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Thalassa: City of the Sea

Jul 6, 2013
Welcome to Thalassa: City by the Sea
Thalassa is currently a medium-sized town along the coasts of the continent. After days of scanning the map, I have picked a rather scenic beach to have as our town's headquarters. We plan to continue expanding our new home during the coming months, and establish ourselves as one of the key towns in this era. Currently, we are building up the town with a greek theme in mind and this theme will continue as we grow. There is no tax, but we expect you to help contribute to town funds when you are able to.

City Layout:
Right now we want Greek/Roman style buildings on the surface for public spaces with entrances in an underground network. The majority of living areas will be in large, open, underground spaces without a specific theme. We're working on making "premium" plots available for the price of 1.5K, which includes a 14x14x256 space. These surface plots will follow fairly strict building codes to keep the town looking lovely.

What We're About:
Really I just want people to have fun. This is a game and it should not be taken way too seriously. That being said, I want a town with quality people and not cheeky kids. If you enjoy PvP, feel free to start a gang. If you like RP, get some D&D up in this place. The key is to have fun with it.

Mayor: @Dafefman
Second-In-Command: @Royfaren
Chief Builder: @Royfaren
Chief PvPer:
Banker: @Royfaren
Council: @sevazh

1. Don't be a dick to town members (Will be judged at my own discretion)
2. Put a (*) at the end of question 1 in your application

Application Format: (Read rules first)
1. IGN:
2. Age|Timezone:
3. How long have you played Herocraft?:
4. Combat Class+Level:
5. Why do you want to join Thalassa?:
6. Why should we let you join Thalassa?:
7. How cool are you? (An example would be "Cooler than a yeti eating frozen spaghetti," no 1-10 scales):
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Jul 6, 2013
Ongoing Projects:
We are currently working on increasing town security by adding engineer gates in front of lifts.

We are also expanding our public facilities by adding in an arena!
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Sep 29, 2014
IGN: sevazh*
Age/TimeZone: 17/Eastern
Have been on hero craft for about 2 years
Class/level: Defiler level 23+
This looks like it is a great town and I am very interested in being a part of it and helping out in any way that I can.
You should let me in because I help out anyone I can in any way that I can. Also I have the skill Hellgate:p
Im cooler than a Canadian skiing in foot deep snow in January
Jul 6, 2013
IGN: sevazh*
Age/TimeZone: 17/Eastern
Have been on hero craft for about 2 years
Class/level: Defiler level 23+
This looks like it is a great town and I am very interested in being a part of it and helping out in any way that I can.
You should let me in because I help out anyone I can in any way that I can. Also I have the skill Hellgate:p
Im cooler than a Canadian skiing in foot deep snow in January
Hmm... That is pretty cool. Accepted! Contact me or Royfaren in-game for invite.
Jun 14, 2016
1. IGN: CallMeThresh
2. Age|Timezone: 16, Pacific
3. How long have you played Herocraft?: 2 and a half weeks
4. Combat Class+Level: Necromancer, 45
5. Why do you want to join Thalassa?: I needed somewhere I can feel safe and build a home. Thalassa seemed like a good choice
6. Why should we let you join Thalassa?: I can be helpful to the community, help with farming mobs, raiding dungeons, etc.
7. How cool are you? (An example would be "Cooler than a yeti eating frozen spaghetti," no 1-10 scales) : As cool as a penguin in a tuxedo
Jul 6, 2013
1. IGN: CallMeThresh
2. Age|Timezone: 16, Pacific
3. How long have you played Herocraft?: 2 and a half weeks
4. Combat Class+Level: Necromancer, 45
5. Why do you want to join Thalassa?: I needed somewhere I can feel safe and build a home. Thalassa seemed like a good choice
6. Why should we let you join Thalassa?: I can be helpful to the community, help with farming mobs, raiding dungeons, etc.
7. How cool are you? (An example would be "Cooler than a yeti eating frozen spaghetti," no 1-10 scales) : As cool as a penguin in a tuxedo
Sorry, but you somehow failed to read the one rule and the note after it. For this reason, you are denied.


Jun 14, 2016
1. IGN: DoNoEvil*
2. Age|Timezone: 19, I live in Quebec City, Canada
3. How long have you played Herocraft?: I've been playing for three year now, i've only played alot two map ago however, where I was a loyal marshall in Lothair.
4. Combat Class+Level: At the moment, I am 60 pyromancer. I am also 25 as a runesmith
5. Why do you want to join Thalassa?: At the moment, im looking for a serious town to go where people are not too immature. I think you are good enough. It is also a good thing that Sevazh, who is my friend, has join.
6. Why should we let you join Thalassa?: I do not care about what I have, and everything that I owe I would give it to the town. I consider myself as a calm, kind person. Also, I am not bad at pvp too. I have been a good addition to all the town I've been in and I wish to do good.
7. How cool are you? (An example would be "Cooler than a yeti eating frozen spaghetti," no 1-10 scales): I understand the Tractatus Logio-Philosophicus
Jun 15, 2016

