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[World] Add Daily Bonuses / Objectives


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
I've been playing Herocraft quite a bit lately, and I've been getting a little bored sometimes.. I don't really know what to do, even though there are lots of things I CAN do and my class is currently maxed; so I took the time to think of some ways to help solve this for players who are dealing with the same thing. My solution is daily objectives, and are sometimes called quests in this suggestion, just to repeat the over-usage of the word. Every day, you will be able to complete a certain set of objectives / quests to get a reward of some sort.

This idea would come with a new building. This structure is called "The Shrine of Questing". It would be placed in the middle of the exchange ideally, or somewhere else in spawn. This structure would not be very big and in the center or front of the structure, depending on how it is designed, there would be an NPC named "The Quester". Upon right clicking this NPC a GUI would be opened with several papers (/shop for an example of what a gui is and looks like). Each paper represents an objective, and would have "Left Click: For more info, and Right Click: To accept objective" in the lore description of the item. Left clicking, as the item description states, tells you needs to be done to complete the objective (shows in chat). If you right click the objective paper, it will send you a confirmation in chat, such as when you change classes. Upon clicking "Yes" the objective will be started, and when the "No" option is clicked, the objective will be denied, meaning it has not been started and any progress you make towards it will not be recorded. If an objective has not been completed within 24 hours of accepting it, it will be cancled, and all progress will be reset, and you must re-accept the quest to start it again. The only other way to end a "quest" is to complete the objective. You may only complete an objective once every 24 hours, or when it resets / cancels.

There are a few objectives that I thought of that could be fun and provide a nice challenge for players that are newbs, or veterans. These objectives are:

Note: Rewards are open to change, I did what I thought was fair but they may be too high. Also, there objectives are just examples and there would be more objectives, along with them being a bit more refined if they were implemented.
  • Kill 3 Different Players who are a higher level than you.
If the player is in your town, it will not count.
Level sixties can only get this objective by killing another level sixty.
Tier Two players, must kill a higher level Tier Two. If they kill a higher level Tier One, it will not count.
Rewards: 150 Coins, 1 Symbol of Acquisition​
  • Kill 10 Different players without dying
Player cannot be more than 10 levels lower than you.
Killing town members does not count
Dying to fall damage, lava, or other PvE sources counts as a death.
Upon dying your count will reset.
Rewards: 250 Coins, 10 Points

- Currently in /shop when you hover over the player head it shows points and coins. Instead of buying the items in the shop with money, you should have to buy them with points. This objective would give points, and you would also get 1 point per every player within 10 levels of you that you kill. (Note: Not sure if these already have a plan, but if they don't, this may be ideal. The "within 10 levels" part is to prevent spawn camping newbies more than it already is done).
  • Have 5 Different players join your town
If the player has been in the town before it doesn't count.
Upon one of the new players leaving the town, one player will be subtracted from the total.
If the player leaves after 5 players have joined the count will not be affected.
You do not need to be the mayor of the town, or have credit for it, you just need to be in the town.
Rewards: 50 coins, +10% Production rate of all town resources, +10 Of all resources collected by your town
  • Kill A Boss while being in a party
The boss you kill does not matter, as long as you get the killing hit.
Killing hit can be melee or skill, does not matter.
You CAN be in a party while killing the boss
Rewards: 1 Symbol of Acquisition, 1 Medal of Vengeance, 50 Coins.
  • Complete every objective within 24 hours
Must complete every objective
If all objectives have not been completed within 24 hours of accepting the objective, it will not count, and you will need to re-accept the objective to start making progress again.
After it resets you must do all the objectives WITHIN that 24 hours of it being accepted.
Rewards: One unlocked crate of loot

Just saying, I created all these objectives and this whole idea really with no limits in mind. I believe that they could accomplish all of this if they put their minds to it. I am aware though, that if the developer team decides to take this up, it will most likely take a while :) @Kainzo @WitchOnaRampage @xexorian @TimForReal @Brutalacerate @0xNaomi Also, I specifically designed all of these objectives to try to improve player retention, activity, townships, PvP, and overall enjoyment of the server! Thanks for reading! Comment whether or not you like the idea! :D
Last edited:


