Don't drag me into whatever it is you all are doing in this thread QQZachimon and Shadowall @Acherous Convinced me in the start of the map to go Samurai. The DPS man!
Me and @Jotamota3006 Will talkApply format:In game name: MajorasMaskAge & location: UK, 16Why do you want to join Canterlot?: I like the way Canterlot is moving. I've been a member of the town before, but I left due to their inactivity and lazyness, and IRL work. Now, I see Canterlot has made a lot of changes, and has also left XD. I used to be against CT, but their current attitude towards others on the server, I think it is great!I want to help out, to offer my gardening services and to allow Canterlot to prosper. I have already assisted in yesterday's attack, and I wish to continue by offering my skills.
For how long have you played on Herocraft? A year.Have you been in any past towns? If any, which town/towns? Check my signature. Yes, I have been in many towns, but I left them all for different reasons. Mostly inactivity and my disagreement with their attitude towards things. I left all towns peacefully except one, which was Lorien, whereas I attacked the town before I left. Nothing on a major scale, one man can't do everything!
How did you hear about Canterlot? Since the start of the server.Are you okey with paying 20c taxes every Sunday? Did you know you could vote for Herocraft twice every day and earn 14c by doing so? Go to and Yes, I don't mind paying taxes!
So I take a day off from Herocraft and all the shit has hit the fan.
and I believe WoleverEntun may have been a leader back then or at least high up .
binded redstoneTarget is not a sapling!
Fucking saplings!
Guys, it's a game. There is no way we are coming back. We won't die. I won't quit. Canterlot will have its freedom. Camping outside our walls won't change that. I was not even considering leaving XD yesterday untill a Victim comes out of nowhere and kills everyone he sees. Then xexo support him and therefore support that XD was in fact betraying Canterlot.
After reading those 2 pages, how comes none of XD's council members even know who FE is? FE is far superior to XD in any way. The capital of XD is a crater. The capital of FE is beatiful. I remember visiting FE many times and all I see is a beatiful and well-structured kingdom.
There is no reason to go to war. I was leaving i peace after being betrayed by Newerth. Nevermore shows up and attack us with the support of Newerth.
@Haxnn @WoleverEntun We should form KoE again, xexo sure wouldn't like that xD
XD is the new hotspot for PvP. Too bad i don't share my old interest for pvp now. I wish we could do this the diplomatic and peaceful way, but when you show no sign to negotiate at all...
XD just lost 40% of its active playerbase. If BG and LF leaves, XD will concist of the two inactive towns Nevermore and Newerth.
Also xexo, you are behaving bad for a staff member. Bashing, flaming and lying is some bad traits that staff shouldn't have.
Nevermore is a crater, not Newerth. Pretty much everyone I showed it to either: Thinks it's a random messed up wilderness area or consider PE'ing for massive wilderness grief. That's how bad it is.
wow canterlot won? alright, @atvrider312 @spartanfan17 @Leo2596 @jmoney222 @unknownloner @RagingDragon5 @EveryoneelseIforgotwholovespvpinErebos