USA EST
Are you a Guide| Not Yet
Any previous town management experience?| Yes. Canada Blue's Town in Bastion and Silverspring in this map
Any experience helping new players? | I have an unofficial town named Pretora North east of spawn where we house a number of personal residences so noone loses their things.
Why do you want to help lead Haven?| Last maps I was the hero wannabe who wants to make gankers go away...but that didn't go well. Not that i've learned those lessons, I hope to make a better name of myself within Herocraft and use my knowledge and pure awesomeness that makes Pietro all the more fun for everyone else.
Why would Haven want you to lead? | Because I'm Pietro and everyone loves Pietro...whether they want to admit it or not.
What is your play style? | usually solo
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? | Yes. I'm usually in Silverspring's chat
Tell us about yourself | I'm Pietro. The man of awesome ;) .
Referrals | ruger392


Aug 13, 2011
IGN | Pietro011
Age | 24 going on 25
Location and Time Zone | USA EST

Are you a Guide| Not Yet
Any previous town management experience?| Yes. Canada Blue's Town in Bastion and Silverspring in this map
Any experience helping new players? | I have an unofficial town named Pretora North east of spawn where we house a number of personal residences so noone loses their things.
Why do you want to help lead Haven?| Last maps I was the hero wannabe who wants to make gankers go away...but that didn't go well. Not that i've learned those lessons, I hope to make a better name of myself within Herocraft and use my knowledge and pure awesomeness that makes Pietro all the more fun for everyone else.
Why would Haven want you to lead? | Because I'm Pietro and everyone loves Pietro...whether they want to admit it or not.
What is your play style? | usually solo
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? | Yes. I'm usually in Silverspring's chat

Tell us about yourself | I'm Pietro. The man of awesome ;) .
Referrals | ruger392

I'm very cautious about you. I'm not sure if your actual reason is to help or just to cause problems. With how the community views you and some of our mentors who view you. I'm not saying it's a no, but it's not a yes yet.
Mar 1, 2014
Citizen Application:
IGN | SnakeEyes14698

Age and Gender | 16 - Male
Location and Time Zone | USA - EST
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic | Yes
What type of experience do you want | I just want a friendly community that helps each other
Tell us about yourself | I love music and games, not much more to say. :cool:


Legacy Supporter 9
Dec 29, 2012
Indianapolis IN
I'm very cautious about you. I'm not sure if your actual reason is to help or just to cause problems. With how the community views you and some of our mentors who view you. I'm not saying it's a no, but it's not a yes yet.

I'm not here to cause problems and you know that. You wanted to stir things up with me a week ago and you ended up with a warning. This is meant to be professional here. Don't make it a rage fest.


Aug 13, 2011
I'm not here to cause problems and you know that. You wanted to stir things up with me a week ago and you ended up with a warning. This is meant to be professional here. Don't make it a rage fest.
It's not a rage fest. I messed up with the rulings and I already admitted that. I'm going off of how I see your personailty and how the community views you. Like I said, it's not a no or a yes yet.


Aug 13, 2011
Citizen Application:
IGN | SnakeEyes14698
Age and Gender | 16 - Male
Location and Time Zone | USA - EST
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic | Yes
What type of experience do you want | I just want a friendly community that helps each other
Tell us about yourself | I love music and games, not much more to say. :cool:

Welcome, please get with a manger or mentor in game


Glowing Redstone
Oct 18, 2013
The 7th Circle of Hell
IGN | Edenios
Age and Gender | 15, Male
Location and Time Zone | Akron Oh. EST
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic | Yes
What type of experience do you want |Building, Developing Server Skills
Tell us about yourself | My favorite building material is Stone Bricks. I love Sci-Fi like Doctor Who, foreign entertainment, and anime.