- Joined
- Jan 7, 2011
- Location
- The 7th Circle of Heaven
Minecraft RPG Patch 8.0+
- Crop grief is now legal, please protect your crops by using locks, regions, etc.
- Re-enabled Miniboss spawns.
-Remove skill-chaoticvisions from beguiler, and replace with Plaguebomb (15 second cooldown, 130 +3 per intellect magic damage
-Change Rejuvenate: Heal your target within 12 blocks Over 14 Seconds, restoring (18 + 0.125 per wisdom point) health every 2 seconds. Takes 1.5 seconds to warm up.
-Increase Soothe's cooldown from 5->6
-Increase Soothe's mana cost from 45->65
-Quality of life buff for all rogues, reduce stamina cost for the skill "sneak" from 400-200
-Reduce deathmark's cooldown from 1 min->40 seconds
-Reduce Escape Artist Cooldown from 1.5 mins->45 seconds
-Decrease Siphonblood's warmup from 1.5->1 second
-Decrease max players damaged from boilblood from 6-> 5
-Increase Radius of boilblood from 5->8
-Increase Cooldown of Drainsoul from 8-10 seconds
-Lower Cooldown of Despair from 28->20
8.0.2 - Introducing Overflow Server
- Added /overflow to connect to a new server to level without lag. Levels, Currency and backpacks transfer, inventories do not.
- Removed blank lines from the chat.
- Normalized Dungeon timers for Castle Bloodborne on Overflow
-- Minions now have a 1.5 minute spawn timer, minibosses have 10 minutes and group bosses have 30 minutes.
-- All mobs have been rescaled to be easier (level 1-15)
- Towny now blocks public town teleports. Ally/Nation and own towns are still doable.
-- Disabled "chests" from the list of action blocks, they can now be opened in Towny Advanced claims.
- All premium subscribers now have a passive exp gain bonus of 5, 10 and 15%. Max Tier (tier 10) now gets +15% exp gain.
- PVP deaths should no longer cause exp-loss.
- Party-exp gain set back to previous rates (was at 1.25 by mistake and now its at 1.15)
- Added a PVP-OFF road to the Castle Bloodborne Dungeon in Overflow
- Adjusted the Order / Chaos relics for all professions, newly dropped ones should combine successfully (@xexorian)
- /town spawn now has a cooldown of 30 seconds, we will be making this unusable in combat soon.
- Adjusted the Town / Nation ranks (http://pastie.org/private/5gqyd804xheieox7kkhboq)
- Slight adjustments to the minibosses and drop tables.
- The rare t1 weapons will no longer drop from minibosses.
- Added /p name and /pvp name to the /who command.
- Fishing skill now properly grants apples and golden apples instead of textureless messes.
- Skill-ShopKeep1 now can sell muttons.
- Fixed the drop on Symbol of Acquisition, the new ones now have Fortune 1.
- Shopkeeper Exchange Clerk now trades new-symbols for old-symbol items + relics.
- Deathchest lock timers are now 6 minutes (Down from 10 minutes)
- Shears can now be used in combat by anyone
8.0.5 - New Skills! Tier 2 Ultimates!
- Tier 2 Utlimates > http://pastie.org/private/bvax9dzqs0n3y65tbf2g
- Added level-up ding noise to classes.
- LWC cost/amount changes and supporter updates. (info)
- Scaled down the miniboss item drops, no longer will Fire Aspect VI be a thing.
- Changed Warp to use 3 blocks of redstone, rather than 3 emeralds.
- Players can no longer hit themselves with arrows to initiate combat tags.
- Towny Plot Claim should be functioning, HeroTitles info-node issues have been patched (@mung3r thanks!)
- Added Mayor & Council permission for Prism (prism.lookup.paginate)
- Fixed Chaos Relic of the Bard and Runesmith typos in the new Relic system.
- Hopefully adjusted LWC's config to respect Towny Advanced
- You may lock things that only town-mates can use, ex. /cprivate town:TownName or /cprivate t:TownName (@WitchOnaRampage this may be important for Wiki)
- Some death-chest perks werent properly being applied, such as doublechest, quickloot, thanks for pointing this out @20XXkiller
- Towny now automatically updates usernames when users update their name.
- /town spawn - now takes 25c to use.
- Most relics and catalysts have been recreated to work better. Thanks @lordachoo and @WitchOnaRampage for the backend work!
- Introduced /servers in the Lobby. Granted all users a compass upon joining, will enable them to right-click to select a server.
