Cleric Warmups:
I agree that having them have longer warmups, higher heals is for the best. I'll make most of these changes in a bit.
I disagree a bit on FullHeal. A 100% full heal is
insanely powerful on Herocraft. The ability to completely negate all damage done to a target is really really strong, and I don't really even like that it exists in the first place. In the cases of both LayHands and FullHeal, I feel it is too strong. I noticed that it has a pretty hefty mana cost, which is good, but I'm just not comfortable with them having a quick instaheal.
Yes, any full heal is very powerful. As you noted though, fullheal takes 25% of the Clerics mana. That means 1 group invuln and 1 fullheal and 1 group heal and the Cleric is down to 40% mana(I am not exact on this but it should be close) which means that they are for all intensive purposes halfway to dead
With the introduction of emeralds I could see some change to get back into the fight but the limiter on full heal is the mana cost. I would also suggest doing some testing in small group settings.
I can imagine that it would be more beneficial in 2v2 then in 4v4 but how unbalancing would it be?
Perhaps a better balancer would be the cooldown. Raise the cooldown to 120s but decrease the warmup to 3s.
This way you can cast it only once or twice during your average fight but it would still have a manageable warm up?
More to test I guess
Also, after reading your post and going over the numbers, I don't understand why SacredTouch has the same warmup as Remedy, but heals for 100 more. I understand that it does indeed cost more mana to use SacredTouch, but I worry that it might be too efficient for the warmup time. What are your thoughts on that?
Pray/Chant had the same warmup and were 250/350 previous. As far as I know it was never an issue of balance. It was more one of planning. Managing your heals per your targets needs and you mana pool.
Guardian Angel:
I really can't agree with guardian angel being buffed. Even if it costs health, I don't think it is balanced. I think you underestimate how strong invulnerability is. Regardless of whether or not players can use skills, they can still left click, and they can still move. A long invuln period is out of the question while they still have the ability to do these things.
I agree it's possible that one way or the other could be unbalanced and I believe that if we can get some 2v2 3v3 tests going it will become more evident how much so either way.
Clerics w/Swords:
I don't like this because of the weapon enchants. Fire Aspects, Sharpness, and Knockback. These are all
very powerful enchants that I don't feel comfortable with Clerics having. Not sure what Kainzo or anyone elses thoughts are on this, but I'm personally against it.
I thought out the sharpness point which is why I suggested dropping the damage by 4 points which would even out a sharpness IV enchant so it does no more then normal attacks with a hoe.
As far as KB and FA all classes already have this ability when they spec Smith. Which every serious healer/caster spec does if they PVP, so it's not adding any abilities that they don't already have. It's just giving them the choice of defending and upping their armor instead of attacking.
While I agree that this essentially a fairly useless skill that does not fit the class, it was something that was added in the Revamp and thus, I do not know whether or not Kainzo is wanting us to tweak this. He intended for it to be a long warmup ability, and we've already reduced it once before. Reducing it any further removed the purpose of it's creation, and thus, I think we need to speak to Kainzo first before we touch it.
I understand it's not meant to be cast all the time as an offensive spell like Smite but as I said it's still not usable in any effective manner. If the intent is to keep it as some timed backup damage then drop the warmup down and increase the cooldown to 60s or 120s.
That should at least make it situationally usable.
One thing Id' like to point out here, is that in the previous revamp, we saw it very clearly how much of a terrible idea increasing warmups/ranges was. We did this a
tiny bit, but in general, long warmups are not fun. They don't work. Herocraft is too fast paced, and too filled with interupts/burst damage for these kinds of skills to exist--at least for damaging abilities. Long warmups on heals / utility skills are fine, but when it comes to damage, we really can't be bothered to use these kinds of skills. It just doesn't work.
Just my 2 cents there.
Mystic Changes:
I can make these changes to Soothe/Chloroblast, but we were thinking about changing Chlorobon into another HoT effect, so I'm gonna skip that stuff for now.
The more HoTs the better I suppose, but if push comes to shove I think it would balance better to make the changes I suggested if the HoTs idea does not finish in time.
It would be worth testing anyhow.
The issue with Chakra isn't the heal, but the dispel. Dispel is a very
very very powerful tool that I believe is given away too freely on Herocraft. One Disciple effectively makes a Necromancer/Pyromancer/(current)Bloodmage completely useless. And while they won't completely gimp a Samurai, being able to remove both Disgrace and MortalWound is absolutely ludicrous. If I could have it my way, I would remove dispel from Chakra completely. It just isn't fair to other classes.
This effect is only worsened when you have multiple Disciples in the party. 2-3 classes with an 8 second 100 health AoE heal that dispells 2 debuffs is pretty insane. Because of this, I do not think the range should be increased. If you are wanting to increase the range, I believe either the cooldown or dispel effect should be removed completely. Most Disciples however are of the opinion that "Chakra is what makes the class". For this reason, I don't think we can really get away with removing the dispel. To he honest, I'd like to see
Kainzo's thoughts on the Chakra situation.
I can see where you are coming from here. A smaller range would force the group members closer to the Disciple to get their heals and the debuff removed but it pulls the healing distance so far from the other classes.
What about decreasing it to 1 debuff and keeping it at 10 blocks? I think a little testing on this should be pretty evident.