• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Hello Herocrafters,
@Admins @Heralds @Moderators

It's been a bit quiet around here so I thought I'd touch base with you guys.

First off, we have a beta server releasing in 2~ weeks. This server will have the majority of changes for the new content coming for Herocraft. It will allow you to play test the update before we release so we have a better understanding of the needs/wants of the hardware and playerbase.

Secondly, I have recently moved positions and locations in real life, so its been very hectic, due to this some things are behind but will be caught up.

Thirdly, involving Dungeon Heroes, its creative director and backend handling will be overseen by @BlackCoyote as well as myself. The goal is to get this product out as quickly as we can for the MC player base to enjoy.

I'm looking forward to seeing new and old faces around Xmas and the new year, thanks for keeping in touch and reading up on Herocraft

If you have any questons, feel free to ask here, I'll hit them as I can.

ps: We have staff positions open, send those apps in!


Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 8, 2013
Hello Herocrafters,
@Admins @Heralds @Moderators

It's been a bit quiet around here so I thought I'd touch base with you guys.

First off, we have a beta server releasing in 2~ weeks. This server will have the majority of changes for the new content coming for Herocraft. It will allow you to play test the update before we release so we have a better understanding of the needs/wants of the hardware and playerbase.

Secondly, I have recently moved positions and locations in real life, so its been very hectic, due to this some things are behind but will be caught up.

Thirdly, involving Dungeon Heroes, its creative director and backend handling will be overseen by @BlackCoyote as well as myself. The goal is to get this product out as quickly as we can for the MC player base to enjoy.

I'm looking forward to seeing new and old faces around Xmas and the new year, thanks for keeping in touch and reading up on Herocraft

If you have any questons, feel free to ask here, I'll hit them as I can.

ps: We have staff positions open, send those apps in!
I've had them ready for a while now and I'm excited for next map. We gotta step it up this map @Heralds
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Legacy Supporter 6
May 24, 2012
Will there be a new spawn when the update launches? BC I could see myself coming out of MC retirement for that.


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 4, 2013
Spokane, WA
Will we be wiping characters back to zero and starting anew, or is this simply a map revamp?

Jul 6, 2013
If my life wasn't just waking up, going to school, coming home at 6:00, showering, eating, doing homework, and finally going back to sleep to have dreams with amazing plots (seriously, it's been ridiculous the last few nights), I would be figuring out the architectural style of whatever I'm going to build in the new map!

But yeah, been too busy to spend more than an hour with the family over the whole week, so just trying to get by ATM.