- Hardware upgrades, we now run 3 physical machines. One for each play-style (Adventure | Minigames | Creative are incoming)
- Moved the proxy service to its own dedicated machine for better optimization.
- Changed up some of the innards of the proxy.
- Ground-work for our Hero Armory site > http://hc.to/leaderboards (@lordachoo thx!)
- Leveling experience changes are being laid out on Test server, these will be available around Friday before the Staff Meeting.
- Highlighted Staff colors on Forums to stand out more so readers don't miss important details.
- Optimized the backup system so we take weekly backups and daily rsync-overwrites during non-prime time.
- Adjusted hc.to/exp boost packages. The tiers are now 50% / 75% / 100% cluster packages are 150% and 200%.
-- Buyers will get an additional passive exp gain for each purchase that lasts for the duration of the purchase.
- Party EXP is now shared differently. The level ranges between members will decide the amount granted on exp gains.
- Fixed Time Based Mechanics doing healing/damage properly (@Soren_Endon)
- /Town Spawn is now removed. /skill Townspawn is now replacing it. The warmup is 10s and obeys skill-cast rules.
- Combat Damage indicators are back on Survival and Overflow!
- PVP Medals now only drop from players T1 level 45+ and all T2 Levels.
- Boats have been re-enabled, counter measures are being made to ensure server stability.
- Voting changes.
-- Increased Vote rewards by x3 and lucky votes come far more often!
-- Added reminder to vote every 300s.
-- Laid framework for special voting crates and voting cratekeys only obtained through voting.
-- Reduced the vote sites from 7 to 3. We will cap at 4 total but the top 3 are listed.
-- Paid for a new vote site banner, will be ready for Oct 1st.
-- Vote reminder increased to every 10 minutes. Vote to remove the reminder.
- PVE kills are now being tracked by our system use /pve top - to see the top mob fighters.
- Implementing proper ignoring messages and other commands based on a new proxy-messaging service (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/bungeemsg.4512/)
- Supporters are receiving Max Plots Increases for Towny Advanced (while we figure out the new Personal Region system with Towny)
- Conquest points have been fixed for Friday. (PVP medals now successfully drop)
- Crafter Catalyst drop rates increased.
- Various updates to http://hc.to/leaderboards
- Crop grief is now legal, please protect your crops by using locks, regions, etc.
- Re-enabled Miniboss spawns.
-Remove skill-chaoticvisions from beguiler, and replace with Plaguebomb (15 second cooldown, 130 +3 per intellect magic damage
-Change Rejuvenate: Heal your target within 12 blocks Over 14 Seconds, restoring (18 + 0.125 per wisdom point) health every 2 seconds. Takes 1.5 seconds to warm up.
-Increase Soothe's cooldown from 5->6
-Increase Soothe's mana cost from 45->65
-Quality of life buff for all rogues, reduce stamina cost for the skill "sneak" from 400-200
-Reduce deathmark's cooldown from 1 min->40 seconds
-Reduce Escape Artist Cooldown from 1.5 mins->45 seconds
-Decrease Siphonblood's warmup from 1.5->1 second
-Decrease max players damaged from boilblood from 6-> 5
-Increase Radius of boilblood from 5->8
-Increase Cooldown of Drainsoul from 8-10 seconds
-Lower Cooldown of Despair from 28->20
8.0.2 - Introducing Overflow Server
- Added /overflow to connect to a new server to level without lag. Levels, Currency and backpacks transfer, inventories do not.
- Removed blank lines from the chat.
- Normalized Dungeon timers for Castle Bloodborne on Overflow
-- Minions now have a 1.5 minute spawn timer, minibosses have 10 minutes and group bosses have 30 minutes.
-- All mobs have been rescaled to be easier (level 1-15)
- Towny now blocks public town teleports. Ally/Nation and own towns are still doable.
-- Disabled "chests" from the list of action blocks, they can now be opened in Towny Advanced claims.
- All premium subscribers now have a passive exp gain bonus of 5, 10 and 15%. Max Tier (tier 10) now gets +15% exp gain.
- PVP deaths should no longer cause exp-loss.
- Party-exp gain set back to previous rates (was at 1.25 by mistake and now its at 1.15)
- Added a PVP-OFF road to the Castle Bloodborne Dungeon in Overflow
- Adjusted the Order / Chaos relics for all professions, newly dropped ones should combine successfully (@xexorian)
- /town spawn now has a cooldown of 30 seconds, we will be making this unusable in combat soon.
