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[Capitol] [LO] Paragon [34] [Neutral] ☼-Recruiting-☼


Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 10, 2012
IGN: Xythol
Age: 19
Time zone: GMT +08
What classes are you specializing into: Wizard and soon-to-be enchanter.
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: Yes.
How long have you been on HC: Started on 30th march.
Why do you want to join: I have been looking through the forums for a town to join. Paragon stood out the most among the rest of the towns. The way things are organised tells a lot about the management in the town. Also I have met a Paragon member who is very friendly. This is the kind of town I will want to be in!
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker: Killer > talker > miner > builder. Although I don't have much experience in pvping. I would certainly want to join a raid if there is one. I talk more than I mine. And I am not very creative in building things.
What can you give to us, as a community: I will certainly be defending the town if we are being attacked. I will also try my best to do what is expected of me. I can help out in building stuff if being directed as I am not very creative. I am willing to try though.
What towns have you been in: Non.
Why did you leave them (if applicable): Non.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yes
What are one of the requirements for graduating to a full member of town: Buying a plot of land for 250c after staying in the barracks for 1-2 weeks.
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: I find the part of being respectful after a PvP fight most appealing. This shows maturity in the person. This will reflect nicely on the person himself and the town/group he is from.
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: Nope!
Tell us about yourself: I am currently 19 years old and studying about programming. I am quite new to this server but I know that this is a server that I want to stay in. Although playing with another 2 of my friends feels like the server have lots of offer, I am sure that joining a good town will unlock more aspect of this server has to offer.
Referrals: BigTingsGoingOn
What would you like your offline status to be: is resting!
Your app looks good, accepted

I believe the serve that i griefed was a total misunderstanding. As the server was undergoing a major plugin change, claimed lands that would not be able to be griefed was now possible. And because it was a tekkit server, which means that there are many many extremely powerful tools which can be used to remove chunks of blocks used for mining. And i believe that was the cause of my ban. I can reassure you that i will definitely not grief in your capital.

sorry but I do not have any screenshots of my builds as they are in the banned server but this is just one mini build which is on this server and maybe it can show you my style of build? not really pleased with this build due to limited supplies and being afraid of getting griefed. But if you like, you can head down and take a look at the interior :)

What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: playing as a team, raiding as a team, building as a team, fighting as a team and being a team :)

Sounds like it was an accident, so I'll give you a chance, accepted

Talk to me, Eldrylars, midnightstorm67, witchonarampage, or oudaiesty in game to get you set up


Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 10, 2012
IGN: gregerboi
Age: I am 26 years old.
Time zone: GMT +1
What classes are you specializing into: At the moment im lvl 11 rogue, lvl 10 crafter. Have not decided yet what my future specilazations will be.
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: Yes, I am. Yes, I will be.
How long have you been on HC: This is my first week yet, but I am planning on staying. This server is too much fun to pass up on!
Why do you want to join: There are several reasons. Firstly I find paragon to be a good place to recide (at the moment i live in a pvp zone, which is rather.. unhealthy ;'P). Secondly I am in need of protection and some sort of 'family'. Playing solo is not as fun as belonging to something bigger. Thirdly I like the thought of living in the Capitol ;-)
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker: I love to mine and build and socialize. The killing part is quite new to me but I find PvP enjoyable from time to time.
What can you give to us, as a community: I have quite the energy to work on big projects. I love finishing something magnificent and being part of something that is near impossible to do alone.
What towns have you been in: None so far.
Why did you leave them (if applicable): --
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: I believe so, yes.
What are one of the requirements for graduating to a full member of town: To participate in what the town is doing, both in words and action (3.3 in other words :p).
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: The one about being civil during and after PvP, something I find is lacking on the server my self.
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: Not that I know of beforehand.
Tell us about yourself: My name is Wilhelm. I'm a 26 year old engineering student. On my spare time I love playing computer games or playing the guitar. Right now I have been playing a lot of minecraft and SC2: HotS.

