I was sold at the name Ched Nasad.. I remember reading those Legend of Drizzt books.
IGN: techmight (yes, lower case. Apparently in MC it matters..)
Age: 16, nearly 17
Time Zone: Mountain Daylight Time ; 6:00 GMT
Class / Profession: Rogue / Crafter . I'll probably do something like Smith or Scribe once I finish out Crafter.
Do You Have/Use Teamspeak?: Yep! I've used TeamSpeak 3 since roughly 2010. Also, I know a great free alternative* that we can use as a backup in case TS decides to ever give it up.
How long have you been on HC?: Roughly 4 or so days since I got Whitelisted. I've stalked around HC's forums and I've done research into HC and played a little long, long before I ever joined and committed as a Whitelister.
Why do you want to join?: I'd prefer to stop living in a personal hole in the ground and move to a Drow-themed hole in the ground. IE: I want a community and a group to belong to. I've lived underground, a short distance from Newerth ever since I ran out of Bastion on my first day and I've realized that I could be having a lot more fun if I joined up in a town.
What town(s) have you been in?: None. You guys would be my first home.
Do You Understand the Rules and Agree? : Yup! I'd prefer not to piss off Ched Nasad's leaders, or Lolth for that matter.

rules are rules, and I'll keep them.
Tell Us about yourself:
As far as my utility in the town goes, I'm pretty well versed in how MC has progressed and developed even since pre-Alpha. So I know a lot about the game and how it works. I enjoy dinking around with mods and MC's Java-using resources; I can at least figure out WHY a mod/Java plugin for Minecraft isn't working, if not finding a way through the Internet and my own skill to fix it.
I'm writing this from an Ubuntu 12.04 install, as well. Which to everyone here should just say that I'm a good bit better than the average PC user. By the way, advanced usage on this operating system is Hell to anyone who's not good at scripting, I've found.. Just FYI.
I've also read plenty of the books about Drizzt and the Underdark's societies. Blame the parents for that.. I've been (quietly) a geek since birth because of them.
I've played lots of other team-based games. Mount and Blade: Warband and it's expansion Napoleonic Wars was home to my brother and I for around 6 months last year. We were in Regimental Gaming's 27th Riflemen regiment, and later the 33y Mosovskii infantry/artillery regiment under the same commander up until around 4 months ago. The group just kind of.. died. I haven't even heard from any of them on Steam for months. Times change, eh? .-.
tl;dr : I'm a computer geek. I play Minecraft. This is by no means my first really involved/applied gaming group- but it IS my first town in HC, and I'd love to join. Drow FTW