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[Town] Ched Nasad (37) [Neutral] - Recruiting - No Taxes

Jun 19, 2013
Time Zone: Pacific Time
Class / Profession:Necromancer/Crafter(planning to go alchemist probably)
Do you have or use Teamspeak:Yes, but recently my microphone broke so I may be unable to use it for a little bit.
How long have you been on HC: A couple weeks, long enough to subclass and get a feel for it.
Why do you want to join:I like the theme a lot and I need a town to be loyal to.
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: None
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Absolutely
Tell us about yourself: I like the underworld and dark theme in minecraft and alchemy, not a fan of mining or farming but hey, I'd be glad to fight should the time come.
Jun 6, 2013
IGN: Flame_Youth
Time Zone: Central
Class/Profession: Caster/Crafter
TeamSpeak: No
Time on HC: 5 Weeks
Reason: RPG is my life
What towns have I been in and reason I left: None
Why do you want to join?: Because I feel like I need Protection~
Tell us about yourself: I like beans, And I am Very active
Referrals: MatthewCoolBeans


Apr 28, 2013
Netherlands / Dutch
Time Zone: Pacific Time
Class / Profession:Necromancer/Crafter(planning to go alchemist probably)
Do you have or use Teamspeak:Yes, but recently my microphone broke so I may be unable to use it for a little bit.
How long have you been on HC: A couple weeks, long enough to subclass and get a feel for it.
Why do you want to join:I like the theme a lot and I need a town to be loyal to.
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: None
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Absolutely
Tell us about yourself: I like the underworld and dark theme in minecraft and alchemy, not a fan of mining or farming but hey, I'd be glad to fight should the time come.

Sir you are accepted..so welcome to the town talk to Xargun, Kota grizzly, Techs_Rule , AmrothXD in game to get to town and town perms


Apr 28, 2013
Netherlands / Dutch
IGN: Flame_Youth
Time Zone: Central
Class/Profession: Caster/Crafter
TeamSpeak: No
Time on HC: 5 Weeks
Reason: RPG is my life
What towns have I been in and reason I left: None
Why do you want to join?: Because I feel like I need Protection~
Tell us about yourself: I like beans, And I am Very active
Referrals: MatthewCoolBeans

Pending !!!
K you know matthew and Ben but you applyed with [Town] Jericho (21) [Evil] [TCK] just 15 days ago
your going or went on vaction,,further more BAN jokes over a stolen drink are A BIG no no.
saw your whitelisted apply..hmmm so you you like to think your smart in talking back., found more bans about that.
peeked about your own server.
Normal it would be a reject..so i gone ask matthew and Ben [your brother] about you to give you a change
you may speak with Xargun, Kota grizzly, Techs_Rule , AmrothXD in game to say why you wane join .. and make sure why you are no trouble to or town


Jun 26, 2013
Time Zone:USA/Pacific
Class / Profession: Rogue/Crafter
Do you have or use Teamspeak: Yes
How long have you been on HC: 3 days
Why do you want to join: I have friends in the town, and i like to have a strong community
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: None
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Yes
Tell us about yourself: Im outgoing, and a pretty easy going person. I'm not harsh, and i don't get mad easily, i have a long fuse, and i don't like to get in arguments I'm not going to win
Referrals: Sonax1 Speedy747


Legacy Supporter 8
Mar 17, 2012
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
IGN: Flame_Youth
Time Zone: Central
Class/Profession: Caster/Crafter
TeamSpeak: No
Time on HC: 5 Weeks
Reason: RPG is my life
What towns have I been in and reason I left: None
Why do you want to join?: Because I feel like I need Protection~
Tell us about yourself: I like beans, And I am Very active
Referrals: MatthewCoolBeans

I want to see more info than this. giving me one word answers wont get you acceted. PLEASE give more more to go off of.

Time Zone:USA/Pacific
Class / Profession: Rogue/Crafter
Do you have or use Teamspeak: Yes
How long have you been on HC: 3 days
Why do you want to join: I have friends in the town, and i like to have a strong community
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: None
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Yes
Tell us about yourself: Im outgoing, and a pretty easy going person. I'm not harsh, and i don't get mad easily, i have a long fuse, and i don't like to get in arguments I'm not going to win
Referrals: Sonax1 Speedy747



Legacy Supporter 9
Jan 12, 2013
Ohio, USA

We will be having a deathmatch style PVP event this coming Saturday (June 29th) at 9pm Server Time (CST). It will be a free-for-all with a prize for the last man standing. Contest rules will be coming soon - so get trained up and get ready for some bloodshed.


