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[City] Skyforge [36]


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 16, 2011
Oslo, Norway
RE: The City of Skyforge

So its all about adding the right names to the permission list for that realm? Nice, sounds like a good system.

btw, there is a "town" that is trying to found itself very close to our city. It calls itself atlantis or something like that and is out in the water south of the city. I dont know if admins or something keep their eyes open when new towns are founded, if they do there is nothing to worry about since the new town will just be refused official town status, however if it was allowed to become a town it could cause a lot of trouble for us when the rings start to collide.


Jan 14, 2011
RE: The City of Skyforge

Aw man, I was planning a harbor there if our future rings reached that area. Since we were here first I guess we could just "claim" it later on?


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 12, 2011
RE: The City of Skyforge

They can't even build there, since it's within 100 blocks of our rings. I have no idea what that guy was thinking when he set down there; it's ridiculous, especially considering how much space the server has.

I took down his city center sign, and put up one saying he is not allowed to build there. He's also too close to Blasphemy, and I can't see those guys letting them build anything there. If the cobble platform out there bothers anyone feel free to tear it down.

Also, keep me posted if you get PK'd by anyone from Blasphemy, or if you PK one of them. I want to know how much combat is going on so I can recruit adequate forces! Spongiform is often seen on our doorstep. Remember to be respectful even if you do get PK'd, this is just a game and they've always shown respect to us. I'm talking to Saber, the mayor of Fiore, about getting patrols set up. We should build a military outpost and assign some official KoE Guardsmen, I think.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 16, 2011
Oslo, Norway
RE: The City of Skyforge

now that we are a part of the kingdom KoE, Kainzo is going to mark the border of the kingdom with som epylons or something. then we can build walls around the kingdom legally which will save potential patrols a lot of time. Also when we are working on the wall, we should stay together in a group of several people. A group is a lot harder to PK than a single unarmored guy.

btw, I think it just brings more fun to the game that one can be PKed out in the wild.

EDIT: I took some screenshots of SkyForge. Figured you'd like to see them.

Below the stairs to town.

SkyForge gatehouse

my house =D

SkyForge town hall. (plus Cyber visiting ^^)

Bottom of stairs again, now a bit more zoomed out.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 12, 2011
RE: The Town of Skyforge

Nice pics, man.

Yeah, we've got to start on that wall and get those pylons up. You can bet Blasphemy will try to hassle us, but it's gonna be a group project anyways. We also need a town wall set up on the ground level around Skyforge, albeit a small one.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 16, 2011
Oslo, Norway
RE: The Town of Skyforge

I suggest we build the small wall in half steps. I like our "theme" of having loads of half steps. (eg. pathways, entrance monuments, gatehouse "heart" and town hall.)

One thing though, should we level the terrain somewhat in a circla before building that wall? since there are some hills and mountains on the south and west side of town that could pose some problems. Or should we let the wall follow the terrain? (like the chinese wall)


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 22, 2011
United Kingdom
RE: The Town of Skyforge

Diavolo1988 said:
I suggest we build the small wall in half steps. I like our "theme" of having loads of half steps. (eg. pathways, entrance monuments, gatehouse "heart" and town hall.)

One thing though, should we level the terrain somewhat in a circla before building that wall? since there are some hills and mountains on the south and west side of town that could pose some problems. Or should we let the wall follow the terrain? (like the chinese wall)

I reckon that is should be made of many materials (smooth stone, half steps, mabye some wool to add a cloud feeling?) But any way I reckon the walls should connect to Diavolo's 'monument'. Just giving my opinion and Diavolo where did you get that awsome signature? I want it! ^^


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 12, 2011
RE: The Town of Skyforge

Don't forget we have standstone, too. Maybe we can vary what the wall is made of depending on the terrain, since we have hills, a lake, plains and desert.

Dyes can be used as well, just keep in mind that some are much more difficult to acquire than others. Lapis Lazuli can be sold to DHX for 10c each!


Jan 12, 2011
RE: The Town of Skyforge

Capn_Danger said:
Nice pics, man.

Yeah, we've got to start on that wall and get those pylons up. You can bet Blasphemy will try to hassle us, but it's gonna be a group project anyways. We also need a town wall set up on the ground level around Skyforge, albeit a small one.

Actually, Already worked out a "deal" With Saber to let eacother's pylons go up in peace.

just the pylons, wall... not so much =P


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 16, 2011
Oslo, Norway
RE: The Town of Skyforge

hehe, I actually thought that Kainzo would build the pylons for us to mark the border. (like the rings are made by mods/admins) The walls we are planning right now are the ones one the border to SkyForge, they are pretty safe to build since its illegal to kill us within the borders of the town.

however, the wall around KoE sure will be an interesting project... guess the casualties will be many unless we do a very good job on guards and building together in a big group.

