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[City] [Halvalor] [20] {Neutral}

Sep 12, 2011
See, that's the thing. You want friendly, communicative members, and so do I, and most of the other towns don't really say or do anything about that. This is the first one that has. I can already see from your 23 pages of applications and refusals, comments and criticism to and from this town, that you are only accepting the ones who can offer you the most in terms of usefulness, friendliness, and communicability - as stated above. I believe I can be one of these people, as I'm fairly good at resource gathering, fighting, exploring or anything else that is adventurous, though mining and fighting are my favourites. I want a lively, exciting town that I have a lot to offer to, and that has a lot to offer me, and I know that this is the town.

P.S. I heard of this town from the Official Townships forum. =D

So yeah, I hope you will acknowledge me, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Might want to check your birth certificate, because I'm pretty sure you're not 13. Haha :) Welcome to Halvalor!


Oct 29, 2011
1: What is your IGN (case sensitive)? Seidrina
2: How long have you played MC? HC? I haven't
3: How old are you? over 21 but younger than 30 ^.^
4: How often do you play in a week? I haven't played but I plan on playing a few times a week.
5: Why do you want to join Halvalor? I have IRL friends on this server who insisted I played.
6: Who do you know IRL that's already in town (if anyone)? Keysor, Plasma, Lastivity and Perkins
7: What class are you? Future spec plans? not decided.
8: Are you ok with a 15c tax requirement each week? (Yes, required) Yes
9: Did you know you can vote for taxes for 5c a day at Tiny.cc/herocraft? Yes
Keysor explained it.
10: What is our township rule #6? All the server rules


Aug 5, 2011
Welcome Cubey and Seidrina!
P.S. Cubey you made the right choice for going Ranger. (Im a 50 Ranger :))
Sep 12, 2011
does that mean I'm in? -_-

And also, what do you mean?

For being 13, you're very well spoken and mature compared to other 13 year olds I've seen on this server!

Yes you're in! Join /ch hal and I'm sure there will be some kind people that will chat with ya and give you a tour in town. As for a plot, ask a city architect.


Oct 29, 2011
For being 13, you're very well spoken and mature compared to other 13 year olds I've seen on this server!

Yes you're in! Join /ch hal and I'm sure there will be some kind people that will chat with ya and give you a tour in town. As for a plot, ask a city architect.
Haha being part of an advanced studies class, and touching university level material, talking like that isn't that hard. I think all of these essays have broken my brain.


Oct 29, 2011
1: What is your IGN (case sensitive)?: Kevvanb​
2: How long have you played MC? HC?: MC: 1 year HC: Just 1 day but I know how the heroes plugin works.​
3: How old are you? 13​
4: Why do you want to join Halvalor? (How did you hear about us? What can you contribute? Why should we accept you?): I want to join Halvalor because the people in this town are soo nice....and then I want some friend to play with! :D Im a pretty good builder and yea....very good pvp:er and a very good friend ...so yea . i think this town/city will be very good for me.U should accept me becuse Im a very good minecraft player and I love to play with some frineds.​
5: Who are your personal friends/allies in Herocraft?: I dont have any personal friends on this server yet but i'll make them join :D
6: What class are you? Future spec plans?: Im a Warrior and I dont know what spec I should be in the future.​
7: Are you ok with a 15c tax requirement each week? (Yes, required) Yes ofcourse, I'll vote daily soo i get much c.​
8: Did you know you can vote for 6c a day at Tiny.cc/herocraft?: yea! :D


Aug 5, 2011
1: What is your IGN (case sensitive)?: Kevvanb​
2: How long have you played MC? HC?: MC: 1 year HC: Just 1 day but I know how the heroes plugin works.​
3: How old are you? 13​
4: Why do you want to join Halvalor? (How did you hear about us? What can you contribute? Why should we accept you?): I want to join Halvalor because the people in this town are soo nice....and then I want some friend to play with! :D Im a pretty good builder and yea....very good pvp:er and a very good friend ...so yea . i think this town/city will be very good for me.U should accept me becuse Im a very good minecraft player and I love to play with some frineds.​
5: Who are your personal friends/allies in Herocraft?: I dont have any personal friends on this server yet but i'll make them join :D
6: What class are you? Future spec plans?: Im a Warrior and I dont know what spec I should be in the future.​
7: Are you ok with a 15c tax requirement each week? (Yes, required) Yes ofcourse, I'll vote daily soo i get much c.​
8: Did you know you can vote for 6c a day at Tiny.cc/herocraft?: yea! :D

Sorry Kevvanb but its going to have to be a no :( Good luck in Herocraft!


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 28, 2011
ah memories...... this is when jinder invaded and Toad, Sadikyo and I had him cornered in the non pvp area..... he was in there like a coward until toad gave him a little water to help him consider his actions.




Sep 23, 2011
I never liked jinder and was always suspicious of him. Stealing from fellow kinsmen, and raiding the city after being kicked certainly proved my suspicions true. Was this before or after he joined Spire??


Sep 23, 2011
Wow, was he kicked from Spire for doing so? I've seen on their page that they are'nt supposed to raid us.


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 28, 2011
I guess no, but persist3nce told us just to KOS him and he is member of spire too, hahaha, I love that he's in spire but still has our back


Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 28, 2011
Kentucky, USA
Ok, Ok.....Everyone has been asking me what happened to the town hall / tower. It's kind of embarrassing, but....here is what REALLY happened:



Glowing Redstone
Apr 6, 2011
Hey guys! The town is really growing fast, haha! Anyway, I'm not gonna be playing too much anymore, i know that I already play very little, but still... I'm gonna focus on other stuff such as trying to learn how to draw and paint (see example below) haha... But don't you guys forget about me, because one day I'LL BE BACK!