1. No sitting in Structures - you may enter YOUR house (or central pillar) to access bridges but stay out of Houses
2. No Potions
3. Make sure you have a death chest - looting of items is forbidden - if items drop on the floor then they need to be
picked up and kept until match is over (so they don't despawn)
4. No Parties allowed
5, Once killed you have to wait until the next match to re-enter pvp - in this case stay in the central pillar or your
house until match is over (or wait in the graveyard for a GTP)
6. No building new structures - pillaring / stair building is allowed (all such structures will be removed before next
7. No destroying structures
8. If you die to a mob you are still out of the match - pvp happens everywhere so mobs are a real threat while fighting
(Using a mob to kill an opponent is permitted)
9. Dying by any means is still a death and you are out of the match

Everyone must be in TS to participate - you don't have to have a mic, but you must be able to listen as instructions / rule changes will be announced in TS only

Our contest - since it is public - may attract the attention of other cities who may intrude into our undercity or camp the surface. If they appear in the undercity, the contest immediately stops and we party up and kill them. If they camp the surface we can GTP you back from the graveyard for the next round.

We ask that other groups do not interfere in our pvp training - let us train up our ranks and we will gladly fight you another day.

These rules are the basic outline and we will go over the final rules before the match


Jun 27, 2013
IGN: HaZeDeath
Age: 18
Time Zone: USA/Central
Class / Profession: Rogue/Crafter
Do you have or use Teamspeak: yes
How long have you been on HC: less then a day
Why do you want to join: I am new to the game, and I was looking for a town when Boomers15 whispered me about Ched Nasad
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: None
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: yes
Tell us about yourself: I am a quiet person at times, I like helping people, I am decent player and I do not grief.


Apr 28, 2013
Netherlands / Dutch
IGN: HaZeDeath
Age: 18
Time Zone: USA/Central
Class / Profession: Rogue/Crafter
Do you have or use Teamspeak: yes
How long have you been on HC: less then a day
Why do you want to join: I am new to the game, and I was looking for a town when Boomers15 whispered me about Ched Nasad
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: None
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: yes
Tell us about yourself: I am a quiet person at times, I like helping people, I am decent player and I do not grief.

Accepted after a whisper chat
May 30, 2012
IGN:THExN00BxSLAYER (With Zeros)
Time Zone: Pacific
Class / Profession: Warrior
Do you have or use Teamspeak: YES! always
How long have you been on HC: About 1.5 years
Why do you want to join: Simply i want to be a part of a community.
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: oh gosh.... Halloween town was mainly with Rumblestikk the whole time.
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules:YES!
Tell us about yourself:i love minecraft have been playing for quite a while i'm a good builder and like to help
Referrals:ALOT! lol idk, haven't played in a while but want to be apart of the server again


Legacy Supporter 8
Mar 17, 2012
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
IGN:THExN00BxSLAYER (With Zeros)
Time Zone: Pacific
Class / Profession: Warrior
Do you have or use Teamspeak: YES! always
How long have you been on HC: About 1.5 years
Why do you want to join: Simply i want to be a part of a community.
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: oh gosh.... Halloween town was mainly with Rumblestikk the whole time.
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules:YES!
Tell us about yourself:i love minecraft have been playing for quite a while i'm a good builder and like to help
Referrals: A LOT! lol idk, haven't played in a while but want to be apart of the server again

Jun 27, 2013
IGN: NeonNukesHD
Age: 15
Time Zone: Pacific
Class / Profession: Warrior
Do you have or use Teamspeak: All the time.
How long have you been on HC: Started today, but don't let that answer make you say no.
Why do you want to join: You guys are really chill, and I would enjoy to be a part of your community.
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: This would be my first town in this server.
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Indeed I do.
Tell us about yourself: I've been playing Minecraft when it first came out, I love building, and helping out my town.
Referrals: ThexNoobxSlayer


Legacy Supporter 8
Mar 17, 2012
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
IGN: NeonNukesHD
Age: 15
Time Zone: Pacific
Class / Profession: Warrior
Do you have or use Teamspeak: All the time.
How long have you been on HC: Started today, but don't let that answer make you say no.
Why do you want to join: You guys are really chill, and I would enjoy to be a part of your community.
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: This would be my first town in this server.
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Indeed I do.
Tell us about yourself: I've been playing Minecraft when it first came out, I love building, and helping out my town.
Referrals: ThexNoobxSlayer



Glowing Redstone
Apr 4, 2012
Time Zone:Im in Mississippi? o.o
Class / Profession:Rogue/crafter
Do you have or use Teamspeak:yep
How long have you been on HC:eek:ld user, stopped playing for due to work, then joined the military and now i have plenty of free time in the evening.
Why do you want to join: I enjoy workingwith others.
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: Konoha , apathetic leadership
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules:Yes
Tell us about yourself: Joined the Airforce back in feb as a client system technician. Computers are my thing.
Referrals: ME - :D (im so lonely T.T)


Apr 28, 2013
Netherlands / Dutch
Time Zone:Im in Mississippi? o.o
Class / Profession:Rogue/crafter
Do you have or use Teamspeak:yep
How long have you been on HC:eek:ld user, stopped playing for due to work, then joined the military and now i have plenty of free time in the evening.
Why do you want to join: I enjoy workingwith others.
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: Konoha , apathetic leadership
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules:Yes
Tell us about yourself: Joined the Airforce back in feb as a client system technician. Computers are my thing.
Referrals: ME - :D (im so lonely T.T)

