To me the perfect bloodmage would have skills that work like this:
- ONLY skills that deal damage should cost health. If it's direct you lose a chunk of hp, if it's a DoT you lose health over time after casting.
- Skills that heal cost mana ONLY
- Utilities/special heals can mix them
Playing with the numbers of mana, damage, and health costs of
pre-existing skills are what lead bloodmage to become the monster it is today.
What bloodmage needs are new skills.
- Creative heals
- Better heals
- More group support and utility
- Less damage
- Fix mana issues
The only trait I'd want to see any new bloodmage have that the current one has is that it can only really heal in combat. Constantly moving around health and mana between itself, party members, and enemies instead of how it
currently is in group fights:
- #1 heal focus
- You run around the fight healing your party with the one heal you have, run out of mana, die horribly
- #2 damage focus
- You spend all your time spamming combust, siphon, and boil. You barely take out 1 person from the enemy party now you're out of mana, you die without really impacting the fight and your team hates you

- #3 Do both
- You start your bloodbond, spam your 3 dmg skills, and transfuse to keep it up. By the time you're out of mana, which happens in a few seconds, you're probably at less than half health and your team is most likely getting steamrolled because your heals are terrible.