Age/Timezone:14 and the Timezone is West Europe+1
Referals: On this Server nothing
What other towns were you in/why did you leave them:This will my first town.
Link to whitelist application:http://www.herocraftonline.com/main/threads/my-whtielist-aplplications.35845/#post-303796
Why do you wish to join Belegost: Because I haven´t a save home, therefore I need this.I need friends that I can trust.
How can you help out the town: I am a good Miner. On PvP I can help too.
What do you want from the town:Good friends and a safe House
What class are you going to be (Combat and profession): Warrior-> Paladin
How many hours a day can you be on Herocraft: Holiday: Almost aways. Schooltime: Over one/two hours
Why should we accept you into Belegost?:Because I can help each players. With Farmen,Minen,Leveln and other things. I'm actually very nice
Tell us about yourself: I am fourteen years old and I go in the Middle School in Germany. I like Football, Paintball, Swimming on a Swimmhall. My favourite eat is spaghetti and pizza.
Did you read the rules: Yes,of course