1. Ezra_Skyfall
2. 14, I live in Texas
3. 1 day
4. Wizard, lvl 10
5. I want a safe place to build and keep my stuff
6. I think that if i could get some help from others that i could benefit everyone
7. Cooler than a hippopotamus playing the banjo in the Arctic with a sealion
Jul 6, 2013
1. IGN: DoNoEvil*
2. Age|Timezone: 19, I live in Quebec City, Canada
3. How long have you played Herocraft?: I've been playing for three year now, i've only played alot two map ago however, where I was a loyal marshall in Lothair.
4. Combat Class+Level: At the moment, I am 60 pyromancer. I am also 25 as a runesmith
5. Why do you want to join Thalassa?: At the moment, im looking for a serious town to go where people are not too immature. I think you are good enough. It is also a good thing that Sevazh, who is my friend, has join.
6. Why should we let you join Thalassa?: I do not care about what I have, and everything that I owe I would give it to the town. I consider myself as a calm, kind person. Also, I am not bad at pvp too. I have been a good addition to all the town I've been in and I wish to do good.
7. How cool are you? (An example would be "Cooler than a yeti eating frozen spaghetti," no 1-10 scales): I understand the Tractatus Logio-Philosophicus
More cold than cool, but that in itself is cool! Accepted!
Contact me or Royfaren in-game for an invite.

Although that is pretty cool @Ezra_Skyfall , you have failed to read the one rule and the note after it. So, sadly, denied.
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Jun 15, 2016
age and timezone:18 and eastern
time played:1 hour
class and lv paladin lv 4
i want to join because it seens like a cool town and i love to pvp.
i want to join because i studied greek and rome for 1 year and i think i can help build.
i am cooler than a wizard doing bagic tricks.
Jul 6, 2013
age and timezone:18 and eastern
time played:1 hour
class and lv paladin lv 4
i want to join because it seens like a cool town and i love to pvp.
i want to join because i studied greek and rome for 1 year and i think i can help build.
i am cooler than a wizard doing bagic tricks.
Sorry, but you have failed to read the rules! For that reason, you are denied.


Oct 20, 2014
1. IGN: Zaxtremist*
2. Age|Timezone: 19 / PST
3. How long have you played Herocraft?:
- Oh man, I think about a year and a half! I've been through two world resets, this will be my third.
4. Combat Class+Level:
Beguiler: Level 9
Crafter: Level 20 (Planned Runesmith, open to debate)
5. Why do you want to join Thalassa?:
- I enjoy playing HeroCraft most when there is a community for me to be apart of. I think I would thoroughly enjoy being apart of this town! Plus I just really like the Greek/Roman theme!
6. Why should we let you join Thalassa?:
- Overall, I would consider myself an experienced, level headed human being when it comes to HeroCraft. I would bend myself to that which the town needs and give it any support I could.
7. How cool are you? (An example would be "Cooler than a yeti eating frozen spaghetti," no 1-10 scales):
- Cooler than the snowball still left in my freezer since I was six!
Jun 3, 2016
1. IGN: potionsmaster655*
2. Age|Timezone: 15, i live in southern California close to L.A.
3. How long have you played Herocraft?: I have Only played since a day before the Beta
4. Combat Class+Level: Runeblade 16
5. Why do you want to join Thalassa?: I really enjoy the basis you want for your town and i wanted to join a town with a good community and with that rule set i believe this town will be one.
6. Why should we let you join Thalassa?: I am not a PvP player as in the fact that im not great at combat but i am great at managing and am determined to become an actually useful Runesmith (currently lvl.33) If i cannot provide much as a runesmith i will adapt to other needed professions to help the town.
7. How cool are you? I'm cooler than an arctic wind.(not very good at making stuff like that up)
Jul 6, 2013
1. IGN: Zaxtremist*
2. Age|Timezone: 19 / PST
3. How long have you played Herocraft?:
- Oh man, I think about a year and a half! I've been through two world resets, this will be my third.
4. Combat Class+Level:
Beguiler: Level 9
Crafter: Level 20 (Planned Runesmith, open to debate)
5. Why do you want to join Thalassa?:
- I enjoy playing HeroCraft most when there is a community for me to be apart of. I think I would thoroughly enjoy being apart of this town! Plus I just really like the Greek/Roman theme!
6. Why should we let you join Thalassa?:
- Overall, I would consider myself an experienced, level headed human being when it comes to HeroCraft. I would bend myself to that which the town needs and give it any support I could.
7. How cool are you? (An example would be "Cooler than a yeti eating frozen spaghetti," no 1-10 scales):
- Cooler than the snowball still left in my freezer since I was six!
1. IGN: potionsmaster655*
2. Age|Timezone: 15, i live in southern California close to L.A.
3. How long have you played Herocraft?: I have Only played since a day before the Beta
4. Combat Class+Level: Runeblade 16
5. Why do you want to join Thalassa?: I really enjoy the basis you want for your town and i wanted to join a town with a good community and with that rule set i believe this town will be one.
6. Why should we let you join Thalassa?: I am not a PvP player as in the fact that im not great at combat but i am great at managing and am determined to become an actually useful Runesmith (currently lvl.33) If i cannot provide much as a runesmith i will adapt to other needed professions to help the town.
7. How cool are you? I'm cooler than an arctic wind.(not very good at making stuff like that up)
You're both too cool! Accepted! Contact me or Royfaren in-game for an invite.