...if you refer to the battle at the north east herogate, only 2 of the like 7 were raubtier, me and laviathan. Laviathan is a ranger so he can't do much of running in the open since when he is aiming he walks slow and stuff so he has to stay near the no-pvp. When I go out everyone who was on my team normally went back to no-pvp while I get left with 3 of your guys in a 3v1 forcing me to run back with like 3 hearts left. Please do not make accusations like this until you have more than just that little battle as a back up. Eclipse raided Raubtier before all the time, reason being was because we are fun to pvp and we actually came out to fight.lol raubtier will bring a no pvp region and border hop in it![]()
Just cleaned up this thread. If I have to come back and and clean up more flaming/outright harassment I won't be happy.
You obviously didn't see the countless posts Neo removed because Xexo was flaming and bashing EtKEnn in here.You need proof for everyone to know he's a douche. I'm sorry, here's a rant for you - You look like a massive dumbass solely because you bash him in public!
Don't lose your cool on the forums or in global chats. I let off steam the way you're suggesting and it got me muted and warned countless times. Even your ally leftovers is telling you to shut up because of your ignorance. Xexo called on me cuz I am a friend who avidly PvPs, and can bring friends to help create more PvP throughout the server. I'm not encouraging trolling and douchebaggery... I'm promoting classic PvP - Where people don't troll or brag or bash after the raid - whether you win or lose.
I've been practicing this method and immersing myself in experiments with newer towns. For example, today @Tuanbanh and @khoi named me the nicest raider because I only killed. I didn't take items of value (besides weapons), didnt call them pussies or tell them to grow some balls once they hid in their houses, and last of all - I don't feed the troll - someone trolls you DON'T TROLL BACK. As hard as it is for me as someone with a small anger problem, it really works.
You need proof for everyone to know he's a douche. I'm sorry, here's a rant for you - You look like a massive dumbass solely because you bash him in public!
Don't lose your cool on the forums or in global chats. I let off steam the way you're suggesting and it got me muted and warned countless times. Even your ally leftovers is telling you to shut up because of your ignorance. Xexo called on me cuz I am a friend who avidly PvPs, and can bring friends to help create more PvP throughout the server. I'm not encouraging trolling and douchebaggery... I'm promoting classic PvP - Where people don't troll or brag or bash after the raid - whether you win or lose.
I've been practicing this method and immersing myself in experiments with newer towns. For example, today @Tuanbanh and @khoi named me the nicest raider because I only killed. I didn't take items of value (besides weapons), didnt call them pussies or tell them to grow some balls once they hid in their houses, and last of all - I don't feed the troll - someone trolls you DON'T TROLL BACK. As hard as it is for me as someone with a small anger problem, it really works.
We have taken plenty of screenshots of him publicly bashing Canterlot in /ch o, the forums and /ch shout. This is harassment.
Maybe erebos just wants to raid you because they don't like you not because they got asked by xexorian..There you have the truth. Xexo has no faith in his own people so he needs Erebos to fights his battlesWhat a weak man. Atleast 80% of the people fighting with me is my townies while he use 90% non-XD members.
Grow dem balls xexo.
Yet ironee has screenshots of Canterlot members outright bashing the appearance of Nevermore in /ch o, so I wouldn't be claiming harassment if I were you.
So is your story aswell.You guys antagonized him and you're only posting two screens shots of the end of the back-and-forth between you guys and him. The story you're telling is very one-sided.
So is your story aswell.
You guys antagonized him and you're only posting two screens shots of the end of the back-and-forth between you guys and him. The story you're telling is very one-sided.
I'm not talking about your statement, 'your' like in XD/Xexo's story.I made a statement not a story.
Look at what our members are saying. We call him a tyrant, ect. Look at this thread too. We call him power hungry, a bad leader, ect. We don't do things on an excessive scale like he does. I will say it again, Neotetro has been removing his comments only, for they are far ruder than what we have said.
As for the antagonising, he and all his fellow XD citizens say they are ''calm'' about this. If he is calm, why would he say things like this?
I'm not talking about your statement, 'your' like in XD/Xexo's story.
Look at what our members are saying. We call him a tyrant, ect. Look at this thread too. We call him power hungry, a bad leader, ect. We don't do things on an excessive scale like he does. I will say it again, Neotetro has been removing his comments only, for they are far ruder than what we have said.
As for the antagonising, he and all his fellow XD citizens say they are ''calm'' about this. If he is calm, why would he say things like this?
None of this would have happened if @EtKEnn didn't start insulting/harassing us first. If you wanted to leave XD and become independent, and not put up a fuss about it we woulda been fine with it.
Yet you complain that we have something to say when you call us out? For every mean thing Xexo has said to you and your people, your people have said something to us. You started it, so we will finish it as soon as you are ready. You can't just start something like that and point fingers at us for shouting back like we are instigators and bad people. Half the stuff Kenn says in this topic about XD is a lie, like how we've attacked them like "15-20 times" and lost, and how you've done like nothing to us.
It's a very one sided view of it. Since I can see both sides, I don't have to justify myself to you. Just have the decency to attempt to see the big picture. If you don't want to, I can't help you.