Legacy Supporter 9
- Joined
- Jul 15, 2012
- Location
- Australia
It will feel pretty broken if we can't craft Bonemeal or anything from any woods other than Oak...
https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/vKpXguAT <<< thats happening - here's the current config, please fix and resend.Please try these alternative codes for these items that currently aren't working:
- For Sign, try 323
- For Wooden Door, try 324
- For Flower Pot, try 390.
[17:10:59 WARN]: [Heroes] Invalid material type (leaves2) found in experience.yml.
Please note, it may be best to group these recipes by level obtained if we want to add a bit more depth to the professions. However, I don't know if this is for the best. It now properly states to the player the LEVEL and CLASS they need to craft an item, thanks to @mung3r
yes in game. Now we can easily change the level on the config and splice up some skills - so CRAFTER can become CRAFTER10 and CRAFTER20 - etc (just as reference)What levels? I thought the code says they all come in at level 1 for each of the classes?
And when you say mung3r made it properly state to the player the level and class needed, do you mean ingame? Or where? There doesn't seem to have been changes to the wiki page.
State specific ID's please - @mung3r may have made some mistakes on the updated stuff.I'm on Test and still can't craft plank types other than oak, even though they don't show up in the error list you posted.
@Tag an [USERGROUP=9]@Admins[/USERGROUP]And I've lost my whole inventory of stuff that I was collecting to test! Waaah, poor Witchy!
Here's the new errors - after a restart...I'm on Test and still can't craft plank types other than oak, even though they don't show up in the error list you posted.
New file -
http://pastie.org/private/j4y4ytirwsfen3g5xhqvg <<< all fixes and no bitches
Waiting on mung3r for pushing the damage item fixes, atm.I actually don't know what to test atm...I'm not sure where we're up to...
level: 1
- '*'
level: 1
denied-items: [ 4 ]
level: 1
items: []
level: 1
- 41 #Block of Gold
- 117 #Brewing Stand
- 118 #Cauldron
- 266 #Gold Ingot
- 322 #Golden Apple
- 'Enchanted_Golden_Apple' #'322:1'
- 331 #Redstone
- 353 #Sugar
- 371 #Gold nuggets
- 374 #Glass Bottle
- 376 #Fermented Spider Eye
- 377 #Blaze Powder
- 378 #Magma Cream
- 382 #Glistening Melon
- 396 #Golden Carrot
level: 1
- 5 #Wood Planks, Oak
- 'Spruce_Wood_Planks' #'5:1'
- 'Birch_Wood_Planks' #'5:2'
- 'Jungle_Wood_Planks' #'5:3'
- 'Acacia_Wood_Planks' #'5:4'
- 'Dark_Oak_Wood_Planks' #'5:5'
- 24 #Sandstone
- 'Chiseled_Sandstone' #'24:1'
- 'Smooth_Sandstone' #'24:2'
- 35 # Wool
- 'Purple_Wool' #'35:10'
- 'Blue_Wool' #'35:11'
- 'Brown_Wool' #'35:12'
- 'Green_Wool' #'35:13'
- 'Red_Wool' #'35:14'
- 'Black_Wool' #'35:15'
- 'Orange_Wool' #'35:1'
- 'Magenta_Wool' #'35:2'
- 'Light_Blue_Wool' #'35:3'
- 'Yellow_Wool' #'35:4'
