Legacy Supporter 9
- Joined
- Jul 15, 2012
- Location
- Australia
Hmmm... TheBrute.... our pet tiger... never know when he'll decide to eat someone... 

Feels like justice.You don't... Kill town members? Whats that like? 0.0
Yes M'ladyHmmm... TheBrute.... our pet tiger... never know when he'll decide to eat someone...![]()
IGN: Shaniril
Age: 32
Location | Time zone: Maryland, USA | EST
Link to your whitelist application: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/42968-new-map-oct-4th-herocraft-minecraft-rpg-server-multiplayer-3-years-old-greylist-townships-quests-rpg-no-pay2win/page__st__6680#entry2293065 (I predate the HC forum applications.. so old T.T)
How long have you been on HC: I've been playing on and off since the sanctum map
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: I have TS and a mic, but generally avoid voice chat because I'm like that... >.> I will however, join the chat when required of me (build planning, nether excursions, fending off raids etc).
What towns have you been in: I was the mayor of Ran Mizu on the Zeal map as well as the main architect of another town on the following map whose posting I can not find and whose name I can't recall (It was in the middle of an ocean with a dock around it and a roof made entirely of glass/water/stone in an artistic pattern). Old age :/
Why did you leave them (if applicable): Minecraft burnout T.T
Why do you want to join: Of all the town postings I've read through since coming back, prometheus (and AD towns in general) seem to have the rules and atmosphere most in line with how I prefer to play.
What can you give to us, as a community: While I'm a planner/builder at heart I'm also very much a team player. I have no issue what-so-ever drudging away in the mines collecting resources and working towards the greater good. I also promise to bring an endless supply of dry, terrible one-liners~
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: I would not be posting this if I didn't
What is one of the requirements for graduating to a full member: 50c administration fee~
What guideline from the Spirit of the Aetherius Dominion do you find most appealing: "Play with your team, not against it"
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: Absolutely not.
Have you rated the main post of this thread and clicked "Watch Thread" in the upper right corner: Indeed I have!
Tell us about yourself: I'm 32, work as a manager for fed-ex and am a semi-professional (but not overly successful... yet) fighting game player. I'm also pretty quiet by nature, so don't expect me to start many conversations ^.^. Minecraft is something of a distraction from my usual relaxations and while I'm almost gaurenteed to burn out after a while (can't say when, could be a few weeks or a few months...), I play with an almost fanatical dedication to whatever project is currently infront of me
Referrals: None T.T
IGN: remmus2k
Age: 25
Location | Time zone: Pacific Time/ California
Link to your whitelist application: http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/application.46143/
How long have you been on HC: Started three days ago =)
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: I got it! and Yes I could use a microphone
What towns have you been in: Been touring aetherius with Alphesie. Going through prometheus as protocol would require. Never actually joined a town before
Why did you leave them (if applicable):
Why do you want to join: I wish to join Aetherius so I could build with my friends. Alphesie has been really friendly with me and taught me the entire way the server works and skill use. GoEz will try to join as well and I would love to stay close with my minecraft friends. Also I wish to be apart of a community, make new friends and just overall enjoy a mmo the way it should be played, with other people =)
What can you give to us, as a community: Been playing Minecraft ever since it begun alpha. Very friendly, never griefed before and never been banned in any server. I respect everyone like a honorable person.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yes, I understand the rules and agree them.
What is one of the requirements for graduating to a full member: Becoming a secondary class (I wish to be a ninja =D )
What guideline from the Spirit of the Aetherius Dominion do you find most appealing: Play nice. I always had my stuff griefed before and I know how it feels like. I would never wish that upon anyone. Being nice could potentially sum up all the rules. Being a good sport is being nice, respecting the rules is being nice, etc.
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: Of course not, part of the reason the rules are there so everyone could have fun without the expense of other peoples suffering.
Tell us about yourself: 25 year old college student. Majoring in computer science. Love computer games and wish to enter the modding scene soon! However, i'm usually busy with book work, full time student and full time job.
