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Dungeons are coming!

Apr 23, 2013
Well, I am just saying my point, sorry to be ride, didn't meant to shout at u. This is just how I play games, maybe I am from the abnegation sector.

No I totally get where you are coming from. As I said I understand that someone doing outright malicious acts is wrong, because people put a lot of time and effort into things they create on mine craft. More to the point people want to protect their items they have spent a long time to create. The people who feel this way should have desperate dungeons so as not to get caught in the cross fires of players like me. As I said I wouldn't prey on a player who was obviously not well geared and trying his darnedest to complete a quest. Hell I'd probably help him. But if the guy is extremely decked out, hell he has better loot to take anyway, plus he's more of a challenge AND since he's so decked out he probably has been bored so I gave him something to do for a few hours (get new gear XD).


Dungeon Master Extremist
Staff member
Wiki Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
Actually, this is a RPG server, not a rp server. Roleplaying is optional.
Well there is light RP, town politics etc is still a form or roleplay just not the stereotypical type.


Legacy Supporter 9
Oct 1, 2012
Well there is light RP, town politics etc is still a form or roleplay just not the stereotypical type.
Towns are optional as well. I'm still saying that roleplaying is optional. If I run around as a warrior and just punch things, I'm not roleplaying THAT much, am I?


Dungeon Master Extremist
Staff member
Wiki Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
Towns are optional as well. I'm still saying that roleplaying is optional. If I run around as a warrior and just punch things, I'm not roleplaying THAT much, am I?


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Then by all means I am within my rights to role play so long as I follow the rules of the server correct?

Again I don't see what all the fuss is about. I am saying there should be pvp and pve dungeons so that people who expect only AI opponents arent angered by pvp elements. Have I not made a clear and concise point?
By all means, you can roleplay, its just not enforced / mandated / required.
Apr 23, 2013
Depends, do you name yourself Greshantu the or pig farmer. Wh hmust toughen his fist on trees, so that he may one day rule the kingdom and create a Utopian paradise for all swine kind?


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 28, 2012
Dragon through ...
I have read many of your posts and agree with many of your points. If I may play devil's advocate for a moment here, many people would say that the complaints you bring up are simply from an "evil aligned" guilds viewpoint.

See you often bring up the point that "well this guy could run in and last hit the monster stealing all the exp,"

Well see I for one, having played rogues for many years on many mmo platforms can tell you that I would not be gunning for the monster if pvp were entirely enabled... No sir I am the type of jerk (for lack of a better word) who would last hit you after you were weakened by the mob, then proceed to finish off the mob and collect loot from both of you.

Come now my friend. Do you really want to allow me, and other like minds individuals this kind of freedom?

P.s. I wouldn't do this to noobs of course. I am a scoundrel with honor of course.

Yes, I would like you to have that kind of freedom! :D
Apr 23, 2013
By all means, you can roleplay, its just not enforced / mandated / required.
I figured you'd know where I was coming from Kainzo. I must give you fair warning. When I'm Max lvl I plan to be infamous on your server >:].

Btw I love your work on the uniquness of the classes.


Legacy Supporter 9
Jan 12, 2013
Ohio, USA
P Let's be real if you are fully decked out in enchanted diamond everything, well you can afford to die and buy all new gear. If you are in the pvp portion of the dungeon you have opted to take that risk, and believe me I'm not the only guy who will do this to you.

In Eve we had a saying - "only fly what you can afford to lose". That goes for Herocraft too. Only carry / wear in pvp areas what you can afford to lose. When you put it on and go into pvp expect to lose your gear - it may not happen the first time, but you will get ganked by 4 other players and all your gear stolen.
Apr 23, 2013
In Eve we had a saying - "only fly what you can afford to lose". That goes for Herocraft too. Only carry / wear in pvp areas what you can afford to lose. When you put it on and go into pvp expect to lose your gear - it may not happen the first time, but you will get ganked by 4 other players and all your gear stolen.

My thoughts exactly.
Apr 23, 2013
You already have that freedom in the game I don't see much changing from it continuing ;)

Yeah and the big problem is once things are nerfd/taken away you rarely see them given back. However since this is an RPG and not a pvp server I feel it is necessary to compromise. Now I totally agree that a pvp area should be more rewarding because there is simply more danger, but more so there has to be a reason to go there instead of the pve area or else no one ever goes there, because there is no incentive.

This is a downfall that affects mmo's all the time because they try to reach a larger fan base. However its always been my experience that when done right it draws non pvpers into trying out and often enjoying pvp.

Look at winter grasp on wow. It was perfect. Then they screwed it all up trying to fix something that wasn't broke.


Dungeon Master Extremist
Staff member
Wiki Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
The general plan is to have 2 sides to the dungeon one being PvP (the larger side) and the no-pvp (the smaller one). The PvP side of the dungeon will have stronger mobs that will yield more exp and have better drops than the no-pvp side. Both will have bosses but the difficulty/rewards will be significantly lower than in the PvP area. The architecture between the two halves of the dungeon will differ too. The PvP half has a darker more sinister theme where is the no-PvP has a lighter feel to it the Tombs (boss rooms) are smaller and more compact than the PvP ones.
Example No-PvP Tomb:

Example PvP Tomb (this is one of the smallest):


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 23, 2011

Look man, you might like to roleplay, but you don't have to argue that you have the right to, nobody will stop you. ;)

P.S. Don't ninja a page of important threads like this please. I perrsonally look here for status updates on dungeons, not whether people have the ability to roleplay...