@AfroDave: I made the signature from one of the screenshots I took. If you want it too, just put this in your signature field:


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 14, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
RE: The Town of Skyforge

I'm all in for helping with wall and pylon building!

I know my redstone project is in the way of the town wall and I will move it A.S.A.P. to probably an underground computer so not to take up land space. Also Applying for Skyforge Guardsmen. Time to crack down on our border >:D

Also, on a note, I'll be rebuilding my Airship to a more "ship" design over the "fishy" way it looks now. Also suggesting that skyforge get a giant "flagship" of sorts.

See you all in game!

(also the half-stone theme is noted and I will incorporate it into all future projects)


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 12, 2011
RE: The Town of Skyforge

The casino isn't in the way, we'll be getting city status any day now. It's only 3000 coins, instead of 5000. If you want to send donations my way feel free.

Besides that, we're allowed to build anywhere within KoE borders now, as long as Saber is ok with it. We'll go ahead and start the walls at 100 radius out from town center.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 12, 2011
RE: The Town of Skyforge


Created the Town Council, which is OrangeAngel, Diavolo1988, AfroDave and Quadzpha. These guys have all been very active in town, have done a lot to make Skyforge what it is, and are all-around swell dudes.

Councilmen can stand in for the Baron or SIC when they are not present, and have a degree of authority in town business. We will probably end up giving each councilman a district of the city that they are in charge of.

They can perform banking duties, assign lots, swear in new citizens, make decisions regarding town projects and public works, coordinate town defense, and represent Skyforge to other towns. They will also communicate any issues that need attention to the Baron or SIC.

The other item of interest is plot cleanup. There are some plots that have not been fully utilized, I will mail people who need to do some more work with their plot and give them a week to start improvements. If I don't hear back I will have to tear the plot down and open it for new citizens. I have already taken down one plot earlier today, so the plot next to the bank is now open.

If anyone needs more time than a week, just PM me. Anyone who gets their plot torn down is still a citizen in good standing, and can have a new plot assigned by asking any council member.

Rock on Skyforge!


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 16, 2011
Oslo, Norway
RE: The Town of Skyforge

Sounds great Capn. About the plots, during the dirt layer removal I have been adding "island bottoms" on the plots that were lacking that before removing the dirt below, since its very hard to make a nice looking bottom without the dirt layer to stand on.

About wall, I have started with a bit wall in the east direction. Have only made it 2 blocks wide so far and not very long yet, since its hard to know how much the wall should curve. Anyone has any tips for determining that?


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 12, 2011
RE: The Town of Skyforge

Diavolo1988 said:
Sounds great Capn. About the plots, during the dirt layer removal I have been adding "island bottoms" on the plots that were lacking that before removing the dirt below, since its very hard to make a nice looking bottom without the dirt layer to stand on.

About wall, I have started with a bit wall in the east direction. Have only made it 2 blocks wide so far and not very long yet, since its hard to know how much the wall should curve. Anyone has any tips for determining that?

Yeah, it's best if we leave the dirt layer underneath a plot until the underside is finished. The dirt islands look awesome, but they don't all need dirt islands if someone wants to do something different.

You can use MS Paint on the highest zoom to draw a circle for reference, then print it out or keep it open in another window. 1 pixel = 1 block.

We'll be getting our city ring soon, as I have 1900c right now. I was thinking to build the wall around radius 100, but let me talk with Raetac and Saber since we are going for Capital size. We may want to build the wall at 150 radius, even.

The wall doesn't need to be completely circular, it's okay if windows around terrain a bit.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 12, 2011
RE: The Town of Skyforge

AfroDave said:
Three new editions to our town:



Rocket Montage

Thats awesome Dave, and welcome to our new citizens. We now have the citizens needed for Capital status, once we have the coin.

I will have to prune some names from the roster that I haven't seen in a while. I'm going to PM them and give them a week to get back to me.


Jan 14, 2011
RE: The Town of Skyforge

The long break kinda made me lose interest :(
I'll try to force myself back lolz


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 16, 2011
Oslo, Norway

hehe, fire3 you just have to come visit SkyForge one time to make you wanna keep playing minecraft. The city sure is starting to look awesome now!

here are some more screenshots:

New plots and Capn's Airship

FuckingSoup's bowl

View over lower town. (Where it says COBBLES there is a casino, a roulette-like game! =D)