I am still quite new to this server so I am trying to learn the ropes and how everything works in this corner of minecraft. Hopefully I will be a positive force and encourage many people toward great deeds in the future.
Referrals: No, I sadly don't know that many players in the servers. The most people I encounter try to kill me. :p
What would you like your offline status to be: brb, irl!

What race do you play in starcraft 2? There's a right and wrong answer

I kid, your app looks good, accepted. I'll send you info, and one of our managers will help set you up.


Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 10, 2012
Time zone:
What classes are you specializing into: AT the moment 60 Samurai /25 Smith but i have masterd Dreadknight Paladin
Beguiler Wizard Disciple and Alchemist
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: Yep
How long have you been on HC: 1 year and 8 months
Why do you want to join: I want join in the town Paragon beacuse the guys can PvP are active and they are friendly
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker: Killer
What can you give to us, as a community:I can Raid with you guys and can give items when you need it
What towns have you been in:Eclipse Malkier Mineris Underwould Jericho
Why did you leave them (if applicable):I leaved because the town is inactive and dont play herocraft
Do you understand and agree to all town rules:Yes
What are one of the requirements for graduating to a full member of town:Specing
Tell us about yourself: Im from Germany im a active player and love to pvp
Referrals:Midnight_Strom67 Da_burg
What would you like your offline status to be:Bye Bye Noob!

You have applied and then proceed to attack our new players, which doesn't paint your intentions in a good light.

Oct 24, 2012
IGN: My in-game name is xXNeoKevinXx
Age: I'm 16 years Old
Time zone
Atlantic Time zone
What classes are you specializing into: I'm gonna try Rogue [Ranger]
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: Nope, I don't have it :p
How long have you been on HC: Like 1 day ago.
Why do you want to join: I don't have a Town and you guys seems to be active, I really want to join u guys.
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker: I'm builder, miner, killer, and talker lol
What can you give to us, as a community: A great and active member, I can raid, build, mine and I love to help other ppl.
What towns have you been in: None
Why did you leave them (if applicable): N/A
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yes, I agree and understand them.
What are one of the requirements for graduating to a full member of town: I must master a path, and choose a specialitation!
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: Team, lol fighting as a team building as a team, ect.
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: Nope
Tell us about yourself: Well, I'm from Puerto Rico, I speak spanish and english as well, and I enjoy playing Minecraft ^^ [I don't know what more to say.]
What would you like your offline status to be: Is invisible


Feb 20, 2012
IGN: TheXtreme1
Age: 18
Time zone: CST
What classes are you specializing into: I have already picked Dragoon and am planning on picking Smith.
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: I have teampseak and a mic. I haven't used it with with this server yet but would be glad to.
How long have you been on HC: I applied a long time ago but never got into it, me and a friend recently started back into it.
Why do you want to join: Me and my friend (Fathom) are looking for a safer spot than our little base and to have more people to work with.
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker: I do a little of everything but I prefer not to mine overly much.
What can you give to us, as a community: I suppose just as much as any other person. I can't do anything amazing so all I can really give is another good member to your community.
What towns have you been in: None
Why did you leave them (if applicable): N/A
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yes.
What are one of the requirements for graduating to a full member of town: Buy a plot
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: The whole of the "Be a good sport" one of my favorite things on games is when you can have as much fun with your enemies as you can with your friends.
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: None that I can see.
Tell us about yourself: I have been playing Minecraft since shortly after it came out of Infdev. I even had a PvP server way back at some point in alpha. I have been playing this game on and off ever since, usually in a PvP environment.
Referrals: Not really a referral but I used to play on a server for a long time with a town member of yours, turkaderk.
What would you like your offline status to be: Is Going Rogue


