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[Town] Silverwyn [12] [Neutral] - KoE


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
Silverwyn is a growing place in the Kingdom of Edolas, situated nearby Fiore in a man-made valley between two mountains in the North. As part of the Kingdom we have a hand in their projects, their commerce, and their resources. We have seaside property and place emphasis on beautiful, civilized scenery. There will be a unique benefit system and even apartments for people who can't afford plots. I want this city to be the best it can be, so any suggestions a citizen has will be heard and considered. If you wish to join, put a post here! Join us and help Silverwyn rise as a point of beauty and activity among the wastes and ruins of this blocky land!

Town Name: Silverwyn
Mayor: Dazureus
Second in Commands: Soundmaniac
Location of Town: -1829, -140
Charter Signatures:
00-Dazureus (mayor)

Township Level:Town, 75 radius, obsidian ring.

-Rule Zero: All standard server rules apply. There are no exceptions.
-Rule One: You are obligated to listen to the commands of the Mayor, the SICs, and the King of the Kingdom of Edolas. By joining SW you agree to cooperation with those in charge. Now, I consider myself a more than reasonable person. I enjoy communicating and debating and bartering, but when I actually put my foot down I want people to listen. By joining Silverwyn, you agree to cooperation with those in charge.
-Rule One-Point-One: Don't be an idiot. A little courtesy is all I really require. No killing or looting anything belonging to a member of the Kingdom, your town-mates included.
-Rule Two: If you aggravate anyone by stealing or killing (which is not to be done in excess), action they take against you or your property will not be automatically defended against by the city of Silverwyn. You may request back up from Silverwyn, and if the leadership agrees you have our full support. If any unprovoked obnoxious behavior is enacted on our citizens or their property, or property belonging to the city, the guilty party will be subject to retaliation.

All citizens will be allotted protected storage should their plot need to be vacated. All citizens will be given new plots when new plotlines are laid out.

Demolish all condemned buildings
-Few old basements now remain unfilled. What's left is to be filled in with sand, gravel, cobblestone and/or dirt, and finally covered with a layer of dirt for grass to grow upon. Thanks especially to RyusenX and his crew for helping me with this!

Begin work on Silverwyn Citadel
*Secondary Goal- set up Silverwyn's KoE Railway station.
- The City Bank, Charter, News Hall and the unopened City Rewards building are complete within the Citadel. We will be making a few basement floors next. The Railway Station and Herogate will be situated on the same floor, and Town Storage and the Farms will have their own floors. When this is complete, the old Town Hall will be demolished and we can lay out South side plots. The outer wall of the Citadel has yet to be built.

-city paths will be repaved to line up properly with the Citadel and create the new districts of Silverwyn.

Lay out city paths and districts
- Smooth Slab paths will be built extending from the Citadel to the North and South. The North side will be completed first, as it's perfectly flat and easy to rearrange. After that, it's likely the South side will come next. The West street has our historical buildings, houses belonging to past mayors and to Apherdite, the administrator.

- Plots and branching paths will be laid out during this project. Input for desirable plot sizes and locations will be appreciated.

Continue and Complete Silverwyn Citadel
- Planned features of the Citadel include Centerblock Pillar (a glass pillar extending from very near the 128-block limit to the bottom of the basement levels to provide light throughout), the Round Table (situated above the Citadel's central towers, where Silverwyn's Mayor, SIC and other citizens can discuss anything that needs discussing), plots within the walls of the Citadel (reserved for those with creativity- the plots' areas cut into the castle walls, you may edit your section of the wall however you want but it affects the image of the place), the Sky Gardens (a multilayered garden around the cloud level within the Citadel's main towers), the Founder's Shrine (Honoring Soundmaniac and the other Founders and Mayors of Silverwyn. This will probably be situated in a large cavern beneath the Citadel itself, and may branch off into underground plots), and Silverwyn Market (either on 2F or B1F, to be used for chest shops and a general hub of commerce in the Kingdom).
- This will include the towers and guardhouses on the walls surrounding the Citadel and the inner plots.
- This is a rather long-term project, and will more than likely be worked on by a small amount of people rather than the entire community of Silverwyn.

City Rewards
A system to reward work in Silverwyn and the KoE. Points will be given out to our citizens as they complete tasks posted in the Rewards building. They will be redeemable for services like lifts and extra chest protections, and for materials from our town storage room and extending the maximum limits of your plot in terms of height and depth. Other possible benefits or methods of earning points may be added if suggested.