Jun 11, 2016
with the killing 1000 mobs i would change it so farm animals don't count otherwise farmers would just grind this everyday, otherwise this would be great to make me do some more stuff. Something else I'd say maybe add something for building to encourage builders sense i feel like people that like to build have been getting driven out of the server (the increase in difficulty for getting protected spaces, the impossibly tiny plots given in towns, and the allowing of griefing), this map's chaotic enough with how much pvp there is, but this would be a nice thing to make people active for stuff other than when a big fight happens on the server


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
with the killing 1000 mobs i would change it so farm animals don't count otherwise farmers would just grind this everyday, otherwise this would be great to make me do some more stuff. Something else I'd say maybe add something for building to encourage builders sense i feel like people that like to build have been getting driven out of the server (the increase in difficulty for getting protected spaces, the impossibly tiny plots given in towns, and the allowing of griefing), this map's chaotic enough with how much pvp there is, but this would be a nice thing to make people active for stuff other than when a big fight happens on the server
Alright thanks for the feedback! You're right, I should've specified that animals will not count. Also, I considered adding some sort of building objective, but Im not sure how I would. The only thing I can think of is "place a certain amount of blocks" but that could just end up with people playing blocks randomly all over, and the world is already ugly enough with pillars and whatnot everywhere.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
lmao this is so pointless
Just how classes, PvP, and towns are pointless... Right? The point is, no idea is completely pointless, and I personally think this one would be a great addition. It has lots of potential, and with a few minor modifications, could be great! :D


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
@victim130 @Leo2596 @Keffalump Just because you don't like me ingame, doesn't mean it isn't a good idea, and could help the server grow. That's all I'm trying to get at. Wouldn't you like to have more people to fight with, and more things to do? I bet you would, even if you are too self centered to admit it, and would rather disagree with me at any change possible ;)
Nov 21, 2014
@victim130 @Leo2596 @Keffalump Just because you don't like me ingame, doesn't mean it isn't a good idea, and could help the server grow. That's all I'm trying to get at. Wouldn't you like to have more people to fight with, and more things to do? I bet you would, even if you are too self centered to admit it, and would rather disagree with me at any change possible ;)
actually, this is a pretty pointless and dumb idea. HC rewards are good enough.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 25, 2012
@victim130 @Leo2596 @Keffalump Just because you don't like me ingame, doesn't mean it isn't a good idea, and could help the server grow. That's all I'm trying to get at. Wouldn't you like to have more people to fight with, and more things to do? I bet you would, even if you are too self centered to admit it, and would rather disagree with me at any change possible ;)
You're right I don't like you in game, but it doesn't change my opinion on where or not the idea is good. If @Irishman81 suggested it I would still think it is retarded.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
You're right I don't like you in game, but it doesn't change my opinion on where or not the idea is good. If @Irishman81 suggested it I would still think it is retarded.
I highly doubt that, but whatever you say. I do appreciate constructive criticism though. Perhaps you could tell me specifically WHAT you don't like about it?


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
actually, this is a pretty pointless and dumb idea. HC rewards are good enough.
Why is it pointless? And what "HC Rewards" are you referring to? This would give players reasons to be more active, may be easier to grasp for new players until they level up more, it would prevent camping newbies somewhat, it could give more risk to dying, which I know @Kainzo wants, (based on the meeting of the thirty-first), and would allow for some new PvP opportunities and overall better game-play options.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
I highly doubt that, but whatever you say. I do appreciate constructive criticism though. Perhaps you could tell me specifically WHAT you don't like about it?

Since you're picking fights with the people who disagree with you maybe I can help

I liked the post because anything is better than nothing and dailys are a good idea in general. The meat of your suggestion about NPCs and how quests would be accepted is a bad idea because we need to stop spending so much time in spawn. World PvP centers around safe zones and newer players are getting ganked because of it.

Also the daily quest suggestions you made don't sound very good, but they were just example suggestions so I won't mention it further.

So you're basically saying we should have daily objectives. I like that. Everything else you said was a wall of text. Why are you so surprised people would disagree?


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
Since you're picking fights with the people who disagree with you maybe I can help

I liked the post because anything is better than nothing and dailys are a good idea in general. The meat of your suggestion about NPCs and how quests would be accepted is a bad idea because we need to stop spending so much time in spawn. World PvP centers around safe zones and newer players are getting ganked because of it.