Feb 14, 2012
IGN: Fathom
Age: 19
Time zone: Central Standard Time
What classes are you specializing into: Ranger for now, possibly Miner, Enchanter, Smith. I'm a few levels away from mastering Crafter and I'm a 21 Ranger
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: Yes I have Teamspeak and a mic
How long have you been on HC: Technically over a year, but only really got into the server a few weeks ago.
Why do you want to join: I want to be part of a town, and Paragon seems like a good choice. I want to have larger groups to PvP with as well as mine and build with.
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker: I have a good amount of experience with all of them. I've played on many pvp and rpg servers and even owned a pvp server for a while. I enjoy mining and understand good mining methods. I won't be the guy building giant intricate cathedrals, but I can definitely build things when necessary. As for being a talker, I'm good with communication and helping others when questions arise.
What can you give to us, as a community: I'm a good team player so I'll gladly help out anyone in the town with whatever it may be. I'll help with projects, mining, infrastructure, and gathering various items or coin.
What towns have you been in: None
Why did you leave them (if applicable):
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yes, I've read and gladly agree to the town rules
What are one of the requirements for graduating to a full member of town: Mastering a path, buying a town plot, and being a part of the town community.
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: Respecting the spirit of the rules because I like to have integrity and sportsmanship with PVP and minecraft in general.
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: Nope
Tell us about yourself: I've been playing Minecraft since the beginning of Alpha. I've owned/co-owned (including Admin) of a few servers, one of which was a faction PVP server with an average of 20 players on at a given time. I have a pretty good knowledge of Minecraft. I like playing minecraft in my free time. I can be online pretty often. I enjoy having a good time and learning new things.
Referrals: Not a direct referal, but I've played with turkaderk on a previous server. He's a cool cat.
What would you like your offline status to be: is suckling string cheese


Apr 27, 2013
Age: 23
Time zone: GMT-5
What classes are you specializing into: Wizard and I'm not sure between enchanter or smith.
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: Yes
How long have you been on HC: a week or so
Why do you want to join: I'm looking for a great community that need and other good member :)..
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker: All of the above, I do what you want me to do, I'm frendly and good at PVP.
What can you give to us, as a community: What do you want me to give you? I do what you want me to do and I' always glad to help for free. The only reason I would want money is to pay tax.
What towns have you been in: Amegakure
Why did you leave them (if applicable): I left with other people (Ben..., MikeyThePr0, Rahul4prez) because aome allies killed us and camped at our gate.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yes
What are one of the requirements for graduating to a full member of town: Master a path
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: No killing other LO members in anger nor ignorance.
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: Never
Tell us about yourself: My name is Xavier, I'm a Quebecer (Quebec, Canada) so my first language is french, I'm at the military college to become an infantry officer and I'm always glad to help.
Referrals: Rahul4prez
What would you like your offline status to be: KIA


Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 10, 2012
Age: 23
Time zone: GMT-5
What classes are you specializing into: Wizard and I'm not sure between enchanter or smith.
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: Yes
How long have you been on HC: a week or so
Why do you want to join: I'm looking for a great community that need and other good member :)..
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker: All of the above, I do what you want me to do, I'm frendly and good at PVP.
What can you give to us, as a community: What do you want me to give you? I do what you want me to do and I' always glad to help for free. The only reason I would want money is to pay tax.
What towns have you been in: Amegakure
Why did you leave them (if applicable): I left with other people (Ben..., MikeyThePr0, Rahul4prez) because aome allies killed us and camped at our gate.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yes
What are one of the requirements for graduating to a full member of town: Master a path
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: No killing other LO members in anger nor ignorance.
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: Never
Tell us about yourself: My name is Xavier, I'm a Quebecer (Quebec, Canada) so my first language is french, I'm at the military college to become an infantry officer and I'm always glad to help.
Referrals: Rahul4prez
What would you like your offline status to be: KIA

