It's a good idea but the not the current issue. The current issue is how PVP players dislike PVE due to players flocking there and leaving PVPers nothing to kill. Again, I agree also with
@strongholdx that the mentality that the server should do nothing but kill each other all day every day with little to no extracurricular activities is what's killing the PVP side of the house.
@munchlaxhero consider what could also happen if the dev team decides to completely turn the server into PVP again:
Obviously, the PVE only players will get fed up and leave, One or two may even exist in the dev team itself, which might cause them to split off and make a completely new server based on the same plugin set ups as the current PVE server, and all the PVE only players would flock there again causing the same problem we have to begin with. You'd have to essentially change each and every person's mentality about
how they want to play the game, to prevent this. (or at least the people who know how to make a server)
Everyone wants to use the Hero plugin system, the township system, the events, and the community; but our divide is that some of us don't want to be subject to having to get ganked, be stalked, get harrassed, verbally abused, and forced to hide and run all the time that comes with a server with players of a round-the-clock PvP mindset.