Can there be an update post, talking about our towns future plans, timeframe, and what materials/credits it will require?

I think everyone may chip in a lot more if there was a clear objective to be had. I've only been familiarized with certain things through brief conversations over teamspeak, and it was hardly organized to refer back to.
Agreed. Ive been slacking on this!
However, I would like to take the opportunity to extend an offer to help me come up with something. All objectives will have to be approved by the Grand Council, but I currently lack the time to hash this out. But let me try:
In a nutshell:
Current Ambitions:
First Kingdom on the map! Lets see I.R.O.N. Kingdom continue to awe the entire server, as it has always.
We need more leadership! Talk to a member of the Grand Council for your opportunity to rise through the ranks!
Individual Town Goals:
Ironpass: Pending massive Citizen Audit damages, we should consider quickly moving towards Capitol. I would like to set a tentative deadline of July 24. We only require coins.
Stahl-Tor: A couple more citizens to pad the list. Ask Kaosi for a more detailed Town Objectives list.
Falkreath: Newest to the I.R.O.N. Kingdom! We need around 5 cits to fill out this town's required roster.
THIS IS A TOP PRIORITY lest the town lose its rings at the next cit audit! We need volunteers to start recruiting for this town. All successful recruits to Falkreath will be HEAVILY rewarded by the Grand Council.
PVP Town: Aside from an obvious need for a name, this town needs the most work. I take a personal interest in getting this town up and running by this weekend. My reasons for pushing this town forward are these:
1. Rings are required to bring Falkreath into range for Kingdom status. No PVP town, no Kingdom.
2. All PVP based new recruits will be required a short Conscript service into the Ironpass Army (name under construction) This town will be a MAJOR draw for PVP players. We desperately need more available security forces under our command.
3. PVP town is badass. Although governed by the Mayor, as well as overwatched by the Grand Council, PVP town will be given a license to kill. A short list of rules protect friendly towns and allies of I.R.O.N. Kingdom, from the inevitable devastation this town wields.
My personal goals as Mayor:
I need to construct a formal list of allies, and Non-aggression pacts.