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[City] [Halvalor] [20] {Neutral}

Sep 12, 2011
WOW! Have you guys all played on the same server previously? Haha, welcome to our city andrewh_11. Me or someone else will region you asap


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 28, 2011
once all the walls and roads and crap are done, I have an awesome idea

we get red skins and blue skins, and an even number of each gets on different sides of a field, and runs at eachother braveheart style and fights to the death. like a friendly competition between Hal and Val, with the winners getting a prize and everybody else watching
Sep 12, 2011
That sounds awesome! the only prob would be getting everybody/enough people on at the same time. But yeah we could make a whole battlefield and everything. Maybe restrict to only using fists too


Oct 11, 2011
Maybe we could make a large arena for it. Schedule the battles athe same time and day every week or month. Just throwing ideas out there...


Aug 27, 2011
1: What is your IGN (case sensitive)? Trollateder​
2: How long have you played MC? HC? Since Survival Test​
3: How old are you? 16​
4: How often do you play in a week? Ehh about 24 hours​
5: Why do you want to join Halvalor?4 of my friends live in it​
6: What class are you? Future spec plans? Caster, Becoming necromancer​
7: Are you ok with a 15c tax requirement each week? (Yes, required) Yes​
8: Did you know you can vote for taxes for 5c a day at Tiny.cc/herocraft? Yes​
9: What is our township rule #6? 1: No stealing, greifing, or trolling.
2: Contribute to the town regularly by lending resources or helping with projects.
3. Do not make personal mines inside town.
4: Stay active (2 weeks of inactivity will result in being kicked)
5: Do not snoop in others houses. This does not apply to mayor, SiC, or if you have real life relations to the player.


Aug 27, 2011
1: What is your IGN (case sensitive)? Trollateder​
2: How long have you played MC? HC? Since Survival Test​
3: How old are you? 13​
4: How often do you play in a week? Ehh about 24 hours​
5: Why do you want to join Halvalor?4 of my friends live in it​
6: What class are you? Future spec plans? Caster, Becoming necromancer​
7: Are you ok with a 15c tax requirement each week? (Yes, required) Yes​
8: Did you know you can vote for taxes for 5c a day at Tiny.cc/herocraft? Yes​
9: What is our township rule #6?Read all rules​
Sep 12, 2011
alexhoff1 has been removed from town - Causing trouble, not contributing to town, and not meshing with the town. Also because of this conversation:
Me: "Hey alex can you come help with [town project]?"
alexhoff1: "no"
Me: "Why not?"
alexhoff1: "bcuz i dont like u"
:eek: Yeahhh.. I wouldn't encourage saying that to your mayor

911chandler has been removed from town - Guilt by association (Friends IRL with alexhoff1)
Sorry chandler :( Contact me in game and I'll let you go through your house and shop to get your stuff back.


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 28, 2011
chandler was a nice enough guy, but the risk is too great. he did however have like a house, a shop, and his "bank" should free up some land, we can demo after he gets his things I suppose.


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 28, 2011
Wall Update!!!!

the wall is complete in the sense that it closes in the town above ground, there are still places we need to make it go down to prevent people from going in through water areas, in the meantime those will be closed off by dirt.

The old wall is 1/2 torn down, town members can remove the rest if they want to help.

After the wall is removed, I will survey and decide how to best place the new roads, begin demo/construction of those.

That will be done in sections so it isn't as much of a "sorry for our mess" as the wall was. After the roads on the outside are done, i'm gonna flatten and make the hills look more natural and pretty.

Then I will begin work on removing roads that the new square road made obsolete, and making pathways from the square road straight to town hall.

After all this is done I'd like to section off the new land for future plots.


Aug 30, 2011
Wall Update!!!!

the wall is complete in the sense that it closes in the town above ground, there are still places we need to make it go down to prevent people from going in through water areas, in the meantime those will be closed off by dirt.

The old wall is 1/2 torn down, town members can remove the rest if they want to help.

After the wall is removed, I will survey and decide how to best place the new roads, begin demo/construction of those.

That will be done in sections so it isn't as much of a "sorry for our mess" as the wall was. After the roads on the outside are done, i'm gonna flatten and make the hills look more natural and pretty.

Then I will begin work on removing roads that the new square road made obsolete, and making pathways from the square road straight to town hall.

After all this is done I'd like to section off the new land for future plots.

We need a roof, or some other method of dragoon-proofing the place. Will probably be less of an issue when we remove the sign-operated gates so they can't let more people in.


Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 28, 2011
Kentucky, USA
Angel, we have addressed the dragoon-proofing issue - I have a design to prevent that and make it impossible to get over the wall without glitching. Currently the wall goes up to about 9 blocks below the top of the map. I will be putting a platform up at the top that goes inward a few blocks, and then a smaller inner wall that goes up from there to the top of the map. The current outer wall is already 4-5+ blocks inside of the region - but even if they somehow manage to get up there, it will be impossible to get over the next section. And yeah, I think we just need to get rid of the sign-gates completely.
Sep 12, 2011
To be honest we need LWC doors, but thats a different issue. Can't dragoons jump 10 blocks? I'm not sure on that though


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 28, 2011
if a fence is on top of the wall at map height, I don't think they could get over it, we need to build a test section and get a dragoon to try his damdest to get over it, but I think we are good