Referrals: Alphesie and GoEz =)
i would like to apply for membership of your town. i am new to the server. but im not new to minecraft. i have been playing the game since infdev. im very good at building. and fighting.
i respect other, and rules that are set in place.
here is a pic of one of my builds. that i am currently working on.
the building to the right. is just one room out of many in a giant castle.
as well you can see the front gate. with a working redstone gate.
IGN: Xavier_Crossca
Age: 16
Location | Time zone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Link to your whitelist application: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...wnships-quests-rpg-no-pay2win/page__st__35100
(I fixed it on the next page, as I'd left out my IGN for some strange reason. x3)
How long have you been on HC: Five wonderful and prosperous days.
Do you have or use Teamspeak? I've just gotten a new computer, and haven't installed it yet. If it's perferred for members to have, simply private message me and I'll install it on this computer.
What towns have you been in: None, this is the first I'm applying to.
Why did you leave them (if applicable): N/A
Why do you want to join: I fancy myself a decent builder, and I have a penchant for fighting, which I suppose would make me a decent candidate for either soldiery or mercenary work.
What can you give to us, as a community: Aside from the revenue my taxes bring in to support the town, I will probably move on to become a necromancer or or some other dark based class, which could possible lead to making money for the town in the form of bounty hunting or monster hunting.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yes, wholeheartedly.
What is one of the requirements for graduating to a full member: Graduate to the second tier of classes.
What guideline from the Spirit of the Aetherius Dominion do you find most appealing: I like the 'play nice' part, as I know how it is to get griefed or PKed. It really, really hurts when you spend a lot of time on a build and it gets destroyed, or your items get stolen.
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: No, after a thorough read-through I can honestly say that it all seems fairly normal and standard.
Tell us about yourself: I'm just a pretty normal (if not slightly dark/goth) gamer who likes to build and slay monsters, who also just so happens to love music of many types.
Referrals: NamelessFreak
IGN: Chaosgrave
Age: 23
Location | Time zone: South Dakota. Central time.
Link to your whitelist application: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/42968-new-map-oct-4th-herocraft-minecraft-rpg-server-multiplayer-3-years-old-greylist-townships-quests-rpg-no-pay2win/page__st__5400__hl__ chaosgrave#entry1876002
How long have you been on HC: Coming up on 3 years.
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: I have teamspeak and a mic.
What towns have you been in: Wyntervale and Aurora last map.
Why did you leave them (if applicable): I left Wyntervale due to leadership changing hands several times.
Why do you want to join: I wish to join this community and help its development. I also hope to make friends with my (hopefully) future townmates and have good times for all.
What can you give to us, as a community: A lovable (future) pyro that comes in huggable size with kung fu grip and a penchant for redstone science via engineering. Also not afraid to topple the environment with extreme prejudice in the name of town development. I also have an equally lovable/huggable pet sheep named Thaddeus and a marginally less huggable magma slime by the name of Reginald.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yes.
What is one of the requirements for graduating to a full member: Specialize into a secondary class.
What guideline from the Spirit of the Aetherius Dominion do you find most appealing: Be a good sport. It’s a game! We’re all here to have fun with each other. No need to be underhanded and boorish and ruin the good times for all.
Do you think that any of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: Not at all.
Have you rated the main post of this thread and clicked "Watch Thread" in the upper right corner: Yes
Tell us about yourself: Why hello, I didn't see you there. My name is Chaos. I enjoy many internet based activities, not the least of which is minecraft. I am a college student and am currently majoring in Audio Production. I hope to join this town and engage in jolly cooperation with my fellow ladies and gents and build a better future for tomorrow.
Referrals: None D:
IGN: praise2gouda
Age: 14 1/2
Time zone: Central European Time (Netherlands)
Classes (eg. warrior/crafter): Currently Lost Soul (planning for Rogue/Crafter (wanting Scribe)
How long have you been on HC?: about 3 days (but read a lot of the wiki)
Why do you want to join?: After playing Minecraft for ridiculous amounts of time, I got bored and started Multiplayer. And here I am.
