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DDOS attack by CraftLandia.

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The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Alright, I'm getting pissed now.

Everywhere I go it's "Lack of proofs" this and "Lack of proofs" that. First off, it's PROOF, why the fuck is there an S at the end every single time?

Second, @Kainzo , I know you're telling the truth. Is it possible for you to send some kind of unquestionable proof to a member of Bukkit/Curse/MCF/PMC staff to validate your claims, then have them relay the information across their community? Reddit uses a similar system to verify the OP's claims in AMAs. Just one shred of evidence will make all these butthurt oxygen-wasters shut their mouths


Can we have your permission to crush them like the cockroaches they are, or are you still taking the 'higher ground' in this situation?
The ISP that provide internet to our data center has been alerted by our network team. I won't name them but its not "hard to find" information. Their teams are investigating it - it can take sometimes weeks to track these kinds of things down. It has still been advised not to give out specific information in this case.

We still need to raise awareness of this rising threat in the Minecraft Community. Keep linking your sigs to Stop Cyber-Terrorism (yes this is terrorism, no matter how you splice it, services are being shut down, fantasy or not) We stand resolute that CraftLandia owners are bad peoples and they monopolize an entire country through brute force.

What you do from here is of your own accord, I won't condone illegal actions. However, I'm not your parent/law enforcement so you can do whatever you want.


Mar 8, 2012
Somewhere in the barren wastelands of Canada
Alright, I'm getting pissed now.

Everywhere I go it's "Lack of proofs" this and "Lack of proofs" that. First off, it's PROOF, why the fuck is there an S at the end every single time?

Second, @Kainzo , I know you're telling the truth. Is it possible for you to send some kind of unquestionable proof to a member of Bukkit/Curse/MCF/PMC staff to validate your claims, then have them relay the information across their community? Reddit uses a similar system to verify the OP's claims in AMAs. Just one shred of evidence will make all these butthurt oxygen-wasters shut their mouths


Can we have your permission to crush them like the cockroaches they are, or are you still taking the 'higher ground' in this situation?
People expect to much proof for cases now a days... To many people watch crime shows and think there is that much proof to hold against someone... Usually there is little proof for most crimes, and so far, the proof we have is the same amount some murders... Some would argue more.

This is the mindset that keeps legal action from working.
Also the "greed before justice" mindset, but that's not something we can change here and now.
sorry, it's just always failed me. I am hoping it doesn't this time, and I support the admins who are going through with it.


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 24, 2012
Haines Shitty
So, about the HerocraftOnline.com crashing... Is this from the migration?

I keep getting a page that says the site is offline and is either in maintenance or it's experiencing too much data. >.>


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 13, 2012
What you do from here is of your own accord, I won't condone illegal actions. However, I'm not your parent/law enforcement so you can do whatever you want.
Sounds like a dare...
(Play in background)
Just sayin'.


Feb 3, 2012
@Zidane @Jotamota

Translate this for me please. I know the text in red means "Craftlandia will end??????" (direct Google translation)

Posted yesterday.

This one as well:

Translated the first video. First of all, this isnt LITTERAL translation. I watched the video and translated it's ideas and thoughts. So DO NOT judge the video/video maker for it's words, since although I tried to be faithful to the original, the transcription isnt 100% the same. Note that the " " indicate quote:

Basically it says that "he doesnt like CraftLandia and always thought it would fuck itself up"

It says about the HeroChat plugin and Heroes plugin and that Herocraft (the maker of such plugins) have a load of plugins.

"They stopped making HeroChat that would be used for CraftLandia 1.3 Minecraft" and since it was discontinued HE says that "CraftLandia is attacking HeroCraft with DDoS, making polemic in HC's staff."

"I'm gonna link it up to MinecraftForumsBR... (blah blah blah) and to my friend ZidenVentania"

"Now, if we take down CraftLandia, although they are fuzzing the Minecraft world, we will end with the only Brazilian server that takes down all competition."

"Now I'm supporting this takedown of CraftLandia because instead of 10 good servers we only have 1, because CraftLandia takes down all else servers, ALL of the competition".

So, this video gives a suppost motive for CraftLandia attacks. Even so, we can't take it as evidence, but it's always nice to spare a thought.

And I wouldn't trust much on this guy, since he seems a bit... underaged, let us say. He also uses PS for Post Script and PSS for Post Script Script (???), so, yeah, don't take him as a 1st degree witness or something.

Ok, finished translating the second video:


"I wanna show how to report CraftGarbage to come back to play in the great servers that were taken down by CraftGarbage."

-rubbish rubbish-

"You get in this thread, copy the email, write a new email on your mail box and copy the email layout and paste it on your email box and then send the email."

"Now you send an email to Mojang copying the email and the mail layout in paste.bin."

"I wanna you to help me to take down the CraftLandia and to rise up the taken down servers. We hope HeroCraft come back. I don't want likes on this video, I want you to help me out on this campaign. Cya!"

Pretty much the whole video is rubbish, but anyways, there they are!

Again, I love to help you guys out. If you need anything translated my fingers and my caluses are at your disposal :D


Ancient Soul
Staff member
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Jan 17, 2011
Thanks @Jotamota3006 ! I needed to know whether or not we needed to support these videos. Answers my question.
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