I have no pictures. Expect some soon!


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
RE: Silverwyn re-app

Added some basic rules. I'll be overhauling the post once building begins on the new town center. There will be pictures!


Jan 30, 2011
RE: [Town] ~Silverwyn~ [5]

While I am online, should I use /ch re to advertise this town?

I could say 11*10 plots, large area, many great facilities, ect. And free items for newly starting people, and others. I could also tell them that if they want to join, they should say on this thread.

Shall I do that?


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
RE: [Town] ~Silverwyn~ [5]

Well, I'd prefer that any advertising you did mentioned the changes taking place on Saturday, though I suppose you can give them free 10x11 plots outside the wood blocks laying around town. I'm unsure about advertising paid plots at the current time. On that topic, I've been drawing up some 2D images of the layout of the castle, and I think that the inner plots will be pretty unique. I planned 10x20, and the only way to make that fit is to cut into the castle wall, so I figure why not? It'll make the border pretty and unique.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
RE: Silverwyn re-app

-.-" Come on. You did this with Skyforge already. Could somebody move this so I could take up maintenance of Silverwyn on the forums? If I am doing something wrong, or there's some problem with it, it's okay to tell me! I promise! >.<


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
RE: [Town] Silverwyn [7] - KoE

Redid the post to include more in-depth information about the town. Come on in, folks!


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 15, 2011
RE: [Town] Silverwyn [8] - KoE

i suppose we need 3 more citizen before they accept the application :/


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
RE: [Town] Silverwyn [8] - KoE

Kainzo finally confirmed that this was the case. Two more, and hopefully they'll be willing to do some demo-work.
Idea, newbies joining SW get a certain amount of free coins. Maybe 25c or something.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 14, 2011
RE: [Town] Silverwyn [8] - KoE

I'm fine with throwing some coins at new players coming to silverwyn. Also keep in mind I pay people who recruit...at a bonus to Silverwyn recruiters.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 15, 2011
RE: [Town] Silverwyn [8] - KoE

i got some valuables recently, let say: the next 5 persons to join Silverwyn got a gold bar and a diamond from me ^^
Mar 6, 2011
RE: [Town] Silverwyn [9] - KoE

just to make sure, posting here. I'd love to help with public facilities and such, and might end up have T3 abilities in a week or two, so that would make it easier.

[size=large]Also everyone should rate this thread 5 stars[/size]


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
RE: [Town] Silverwyn [9] - KoE

Sorry I haven't been on, guys. Reality is distracting me. And, uh, so is my new 3DS. :D at any rate, about Tuesday or Wednesday I should start returning, and I'll pop in a bit before then. Be sure to advertise and recruit! So close to official officialness again!


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
RE: [Town] Silverwyn [9] - KoE

Let me try this image-posting stuff again. Here's a footprint of my idea of the castle as overlaid onto a map of Silverwyn.

/cross fingers
Mar 23, 2011
RE: [Town] Silverwyn [10] - KoE

nue, my 3 pot mini castle thing is going to get built on a bit....owell Iall movie it.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
RE: [Town] Silverwyn [10] - KoE

That's kind of the issue, stuff will need to be moved and replaced. If you wanna make an omelet you're gonna have to break down a bunch of houses. I assure you, you'll be reimbursed for what you lose.

Hey, maybe you could run a hotel. Just set up your building like you have now, and sell each room as a small plot. Perfect for people low on funds or just want a bit of storage in Silverwyn. I'll set aside a big plot if you like idea.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
RE: [Town] Silverwyn [10] - KoE

Find us in-game (you can see our ring from Fiore, the large city at the end of the path that extends North from the spawn castle, it's the closest obsidian ring), and put up a sign with your name in the bottom floor of the Town Hall. After you do that, post again and I'll add you to the list.

I'd be on to help you through it myself, but I have to deal with reality at the current time. Probably won't be on until tomorrow evening. Having posted in this thread, I assume you've read the summary and such. That's all you really gotta do.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
RE: [Town] Silverwyn [Required Minimum Amount of Citizens] - KoE

That's 10 sigs, besides me! We should be qualified to move back to Townships now!


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
RE: [Town] Silverwyn [10] [Neutral] - KoE

...Okay, what's up now? It's not moved and I've seen lots of mods, etc. on... I'm obviously missing something. What is it?