Your app looks fine, but since rahul pulled out are you still interested in joining?
May 21, 2013
IGN: VanderShizzle
Age: 30
Time zone: eastern usa
What classes are you specializing into: going for wizard and I haven't decided on a profession yet.
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: I could use it without the mic.
How long have you been on HC: less than a week
Why do you want to join: I am just looking for an active community that could use some extra hands.
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker: miner and builder, I could be a killer once my skills are competitive enough.
What can you give to us, as a community: I am an active player that can help with any of the current tasks at hand
What towns have you been in: none
Why did you leave them (if applicable):
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: yes
What are one of the requirements for graduating to a full member of town: mastering a path
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: I like the idea of having allies across the kingdom
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: nope
Tell us about yourself: I am a pretty active player but I am still pretty new to herocraft. I just like having fun with others and I think I could be a good part of the community.
Referrals: I met one of your allies in the desert that said you might be recruiting, I don't remember his full ign, but it ended with usmc. sorry.
What would you like your offline status to be: better have my donuts


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 8, 2012
IGN: VanderShizzle
Age: 30
Time zone: eastern usa
What classes are you specializing into: going for wizard and I haven't decided on a profession yet.
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: I could use it without the mic.
How long have you been on HC: less than a week
Why do you want to join: I am just looking for an active community that could use some extra hands.
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker: miner and builder, I could be a killer once my skills are competitive enough.
What can you give to us, as a community: I am an active player that can help with any of the current tasks at hand
What towns have you been in: none
Why did you leave them (if applicable):
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: yes
What are one of the requirements for graduating to a full member of town: mastering a path
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: I like the idea of having allies across the kingdom
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: nope
Tell us about yourself: I am a pretty active player but I am still pretty new to herocraft. I just like having fun with others and I think I could be a good part of the community.
Referrals: I met one of your allies in the desert that said you might be recruiting, I don't remember his full ign, but it ended with usmc. sorry.
What would you like your offline status to be: better have my donuts
Sorry, I couldn't seem to find a whitelist application posted by you. Have you applied for whitelist yet?
May 21, 2013
Oh yeah I always forget to check the minecraft forum along with the herocraft forum. Sorry about the wait, you're accepted! Get with me, northeaster345, eldrylars or any other manager from paragon to get set up in game!
my bad, I should have specified. Is there a good time of day to get on and find one of the managers?


May 28, 2013
Time zone:CST
What classes are you specializing into:
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: No but I do have a skype
How long have you been on HC: 2 days
Why do you want to join:Looking for a good,medieval,active town
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker:More of a builder/talker
What can you give to us, as a community:I can help new people, build statues, help big builds, and can help in raids
What towns have you been in:None, This would be my first on this server
Why did you leave them (if applicable):
Do you understand and agree to all town rules:Yes
What are one of the requirements for graduating to a full member of town: Buying a plot and mastering crafter or hero
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: No scamming is a rule that I found very important to everyone
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: No
Tell us about yourself: Play a lot of sports, soccer & baseball,straight A student (at least so far), like to play video games such as minecraft, assassins creed, Skyrim, Saint's Row, and CoD, Play on minecraft almost everyday
Referrals:I guess NorthEaster
What would you like your offline status to be: Is Chilling like a Boss


Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 10, 2012
Time zone:CST
What classes are you specializing into:
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: No but I do have a skype
How long have you been on HC: 2 days
Why do you want to join:Looking for a good,medieval,active town
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker:More of a builder/talker
What can you give to us, as a community:I can help new people, build statues, help big builds, and can help in raids
What towns have you been in:None, This would be my first on this server
Why did you leave them (if applicable):
Do you understand and agree to all town rules:Yes
What are one of the requirements for graduating to a full member of town: Buying a plot and mastering crafter or hero
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: No scamming is a rule that I found very important to everyone
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: No
Tell us about yourself: Play a lot of sports, soccer & baseball,straight A student (at least so far), like to play video games such as minecraft, assassins creed, Skyrim, Saint's Row, and CoD, Play on minecraft almost everyday
Referrals:I guess NorthEaster
What would you like your offline status to be: Is Chilling like a Boss

Your app looks good, I'll set you up in a sec.