1: What is your IGN (case sensitive)?getcrazy
2: How long have you played MC? HC?minecraft about a year herocraft 2 weeks
3: How old are you?19
4: Why do you want to join Halvalor? (How did you hear about us? What can you contribute? Why should we accept you?)i heard about in ch re and was interested i can contribute by helping out citzensaround town i am always loyal to the town i live in and will stay beside them in good and bad I think you should accept me because of my always happy attitude im never made and im very forgiving most of all i love to hang out with everyone around me
5: Who are your personal friends/allies in Herocraft?one of my friends in hc is huipie and kingbob1 we go hunting and ming together quite a bit
6: What class are you? Future spec plans?caster and i plan to become a wizard
7: Are you ok with a 15c tax requirement each week? (Yes, required)yep and i may be extra most of the time because i feel like im a boss and im better than the requirment
8: Did you know you can vote for 6c a day at Tiny.cc/herocraft?yes i did i vote from time to time
9: Have you read our rules?yes