Beguilers should be a "Trickster" style caster. Exactly like a wizard, but arcane/mystical in nature. I feel they should pull more utility that can turn the tides of battle, especially now that our melee damage is 3 and our fireball's have a (what seems like 3 second) cooldown and only do 17 damage.
I feel rather useless, and to think, my melee will literally hit for about 0.5 or less damage (or won't even register) against armored targets now. At least before I knew it would take about 120 melee hits (1 damage a hit) to kill a 55 DK, while he pummels me for about 10-25 DPS that entire time, with my mere 80 HP. I'd last about half a moment.
Even if I used fireball, and a pulse, and piggify, and ran around like crazy, I'd only be preventing the inevitable. At least I could take about 60% of a DK's hp with piggify +3 fireballs (that did 22 damage) and melee. Without might. With might it was finally looking to be nearly balanced, because during that time, I've got rot/decay or w.e. plus their melee, and anything else, like harm 2 splash potions. or They pop a speed potion and get 10 damage swings on me consistently. Not to mention Harmtouch.
I'm not saying DK's are op, I've just had the most experience fighting against them. Other classes I've beaten weren't specced or my level, or the players didn't know how to play them very well.
I think there is a ton more to balance beyond this, but I just feel as if my class, the beguiler, should keep up -- seeing as how it is a combat class.
Furthermore, I know my example was bad, because I can dispell a DK's dot, but not after it already ticks once or twice, by the time I see the chat msg, thru lag, and am not on a global cooldown of sorts.
If you truly want more damage sources, I think there's only a few things to do.
My suggestions;
1. Restore us to a melee/utility caster path by giving us like 5.625~ damage so Might bump's us just over a solid 7 damage, and/or give us like 10-15 more HP, and 10-15 more Mana.
2. Give us a decent DoT, or more powerful Pulse/SonicBoom (imba because it's late game, making us weak early on)
3. Build up our HP/Mana a bit more, and/or grant us immunity to silencing effects.
4. Make dispel OR purge work better/on more things.
5. Give us GroupTeleport and Teleport, as well as make safefallother usable on ourselves so we can maneuver better.
6. I think the passive mana regen increase is a bit weak, but, we don't really have much to spend mana on.
7. Remove the global cooldown from switching from Plaguebomb, Pulse, Fireball, and Piggify, as well as, tweaking their damage to be a bit higher. Beguiler's weren't even balanced at 5 melee damage (even if that was a bug.) IMHO.
8. A possible mana restoration skill, instead of a drain, perhaps a consume, but maybe consume buffs to restore health, or mana, or both. As in Sonic Boom applies a massive aoe silence, but you can consume it for mana, same with Might, consuming it for Health. (Consume having like a 30 second, or 1 minute cooldown)
Instead of consume, perhaps just call it "Absorb" and work like dispell, maybe have it also deal damage if it absorbs a buff off people. Like 10 damage. nothing serious. But that'd make it seem more like a Drain, when it's not.