- Joined
- Jul 25, 2015
IGN: Darkking_br
Age/Timezone:15/ BRA~
Are you able to use TeamSpeak3?:no
Are you available on Skype?:yes
How long have you been on Herocraft?:more than one year
What class are you, include level:beguiler lvl 13(first week on the server after the reset)
What profession are you, include level(if crafter, what do you plan to be):crafter lvl 16(first week on the server after the reset)/ i want to be a merchant but i can be anything needed
Why Tiltwo?:Because it looks like a very interesting town with nice people
What do you enjoy most about HeroCraft, or Minecraft in general?: I do not like the game, but i love the way people can make awesome things in it(roleplay, plugins, mods, etc)
Any previous towns?:thidis before the reset
Why did you leave, or why were you kicked?: the server reset
Strengths?:i learn quickly and i am good at building
Weaknesses?:not the best guy in pvp
Age/Timezone:15/ BRA~
Are you able to use TeamSpeak3?:no
Are you available on Skype?:yes
How long have you been on Herocraft?:more than one year
What class are you, include level:beguiler lvl 13(first week on the server after the reset)
What profession are you, include level(if crafter, what do you plan to be):crafter lvl 16(first week on the server after the reset)/ i want to be a merchant but i can be anything needed

Why Tiltwo?:Because it looks like a very interesting town with nice people
What do you enjoy most about HeroCraft, or Minecraft in general?: I do not like the game, but i love the way people can make awesome things in it(roleplay, plugins, mods, etc)
Any previous towns?:thidis before the reset
Why did you leave, or why were you kicked?: the server reset
Strengths?:i learn quickly and i am good at building
Weaknesses?:not the best guy in pvp
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