Will you help with town projects?: Absolutely. I love doing that!
What can you give to us, as a community?: I love doing tedious builds, you need a tower thats 256 blocks high? Pff no problem!
What towns have you been in?: None...
Why did you leave them (if applicable)?: None...
Do you have Teamspeak? Can you talk, listen, or both?: Listen yes! my PC mic sucks but if you can get Teamspeak on mobile then yes, both!
Do you understand and agree to all town rules?: Yep!
Tell us about yourself: I like eating. Well thats about it! Nah I'm just kidding.. I am in (i think this is right) High School now... I have homework, tests and stuff but I still have a lot of time for HC! I have a lot of free time so I have atleast an hour every day. And weekends about 3 - 4 hours.
Referrals: Noone... :'(
My Whitelist Thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...-rpg-no-pay2win/page__st__33980#entry24338076
IGN: popcorn9002
Location | Time zone: Michigan/ EST
Link to your whitelist application: http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/whitelist-application-
How long have you been on HC: Very new. (Only 2 days.)
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: Currently have TS and can
speak with AND without a mic.
What towns have you been in: None. I hope to learn how to play through you guys!
Why did you leave them (if applicable): N/A
Why do you want to join: I want to join you because as far as I have seen, you are a VERY well organized and community based clan, which I absolutely love.
What can you give to us, as a community: I can give you my loyalty, my sword, my sportsmanship, and my hard work and labor.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yes, absolutely.
What is one of the requirements for graduating to a full member: 50c registration fee.
What guideline from the Spirit of the Aetherius Dominion do you find most appealing: Being a good sport! I don't want to join a COD lobby.
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: Of course not! The rules are absolutely fair and necessary in order to have a mature and loyal player base.
Have you rated the main post of this thread and clicked "Watch Thread" in the upper right corner: Yes.
Tell us about yourself: Well, I am a 14 year-old from Michigan. I recently went to Minecon, and I just love to play on community-based servers. I only like to play on unique, non "FACTION-PVP-SURVIVAL OMG" servers, which is why I found myself here. I have NEVER seen a town as outstanding and organized like yourselves. I currently am in High-School (9th), but I have plenty of time for regular MC log-ins.
Referrals: Nope.
IGN: Drew908
Age: 14
Time zone: U.S (pacific standard time)
What classes are you specializing into: I serve as either an assassin or a knight depending on if a group is evil or good or whatever I feel like. In good I am usually an assassin in evil I am usually a black knight
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: I don't have a teamspeak since I have no clue how to get one... if you know how contact my Skype: squid901
How long have you been on HC: I have been on for merely a week so I am a beginner but I wish to stay a very long time.
Why do you want to join: I love rpg towns and love to roleplay inside them and this town looks like a small friendly community in which I can help out on..
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker: I am a (on a scale of 1/10) im a builder of about a 6-7. I am a good killer since i pvp a lot but I know that OOC killing is stupid and not allowed. I do not speak very much since I am an assassin usually and only speak when im needed to.
What can you give to us, as a community: I am a friendly yet quiet player who is a great assassin when needed and i am very loyal and will not trade against my town.
What towns have you been in: None
Why did you leave them (if applicable): N/A
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yes
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: "Play with your team, not against it." I really like this quote since i never trade against my town/team and would stay with them through life and death.
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: I do not think any of guidelines will get in the way since i am able to adapt at anything thrown at me.
Tell us about yourself: I am a freshman in highschool and I love to RP on minecraft servers and all around roleplay in anything. I love to get along with others and do not like being a traitor while in minecraft unless I am a good character and my friends become evil or something like that.
LINK FOR WHITELIST: http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/the-tower-of-shadows.38323/ (Its under the bottom... you will recognize my profile picture)