IGN: TeddyOnTheKill
Age/Timezone: 22 United States Eastern time
Are you able to use TeamSpeak3?: Yes, but I prefer skype(I will make TeamSpeak if a must)
Are you available on Skype?: Yes
[email protected]
How long have you been on Herocraft?: A few days, but I enjoy it and plan on staying! best server yet.
What class are you, include level: Dragoon
What profession are you, include level(if crafter, what do you plan to be): Miner, or warrior
Why Tiltwo?: I like the view, resources are good and it's well protected. I want to take part in protecting, I want to serve the kingdom.
What do you enjoy most about HeroCraft, or Minecraft in general?: I love hero craft's texture pack, the seed. the style. Best organized rpg server .
Any previous towns?: Not officially
Why did you leave, or why were you kicked?: not applicable.
Strengths?: Will power, integrity, focus, fast thinker, following orders in combat
Weaknesses?: Lag, lots of people asking me questions at once.