- Joined
- Jan 2, 2014
Denied. You have failed to read the rules.IGN: SuperWeegeeGamer
Age/Timezone: 14/Eastern
How long have you been on herocraft: since December 14 2014
Any Previous Towns: Dion ( lacks defenses )
Why did you leave, or why were you kicked: like i said Dion lacks defenses
Stregths: A helping hands in partys , getting rescources , online a lot
Weaknesses: Bard is bad for pvp thats why i said its a helping hand in partys , Aspengers Syndrome
Bonus: Town Positions: I will usully be working on the farm getting it upgraded more and more as time passes and profession will be farmer or alchemist
IGN: Chickensponge
Age/Timezone: 18 GMT ~
How long have you been on Herocraft?: Less than one Day
Any previous towns?: Nope
Why did you leave, or why were you kicked?: N/A
Strengths?: Building, mining, fighting. I like to consider myself as a pretty good builder although it may be different in the eyes of others. Mining is pretty simple as everyone does it anyway but I put it there because it looks good. Fighting isn't my strongest point but I'm alright at it, which why I picked paladin as it seemed as more of a supportive role in fights rather than the main focus.
Weaknesses?: Multi-tasking, Roleplaying (Wouldn't mind help). During chaotic fights I can sometimes start to lose focus and not use abilities right and probably panic but I am working on it. Roleplaying isn't something I've been too keen on however I am willing attempt it if necessary
Accepted! One question though- you say you have played herocraft only a day, but your forum account was made in 2012. Perhaps you signed up and just got around to playing? None the less, welcome to Tiltwo!
Denied. You have failed to read the rules and don't seem a good fit.IGN: Diamondsinacave
Age/Timezone: 12 eastern timezone aka america
How long have you been on Herocraft?: Idk I awile
Would you prefer to progress within the Clergy or Royalty?: hmm depends whatever needs more work
Strengths?: Generally nice, hard worker and helpful
Weaknesses?: rushing pvp wise im not good at tht im more defefncive
Accepted! Welcome to Tiltwo!IGN: Rihawk_
Age/Timezone: 18 / PST ~
How long have you been on Herocraft?: I originally tested it out 2 years ago, but came back to it just this week.
Any previous towns?: Nope.
Why did you leave, or why were you kicked?: N/A.
Strengths?: Love to build (and quite good at it!) as well as farming and socializing while I play.
Weaknesses?: Cant be online super often due to College and life. Also, I'm best pvping with a bow, but I'm playing as disciple and my melee is only mediocre.
Denied. You have failed to read the rules!IGN: vernonboy4
Age/Timezone: 18 Eastern Standard
How long have you been on Herocraft?: Just started, but my brother played.
Any previous towns?: N/A
Why did you leave, or why were you kcked?: N/A
Strengths?: Building
Weaknesses?: Fighting
Accepted! We talked in game- your pretty chill.IGN: Jenk (Formerly JenksLaw)
Age/Timezone: 30 EST~
How long have you been on Herocraft?: Since Bastion... 2010?
Any previous towns?: Was Mayor of FairMount and Qeynos on two previous maps
Why did you leave, or why were you kcked?: Always will have a place for HeroCraft in my heart. Thought this time I would help someone else achieve their dream instead of building some nonsense myself.
Strengths?: Economy/Trap Engineering
Weaknesses?: PvP... I'm terrible with Macros and combat. I prefer killing people with buttons and levers..
Denied. You have failed to read the rules.IGN: Dr_Whitestuff
Age/Timezone: 17 EST a
How long have you been on Herocraft?:About a year, i played for a few resets just getting back into it from a break because of my job.
Any previous towns?: Ive had one but i don't remember the name of it and it was pretty small just starting out didn't do much.
Why did you leave, or why were you kcked?: I left because the owner of the town quit playing and he got bored of the server so i left the town.
Strengths?: Building,mining and farming.
Weaknesses?: Leveling up classes, and pvp on my bad days but im working on it.
Accepted!IGN: Luk640
Age/Timezone: 17 years old/MEZ +1 ~
How long have you been on Herocraft?: I know about Herocraft since few years. But with long breacks.
Any previous towns?: I´ve forgotten. Excuse me, please.
Why did you leave, or why were you kcked?: I was kicked for inactivity. After few hours playing it was boring.
Strengths?: I like PvP because it is a nice feeling if you battle with your team against others.
Weaknesses?: I´m not a good builder.
Cheers to you, may your town find fortune, pleasure and may your enemies fall before you @GodOfGalesTiltwo has formed an official non-hostility act with Wertopia and Dionysus.
Cheers be with you, mayors @impulsepaci and @necrophoros!
Denied. You have failed to read the rules.
Accepted!Don't make me regret it.