- Adjusted the Town / Nation ranks (http://pastie.org/private/5gqyd804xheieox7kkhboq)
- Slight adjustments to the minibosses and drop tables.
- The rare t1 weapons will no longer drop from minibosses.
- Added /p name and /pvp name to the /who command.
- Fishing skill now properly grants apples and golden apples instead of textureless messes.
- Skill-ShopKeep1 now can sell muttons.
- Fixed the drop on Symbol of Acquisition, the new ones now have Fortune 1.
- Shopkeeper Exchange Clerk now trades new-symbols for old-symbol items + relics.
- Deathchest lock timers are now 6 minutes (Down from 10 minutes)
- Shears can now be used in combat by anyone
8.0.5 - New Skills! Tier 2 Ultimates!
- Tier 2 Utlimates > http://pastie.org/private/bvax9dzqs0n3y65tbf2g
- Added level-up ding noise to classes.
- LWC cost/amount changes and supporter updates. (info)
- Scaled down the miniboss item drops, no longer will Fire Aspect VI be a thing.
- Changed Warp to use 3 blocks of redstone, rather than 3 emeralds.
- Players can no longer hit themselves with arrows to initiate combat tags.
- Towny Plot Claim should be functioning, HeroTitles info-node issues have been patched (@mung3r thanks!)
- Added Mayor & Council permission for Prism (prism.lookup.paginate)
- Fixed Chaos Relic of the Bard and Runesmith typos in the new Relic system.
- Hopefully adjusted LWC's config to respect Towny Advanced
- You may lock things that only town-mates can use, ex. /cprivate town:TownName or /cprivate t:TownName (@WitchOnaRampage this may be important for Wiki)
- Some death-chest perks werent properly being applied, such as doublechest, quickloot, thanks for pointing this out @20XXkiller
- Towny now automatically updates usernames when users update their name.
- /town spawn - now takes 25c to use.
- Most relics and catalysts have been recreated to work better. Thanks @lordachoo and @WitchOnaRampage for the backend work!
- Introduced /servers in the Lobby. Granted all users a compass upon joining, will enable them to right-click to select a server.
- Hardware upgrades, we now run 3 physical machines. One for each play-style (Adventure | Minigames | Creative are incoming)
- Moved the proxy service to its own dedicated machine for better optimization.
- Changed up some of the innards of the proxy.
- Ground-work for our Hero Armory site > http://hc.to/leaderboards (@lordachoo thx!)
- Leveling experience changes are being laid out on Test server, these will be available around Friday before the Staff Meeting.
- Highlighted Staff colors on Forums to stand out more so readers don't miss important details.
- Optimized the backup system so we take weekly backups and daily rsync-overwrites during non-prime time.
- Adjusted hc.to/exp boost packages. The tiers are now 50% / 75% / 100% cluster packages are 150% and 200%.
-- Buyers will get an additional passive exp gain for each purchase that lasts for the duration of the purchase.
- Party EXP is now shared differently. The level ranges between members will decide the amount granted on exp gains.
- Fixed Time Based Mechanics doing healing/damage properly (@Soren_Endon)
- /Town Spawn is now removed. /skill Townspawn is now replacing it. The warmup is 10s and obeys skill-cast rules.
- Combat Damage indicators are back on Survival and Overflow!
- PVP Medals now only drop from players T1 level 45+ and all T2 Levels.
- Boats have been re-enabled, counter measures are being made to ensure server stability.
- Voting changes.
-- Increased Vote rewards by x3 and lucky votes come far more often!
-- Added reminder to vote every 300s.
-- Laid framework for special voting crates and voting cratekeys only obtained through voting.
-- Reduced the vote sites from 7 to 3. We will cap at 4 total but the top 3 are listed.
-- Paid for a new vote site banner, will be ready for Oct 1st.
-- Vote reminder increased to every 10 minutes. Vote to remove the reminder.
- PVE kills are now being tracked by our system use /pve top - to see the top mob fighters.
- Implementing proper ignoring messages and other commands based on a new proxy-messaging service (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/bungeemsg.4512/)
- Supporters are receiving Max Plots Increases for Towny Advanced (while we figure out the new Personal Region system with Towny)
- Whitelisted: 2
- T1 - 3
- T2 - 4
- T3 - 5
- T4 - 7
- T5 - 8
- T6 - 9
- T7 - 10
- T8 - 12
- T9 - 16
- T10 - 20
- Conquest points have been fixed for Friday. (PVP medals now successfully drop)
- Crafter Catalyst drop rates increased.
- Various updates to http://hc.to/leaderboards

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