If all of you reading this could RATE the initial post that would be awesome, I am not asking for positive ratings unless you like and or approve but any rating is better then none so I can get a feeling for what everyone is thinking.
Here it is, the brainchild of Witchy and myself. Right now Scribe is a placeless hodgepodge of skills. There have been many suggestions on ways to fix scribe but all of them fall short of making a fun or "usable" class. What we do lack in the herocraft "crafting world" is a support type crafter. One that has minimal benefits for the self and great benefits for their nearby friends. Here is a class proposal that would not take much to implement and should not throw much of an off balance to the rest of the game.
Take a look and make some suggestions, leave some comments and as always, be constructive
PLEASE DON'T GET STUCK ON NUMBERS! The values below are placeholders for the balance team to figure out. Please try to focus on the idea of the class and the function of the skills and let the numbers do as they will if it ever moved forward.
The left hand of the Lords. The Wordsmith is the person who gets the things done that need to be done. A generally selfless person who helps those around them complete their tasks at hand. Wordsmiths are heavily trained in literature and thus have learned many tactics to complete jobs more efficiently. Unfortunately although knowledgeable in most arts, the Wordsmith is more adapt at telling others how to complete their tasks then they are at helping themselves with the same knowledge. Many empires have been built and many lords have held the honors of these lands, but behind every great empire lies a great Wordsmith
- Leveling -
- Leveling Exp - Farming(cane cutting, shearing sheep,Lumberjack...) mining and fishing
- Skills -
Level 1
- Mark,Recall, Shears, Lava bucket, Lighter
Level 5
Level 10
- Scan
- BreathInstruction- Gives all nearby group members as well as the caster water breathing for 15+(level*.5) seconds.
Level 20
Level 25
Level 30
- Organization - Lowers the cooldown of nearby group members (does not effect the caster) Crafter skills by (lvl*.05) seconds for 1 minute. Exp. Smeltgold, transmute...
Level 35
- TumblingLessons - Protects all nearby group members including the caster from falling damage for 10 seconds.
Level 40
- ClearThinking - increase the duration of nearby group members Crafter skills by 4 +(lvl*.05) seconds for 2 minutes. Exp. Mining
Level 45
- VisualTraining - All nearby group members (does not effect the caster) can see in the dark for 30+(level*.5) seconds.
Level 50
- BookSmarts - increase the chance based Crafter skills chance of success by (base*1.5) for all nearby group members(does not effect the caster) for 2 minutes. Exp. Logging, mining, fishing...
Level 55
Level 60
With Notes:
- Skills -
Level 1
- Mark,Recall, Shears, Lava bucket, Lighter
Level 5
This is in the game right now but the perms were not working last I heard.
Level 10
- Scan
- BreathInstruction- Gives all nearby group members as well as the caster water breathing for 15+(level*.5) seconds.
Witchy and I thought a little different on this one so I wanted to push this for peer review. Witchy brings up the point that it could be used in combat to gain an advantage. My original idea was for underwater building or mining. Whats your thoughts?
Level 20
Level 25
Yes I am suggesting locking the creation of books.
It would give some self value to the class and allow them to hopefully make some money. Maybe, maybe not.
Level 30
- Organization - Lowers the cooldown of nearby group members (does not effect the caster) Crafter skills by (lvl*.05) seconds for 1 minute. Exp. Smeltgold, transmute...
This would only hook crafting skills with a total cooldown reduction of 3 seconds. Might need to turn it up to .075 to see a little better difference at L60(4.5 sec max)
Level 35
- TumblingLessons - Protects all nearby group members including the caster from falling damage for 10 seconds.
This already exists on scribe and I like the idea of it being passed onto Wordsmith
Sure why not?
Level 40
- ClearThinking - increase the duration of nearby group members Crafter skills by 4 +(lvl*.05) seconds for 2 minutes. Exp. Mining
This would only hook Crafter abilities such as Mining to give a boost of up to 7 seconds to the skills duration.
This is here because it's on Scribe. I don't believe it's needed anymore as Wordsmith would be more then useful without it, yet lets hear what you all have to say.
Level 45
- VisualTraining - All nearby group members (does not effect the caster) can see in the dark for 30+(level*.5) seconds.
Same thought as the safefall or the water breathing. Group mining support.
Level 50
- BookSmarts - increase the chance based Crafter skills chance of success by (base*1.5) for all nearby group members(does not effect the caster) for 2 minutes. Exp. Logging, mining, fishing...
This would only hook Crafter abilities and would result in the following potential bonus'
Mining: .015% chance for iron from stone(instead of .01.)
Woodcutting: 9% chance of double drops(instead of 6.)
Summon cow: 45% chance of two cows(instead of 30.)
Cornering the book market!
Level 55
Localize - Marks the location the scribe is standing - 3 day cooldown, requires 1 diamond block. Only works in Warshard or Forgelight.
Return - Teleports the Wordsmith to a location marked using Localize - 30 120 min cooldown, requires 1 enderpearl, 30 60 second warm up.
Original The main self perk of taking Wordsmith. Always at the beck and call of their Lords the Wordsmiths devised a new way to get back and fourth.
Inside the pages of the wordsmiths
Long cooldowns, costs and warmups would hopefully offset the great upsides of a second recall to make it manageable.
12pm 2/5/13 Recall removed as it appears the general consensus is there is no way to balance it.
7:45pm 2/5/13 Opened for one more go with a new suggestion. To hinder the benefits of having to open recalls instead limit the use to this mark in the mining worlds. The only place mark would work would be in Forgelight or Warshard. Continue the discussion
2/12/13 - Removed again as resistance seems to persist. Please voice up regarding this skill if for or against as well as reasoning.
Self perk
Level 60