Also the daily quest suggestions you made don't sound very good, but they were just example suggestions so I won't mention it further.

So you're basically saying we should have daily objectives. I like that. Everything else you said was a wall of text. Why are you so surprised people would disagree?
I am not surprised, I'm just asking why, and for constructive criticism :p

Also, whenever the /spawn command is talked about, Kainzo always replies with how spawn is the pinnacle of the community, and is supposed to be a place of commerce and safety, or something along the lines of that. Although I do agree, that it would be cool for the structure to be elsewhere, it was just an example, and could really be anywhere. I was just worried about new players getting there to accept the quests without being destroyed.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
I am not surprised, I'm just asking why, and for constructive criticism :p

That's my point. When yout suggestion is broken down into parts there isn't much there. I think you do have a point but the way you've presented it leaves nothing of substance to actually criticise. So demanding feedback from down voters is unrealistic.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
That's my point. When yout suggestion is broken down into parts there isn't much there. I think you do have a point but the way you've presented it leaves nothing of substance to actually criticise. So demanding feedback from down voters is unrealistic.
Fair enough. I honestly just said give criticism because people were just saying it's "pointless" or a "bad idea" without any explanation.


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 20, 2011
@victim130 @Leo2596 @Keffalump Just because you don't like me ingame, doesn't mean it isn't a good idea, and could help the server grow. That's all I'm trying to get at. Wouldn't you like to have more people to fight with, and more things to do? I bet you would, even if you are too self centered to admit it, and would rather disagree with me at any change possible ;)
Sorry, meant to make a post and lost track of time. I don't like the idea because I feel its too tedious. Even as a builder or a PvE fan, I don't see this as fun. Not to mention it kinda defeats the purpose of doing things as a group. That being said, I would love to see some more events, just not these events/objectives. I hear the DoD is making a return, wait for that, its gonna be sick.
Jan 17, 2016
1. o0ONeroO0o seems to be a ToxiTroll, ignore him. Some folks apparently exist to provide examples of what to not become ourselves.

2. Ignore the Post Ratings, as they're used (virtually 100% of the time) to troll; Either bad parenting, or they're just slow. The legit ratings are like a needle in a haystack, so don't concern yourself with those. If someone has (intelligent, factual) objections, this will be reflected in follow-up posts.

3. Rewards for "Daily Objectives" is a GREAT idea, and Kainzo's mentioned doing something along those lines as well. I think more of the Objectives should steer away from PvP goals, but those that *ARE* PvP oriented should apply only to targeting players of Equal or Greater power than one's self, within the same Tier Bracket. We have enough swegs in this Community, no need to attract more.
Jan 17, 2016
(I went to edit my above reply to add this, but it's stalling out as usual, so I have to make a new post)

Pevips and chivalrous/legit PvPers alike make up -together- a large portion of Herocraft's member base, and it is clear that we might suffer a (temporary) setback in numbers if we don't include them in any potential Daily Incentives/Rewards Program. Do you have anymore ideas for some other incentives for them remaining active on the server? I have some great ideas for the PvE'ers of the server, but that's probably because that's my role on Herocraft, so I know what incentives might be useful (without being game-breaking), and what goals would be fun (if not laborious) to strive towards.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
1. o0ONeroO0o seems to be a ToxiTroll, ignore him. Some folks apparently exist to provide examples of what to not become ourselves.

2. Ignore the Post Ratings, as they're used (virtually 100% of the time) to troll; Either bad parenting, or they're just slow. The legit ratings are like a needle in a haystack, so don't concern yourself with those. If someone has (intelligent, factual) objections, this will be reflected in follow-up posts.

3. Rewards for "Daily Objectives" is a GREAT idea, and Kainzo's mentioned doing something along those lines as well. I think more of the Objectives should steer away from PvP goals, but those that *ARE* PvP oriented should apply only to targeting players of Equal or Greater power than one's self, within the same Tier Bracket. We have enough swegs in this Community, no need to attract more.
That's what I was thinking when I created the kill 3 higher level players. I will look over the other PvP goals and try to incorporate it.