So, 'bout that app. Care to take a peek at it since you're back in power, C12?
this guy is bossKind of off topic... but I'm studying for my bio final tomorrow, I'm remembering Thymine and Cytosine (TC...) as the Pyrimidines
hotApplicationIn game name: AetosionAge: 15Hero Paths/Specs: Samurai 27, Crafter 27Hero Levels: Wizard 55, Geomancer (some level around 55, but wasn't quite there), (currently) Samurai 27Mastered Specs/Paths: WizardWhy you should be a Tree Creeper: Sex appeal.What you can contribute: Solid gold skill.What town are you currently in: None.Time Zone: GMT -5Teamspeak(Ability to talk/listen/both): Both. You know my sexy voice.
kwong. why the hell are you replying to every single post?...
hotkwong. why the hell are you replying to every single post?...
BannedDid solo panda get banned or did he just quit?
But not shrimpsBut then again, we all know that dogs lay eggs. Right qNizzle?