Accepted...and welcome to town


Jun 30, 2013
IGN: xDmgx
Age: 22
Time Zone: Eastern
Class / Profession: Caster / Crafter
Do you have or use Teamspeak: I do
How long have you been on HC: Just started today
Why do you want to join: I prefer teamwork rather than fighting and building on my own
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: I have yet to be in a town
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: I do
Tell us about yourself: I've been playing minecraft for quite some time, this is my second RP server, and I'm really looking forward to becoming a part of this server.
Referrals: kotagrizzly
Mar 3, 2013
IGN: xDmgx
Age: 22
Time Zone: Eastern
Class / Profession: Caster / Crafter
Do you have or use Teamspeak: I do
How long have you been on HC: Just started today
Why do you want to join: I prefer teamwork rather than fighting and building on my own
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: I have yet to be in a town
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: I do
Tell us about yourself: I've been playing minecraft for quite some time, this is my second RP server, and I'm really looking forward to becoming a part of this server.
Referrals: kotagrizzly

Accepted Welcome


May 4, 2012
Time Zone:Eastern
Class / Profession:Caster/Crafter, Planning to be a Pyro/Farmer
Do you have or use Teamspeak:No I also would not like to get it since times in the past where it has just been a pain
How long have you been on HC:Well Currently the forums about a year but for the server maybe 4 months
Why do you want to join:I would like to join because Im just looking for a town and nothing special from any just some good people to hang out with maybe raid with and hopefully who can help me. And if I join Ill give back to the town just as much as anyone.
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them:Cant remember the last town I was in because it was a long time ago. I left because of inactivity.
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules:Yes
Tell us about yourself:Well Im a hardworker when I set my mind to something. Im also very nice and would rather not want to fight someone if it came to that. I really enjoy playing rp servers especially ones with the heros plugin. And I do have a little bit of experience from last time I played on this server but Im a little rusty because alot of stuff has changed.


Jul 1, 2013
IGN: Miabo
Age: 18
Time Zone: Mountain Standard Time
Class / Profession: Healer and no profession as of yet
Do you have or use Teamspeak: Not yet, but will be willing to get it as soon as possible
How long have you been on HC: Only about a day now
Why do you want to join: Well, outside of being a huge Forgotten Realms fan, I am also very willing to join a town where I can help others out, along with learn more with Herocraft. Also, I'm really interesting in providing support for other people, which is a lot harder to do when you are on your own.
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: I have yet to be in any towns, so I can say that I have been very loyal and haven't left a single town yet, lol
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Yes
Tell us about yourself: A little about about myself, perhaps? I am an eighteen year old male currently living in Idaho. My father has been in the military since I was two, So I have had the chance to move around a lot. I have seen places such as German, Luxembourg, France, and Belgium. I am pretty easy going person, and only get upset easily when I see/hear someone being hurt or discriminated against. I am usually a very helpful person, very willing to teach others if they don't know, or help someone complete a task. I enjoy reading more than almost anything, and will often lose myself in books series such as
-Harry Potter
-Wheel of Time
-Sword of Truth
-Ender's Game,
-Dragonlance Chronicles
just to name a few. I am also hopelessly addicted to anime and caffeine, and have severe withdrawal symptoms when I don't have either, or both. I have a weird obsession with the Joker from Batman (The D.C. comics multiverse).
Referrals: Kotagrizzly, but probably only because he told me I could


Legacy Supporter 8
Mar 17, 2012
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
IGN: Miabo
Age: 18
Time Zone: Mountain Standard Time
Class / Profession: Healer and no profession as of yet
Do you have or use Teamspeak: Not yet, but will be willing to get it as soon as possible
How long have you been on HC: Only about a day now
Why do you want to join: Well, outside of being a huge Forgotten Realms fan, I am also very willing to join a town where I can help others out, along with learn more with Herocraft. Also, I'm really interesting in providing support for other people, which is a lot harder to do when you are on your own.
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: I have yet to be in any towns, so I can say that I have been very loyal and haven't left a single town yet, lol
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Yes
Tell us about yourself: A little about about myself, perhaps? I am an eighteen year old male currently living in Idaho. My father has been in the military since I was two, So I have had the chance to move around a lot. I have seen places such as German, Luxembourg, France, and Belgium. I am pretty easy going person, and only get upset easily when I see/hear someone being hurt or discriminated against. I am usually a very helpful person, very willing to teach others if they don't know, or help someone complete a task. I enjoy reading more than almost anything, and will often lose myself in books series such as
-Harry Potter
-Wheel of Time
-Sword of Truth
-Ender's Game,
-Dragonlance Chronicles
just to name a few. I am also hopelessly addicted to anime and caffeine, and have severe withdrawal symptoms when I don't have either, or both. I have a weird obsession with the Joker from Batman (The D.C. comics multiverse).
Referrals: Kotagrizzly, but probably only because he told me I could
