IGN: PewPewPewLasers
Age: 14
Time zone: MDT
What classes are you specializing into: Currently a 60 bard/60 smith, but I've mastered beguiler, wizard, ninja, dragoon, and alchemist.
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: Yup.
How long have you been on HC: Since April 17th, 2011
Why do you want to join: The reasons stated above my application, as well as the fact that 90% of the people in LO I know, are pretty cool. I miss being in LO, the epic raids and stuff we used to do.
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker: Killer without a doubt.
What can you give to us, as a community: For the most part a friendly guy, who likes to PvP, and go on raids.
What towns have you been in: Verstad, Mineris, Braavos, Rangpur
Why did you leave them (if applicable): Oh boy.... I am pretty sure you guys know why I left Verstad, Mineris, and Braavos. Rangpur/TC is for the reasons I have stated throughout this app.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yeah, for sure.
What are one of the requirements for graduating to a full member of town: You need to spec into a class (either crafter or combat), then pay 250c for a plot.
Tell us about yourself: Well, most of the people in LO already know me, whether it be from when I sounded like an 11 year old girl, from the time when my balls semi-dropped.
Referrals: EldryLars
Offline message: Chivalry time!