Oh, im sorry about that. It was advertising per se, just informing that i was apart of another community server. I do understand your point though.
I've been gaming since I was 1 1/2, started out with Mario on the NES. I use to play with the controller upside down and still beat games. I currently own a Xbox 360 and a PS3, which I don't play as much due to Minecraft on PC. I was also playing a lot of Star Wars: The Old Republic, but I cancel my subscription due to Minecraft on PC,
Music has been my passion since I was 16. I've been writing music, without help, since 2006. The more I kept at writing on my own, the better I got. I critiqued my delivery and work on better metaphors to try individualize myself as an artist. Rather than letting the.....how can I say this? Wack artist/rappers influence my style. My influences are more traditional hip-hop rather than today's hip-hop/rap. I tell everyone that I'm not tryna get discovered or signed because the corporate industry only wants to use you and control what type of music you make. I don't want to be a "headliner", it's so much better being the opening act. So I'm satisfied with doing it for free, I mean the best things in life are free. You guys get curious check me out on youtube, my channel is robbanga314.