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- Oct 20, 2012
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I have posted numurous times on the subject... but my Opinion has gone largly hated :_: #MeanPeople, but I guess I'll give it a shot again.@Dutchgirl619 @DaBur @malikdanab @MariusAbyssal @Naxet91 @devotedworker and anyone else who has been active from Amoria. We have heard extensively from the more vocal of Sanmak-kol but not much from Amoria. What are your take always from Townships 3.0? I know that when I first joined Herocraft I didn't know what a township plugin was and over the past year I am still learning about our current plugin. The learning curve is steep. This being said yes, Township 3.0 is new and different and will have its own learning curve. For someone who knows all the in's and out's of the current system they may see it as complicated. Knowing little of the current system though I myself find it no more complicated than what we have now.
I've heard complaints about it being restrictive. How so? Nearly all blocks are incorporated into the config files. If one is missing it can easily be added. In fact there are more block options in this than engineers have for bridges. Size restrictions? Nothing says that you can't overflow the building region so long as the minimum requirements are met for the region you have bought. I've done this in my builds. The number of blocks required for a build actually leave a lot of leeway, you can meet the requirements and still have over half of the region to use whatever blocks you want. Want an "L" shape build? Make the region on one side of the "L" the overall super region still protects your build much like the current system. The new region protections will be effective in the regioned part of the build.
I've heard how the PVP crowd doesn't like that they can't kill people inside the towns. I honestly don't get this one. I agree that the damage buff was ridiculous, it was subsequently removed. The poison damage to attackers? Over the top if it is on all the time. Rebalance the cost, damage applied, and add a cool down to it. What I'm reading is "if we can't waltz into a town and kill who we want and take what we want, it's no fun for us" am I reading it wrong? I'm a member of Sanmak- kol and I'm pro PVP when it doesn't devolve into "I killed you, now I'll sit here and kill you again and again till your death chest timer is up and I can take everything you have while you are naked and can't fight back" (this has been my experience with PVP repeatedly on live, never anything else)
I have not heard though what Amoria doesn't like about the plugin. Are costs too high? Region sizes restrictive? Too easy to upgrade? Missing block choices? What do you not like/want to see changed?
I also have not heard from Sanmak-kol what you DO like about the plugin... Honestly have you tried doing anything with it yet other that to reduce the opposing towns power via killing town members? Am I causing a detriment by being responsible for building the town and creating the regions? if so i can pass this off to one of the town leaders.
What we need to do here is an After Action Review (anyone here with a military background should be familiar with this... annoying after a long day in the field but definitely worth the time!) essentially this comes down to this:
- What was supposed to happen?
- What did happen?
- What are some improves?
- What are some sustains?
- What can be done to improve the training (plugin) next time (for live servers)?

The town plugin doesn't seem to be restrictive on building ( Besides size, and that can be avoided with time and money ) , I think people can live hidding a few blocks they don't like in their builds. I managed to make my favorite house build just fine

The PVPers have been vocal on their hate for for the new PVP in towns... Multi ( Dispite the fact he doesn't have to ) has tried to appeal to them, and I find it has exceedingly becoming an issue as nothing is good for them unless 5 people can bring down a 50,000s town in one hour. Towns are ($%* expensive to build, it should take at least as much as it took to build it to take down an active town.
Amoria loves the plugin.

I do not recall anything they have said not out of hate for the plugin, but I may be wrong! Sowwie if I'm offending anyone XD