Legacy Supporter 7
- Joined
- Jul 30, 2012

Please read the whole thread before you judge it please!!!
I am guessing most of you have no idea who i am so here is a little background info on my guild. Back in bastion i was part of a guild called The Word of Helios a peaceful guild/religion, it was a fun guild but had one annoying rule that you were not allowed to to engage in combat of any kind for any reason. No fighting for fun in duels or even in self defense, basically run or die.
While i am not what you would call a hardcore pvper i do enjoy dueling and acknowledge that while pvp isn't the main feature of the server it is still a huge one and you can't just ignore it. But that doesn't mean that pvp should be in the state that it exists today where you can't even cross the map without the threat of being killed for little to no reason. The point is that although there are towns that are enemies for the most part no one really trusts each other and that is sad. People should be able to cross the map without fear of someone randomly killing them for no reason, this leads me to my idea.
With the new map i have recreated my guild ( ) I have a new goal. I am building the guild main temple atm and would like it to be a truely neutral location where players of all towns or alignments can come without fear of being ganked. Current plans call for the temple to have a large collection of all the history and knowledge of the server stored in its archives along with maps and other artifacts. Along with that there are plans to have chest shop areas open for merchants and an arena underground where players can engage in honorable and fair duels along with the ability to host tournaments. There are also plans down the road to have rooms available to anyone needing a place to stay either overnight to avoid mobs or long term for cheap or a small donation. Of course since the guild is RP/Religion it will have areas of shrines and worship for followers of the faith. The outside will be surrounded by beautiful gardens for players to relax in and enjoy.
Also side note that the archives will be open to all (please don't steal the damn books) and that i have asked @Paul_Bakken to construct nice roads to lead to the town. More on that another time.
I know that some of are thinking, "what is the point of this we have spawn don't we". Your right we do have spawn, it has chest shops and the exchange and eventually noble plots so whats the point of the temple or this thread. Here is the point, in spawn you can't fight other players only because pvp is flaged off. The point of the temple is to establish some trust between players to show that the server isn't just about mindless pvp and if too much fighting erupts between players then the trust has weakened and needs to be straightened out.
To this end i am calling on town leaders, councils and even individual players to think over this idea and if you support it pledge that support here. If there are town leaders or people of importance that i have forgotten to tag please tag them in a reply post, thank you!!!
Also if you would like to help in anyway or have additional ideas please post them or PM me in-game or on the forums.
@Symbolite @xexorian @TheMormon

The Divine Sora (Kingdom)
The Forgotten Empire (Kingdom)
Demonswood (City)
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