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Recent content by awsumguy75321

  1. awsumguy75321

    ~*~ Sanctuary ~*~

    What is your in-game name (IGN): awsumguy75321 How old are you: 15 What time zone do you live in: EST (GMT-5 I believe) What do you like or prefer to do in MineCraft / HeroCraft: PvP and helping out on large building projects How long have you played HeroCraft: I joined a bit more than 2 years...
  2. awsumguy75321

    Souls vs Golds

    Malik, I guess that's either something wrong with the coding, or animals will still be rare after the first few days and farmers will still be able to spawn them.
  3. awsumguy75321

    Suggestion Transmute Ore changes

    We could also give gold some sort of value by giving it a transmutation.
  4. awsumguy75321

    [Capitol] [AD] Volantis - Recruiting!

    IGN | awsumguy75321 Age | 14 Location and Time Zone | Virginia, EST How long have you been whitelisted | It'll be a year in November If less than 1 month, please link to whitelist application | It's been over a year Previous Towns | Newerth, Braavos Why did you leave (if applicable) | I left...
  5. awsumguy75321

    Suggestion What you can do with mana/stamina! New system.

    I do turn off the animation, and it does nothing.
  6. awsumguy75321

    Suggestion Skill: Longshot/Snipershot Ranger

    One flaw: If the target is too far to hit with an arrow, they're probably either out of render distance, or too small to see very well, rendering this skill useless.
  7. awsumguy75321

    Suggestion What you can do with mana/stamina! New system.

    Somewhat offtopic, but the mana bar used to lag my client to where I couldn't use the mana bar. Is there any way for them to reduce this fps lag?
  8. awsumguy75321

    [DISCUSSION] Herocraft: The Futureverse

    It's been over four months, any new chapters yet?
  9. awsumguy75321

    Suggestion Skills and Ideas for new Profession update

    I suggest keeping summon bat. Yes, bats have no real purpose, but it's still fun to use.
  10. awsumguy75321

    Neil Armstrong

    Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. His name can be shortened to Neil A. Neil A. backwards is A lieN. Alien. Did we send him to the moon, or did we send him BACK to the moon??? source: tumblr.com
  11. awsumguy75321

    Suggestion Resource Pack for HeroCraft

    If someone makes a Resource pack for Herocraft, I want a high-pitched voice (easily found from TS ) shouting "I JUST TELEPORTED" every time the sound used on Blink plays, and have all the noteblock noises(?) used on Bard's songs use the same voice and shout "THIS IS A WARSONG", "THIS IS A...
  12. awsumguy75321

    Bug Beacons seem to be broken

    No, the pyramid can be iron, diamond, emerald, or gold.
  13. awsumguy75321

    Suggestion Resource Pack for HeroCraft

    One use for custom sounds: Bard skills making music when played one after another.
  14. awsumguy75321

    Suggestion New scribe skill: masswriting

    I do, those Skyrim books can be pretty interesting.