- Joined
- Feb 5, 2011

Next Tax Due Date: 8/01/11
Payment #1: Week of 7/3
Paid: @Apherdite (approx. 10:30pm CST, 06/30/11)
Payment #2: Week of 7/10
Paid: @Kainzo (approx. 3:35pm CST, 07/12/11)
Payment #3: Week of 7/17
Paid: @Kainzo (approx. 3:35pm CST, 07/12/11)
Payment #4: Week of 7/24
Paid: @Kainzo (approx. 12:08am CST, 07/26/11)
Payment #5: Week of 7/31
Paid: @Kainzo (approx. 11:38am CST, 08/01/11) via Malphugus
Paid: @Apherdite (approx. 10:30pm CST, 06/30/11)
Payment #2: Week of 7/10
Paid: @Kainzo (approx. 3:35pm CST, 07/12/11)
Payment #3: Week of 7/17
Paid: @Kainzo (approx. 3:35pm CST, 07/12/11)
Payment #4: Week of 7/24
Paid: @Kainzo (approx. 12:08am CST, 07/26/11)
Payment #5: Week of 7/31
Paid: @Kainzo (approx. 11:38am CST, 08/01/11) via Malphugus
Mayor: Strongholdx
Second in Commands: Malphugus
Official Town Banker: iHazBryn
Location of Town: 0,800
Charter Signatures:
2. Malphugus (GC Crafter)*
3. Ruethian (GC Rogue)*
4. Strongholdx (GC)*
5. iHazBryn (GC Warrior)*
7. jwplayer0 (GC)*
8. Welkyr (GC Healer)*
9. Matt5327(GC)*
10. Look_Out
11. jmoney222
12. Deltacraft
13. LordDracon
14. Bclass
15. Remixed89
16. lax12
17. sacapuntas
18. overall6
19. Jmex
20. Eltrion
21. jrdiver
22. Jorict
23. Klisters
24. onep
25. xFuZe
26. Hanpeter77
27. Valyou3
28. AlexDaParrot
29. Truecorruptor
30. Amartin99999
31. xNTKx
32. BigDates
33. Malmenca
*GC = Grand Council
Please PM Your App to Strongholdx
1: Follow All Server Rules
-This is possibly the most important rule, plus its the easiest to follow. Read the Server Rules, Understand them and then do as they say. If you are caught breaking the rules and are banned you will receive no pity nor help. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED-
2: Listen to the Grand Council
-Ironpass has a government made up of 9 Council members who rule over their respective parts of the city. Ironpass is cut into 4 districts (and a fifth underground) representing each of the five classes that you can choose. Each district has a representative that is part of the Grand Council. The governmental process will be explained in depth later, but remember the council's word is law-
3: Do not attack unless provoked
-We'd like to remain a Neutral/Good town, this requires keeping mutual relations with as many other people as possible. Random raids and attacks on other people will NOT be tolerated unless we have been attacked first. The rule of thumb is that if one person attacks you (Or the town) you may hunt and kill them and only them - but if you (or the town) are attacked by a group greater than three people you may attack their city after consent from a council member-
4: Build only in your plot
-You will be given a plot for free in the district that you represent (Ex: Caster goes in the Casters District) You are to build there and only there unless given permission to do so by the Grand Council. Each District sets its own build limits and they have Noble Plots for sale that they also set prices on. Speak to your district leader for more information-
5: Keep town leaders informed
-We're not particularly fond of loosing town members, not many people are. If you are offline for more than two weeks you will be marked as inactive, items removed, and evicted from your house. If you are going somewhere for a while/ grounded/ sick/ whatever, make sure to tell someone from the Grand Council, even leave us a note, or send me a PM. This way we'll know whether or not you're coming back; If we know you're gone we won't have to remove you. NOTE: WE WILL remove your name from the Town List after two weeks, however we will not remove your house/items until after 1 Month IF YOU HAVE TOLD US YOU'RE GOING TO BE GONE. If you don't tell us, we will remove your house/ name/ items all after two weeks.-
6: Be nice
-Give Respect, Get Respect-
Please PM Your App to Strongholdx
Interested in joining Ironpass? Here's how!
-To Apply to Join IronPass Please Fill Out the Following App and PM it to Strongholdx on these Forums.
AS PER SERVER RULES: You must have been on the server for a MINIMUM of three days before joining Ironpass.
- In-game name:
- Location or Timezone:
- Age (optional):
- How Long have you been playing Minecraft?
- How Long have you been playing Herocraft?
- Previous Towns:
- Referral(s):
- Reason you chose IronPass:
(to pm Click inbox, create a new conversation, and title your app <In-game Name> - IronPass App)