- 'Lime_Wool' #'35:5'
- 'Pink_Wool' #'35:6'
- 'Gray_Wool' #'35:7'
- 'Light_Gray_Wool' #'35:8'
- 'Cyan_Wool' #'35:9'
- 44 #Slab, Stone
- 'Sandstone_Slab #'44:1'
- 'Cobblestone_Slab #'44:3'
- 'Brick_Slab' #'44:4'
- 'Stone_Brick_Slab' #'44:5'
- 'Nether_Brick_Slab' #'44:6'
- 'Quartz_Slab' '44:7'
- 45 #Bricks
- 48 #Moss_Stone
- 50 #Torch
- 53 #Stairs, Oak
- 54 #Chest
- 58 #Crafting Table
- 61 #Furnace
- 323 #Sign
- 324 #Wooden Door
- 65 #Ladder
- 67 #Stairs, Cobblestone
- 69 #Lever
- 70 #Stone Pressure Plate
- 330 #Iron Door
- 72 #Wooden Pressure Plate
- 77 #Stone Button
- 80 #Block of Snow
- 82 #Block of Clay
- 85 #Fences
- 89 #Glowstone
- 95 #Stained Glass, White
- 95 #Stained Glass, Orange
- '95:10' #Stained Glass, Purple
- '95:11' #Stained Glass, Blue
- '95:12' #Stained Glass, Brown
- '95:13' #Stained Glass, Green
- '95:14' #Stained Glass, Red
- '95:15' #Stained Glass, Black
- '95:2' #Stained Glass, Magenta
- '95:3' #Stained Glass, Light Blue
- '95:4' #Stained Glass, Yellow
- '95:5' #Stained Glass, Lime
- '95:6' #Stained Glass, Pink
- '95:7' #Stained Glass, Gray
- '95:8' #Stained Glass, Light Gray
- '95:9' #Stained Glass, Cyan
- 96 #Trapdoor
- 98 #Stone Bricks
- '98:1' #Mossy Stone Bricks (1.8)
- '98:3' #Chiseled Stone Bricks (1.8)
- 102 #Glass Pane
- 107 #Fence Gate
- 108 #Stairs, Brick
- 109 #Stairs, Stone Brick
- 112 #Nether Brick
- 113 #Nether Brick Fence
- 114 #Stairs, Nether Brick
- 126 #Wood Slab, Oak
- '126:1' #Wood Slab, Spruce
- '126:2' #Wood Slab, Birch
- '126:3' #Wood Slab, Jungle
- '126:4' #Wood Slab, Acacia
- '126:5' #Wood Slab, Dark Oak
- 128 #Stairs, Sandstone
- 134 #Wood Stairs, Spruce
- 135 #Wood Stairs, Birch
- 136 #Wood Stairs, Jungle
- 139 #Cobblestone Wall
- '139:1' #Mossy Cobblestone Wall
- 390 #Flower Pot
- 143 #Wooden Button
- 155 #Block of Quartz
- '155:1' #Chiseled Quartz Block
- '155:2' #Pillar Quartz Block
- 156 #Stairs, Quartz
- 159 #Stained Clay, White
- '159:1' #Stained Clay, Orange
- '159:10' #Stained Clay, Purple
- '159:11' #Stained Clay, Blue
- '159:12' #Stained Clay, Brown
- '159:13' #Stained Clay, Green
- '159:14' #Stained Clay, Red
- '159:15' #Stained Clay, Black
- '159:2' #Stained Clay, Magenta
- '159:3' #Stained Clay, Light Blue
- '159:4' #Stained Clay, Yellow
- '159:5' #Stained Clay, Lime
- '159:6' #Stained Clay, Pink
- '159:7' #Stained Clay, Gray
- '159:8' #Stained Clay, Light Gray
- '159:9' #Stained Clay, Cyan
- 160 #Glass Panes, White
- '160:1' #Glass Panes, Orange
- '160:10' #Glass Panes, Purple
- '160:11' #Glass Panes, Blue
- '160:12' #Glass Panes, Brown
- '160:13' #Glass Panes, Green
- '160:14' #Glass Panes, Red
- '160:15' #Glass Panes, Black
- '160:2' #Glass Panes, Magenta
- '160:3' #Glass Panes, Light Blue
- '160:4' #Glass Panes, Yellow
- '160:5' #Glass Panes, Lime
- '160:6' #Glass Panes, Pink
- '160:7' #Glass Panes, Gray
- '160:8' #Glass Panes, Light Gray
- '160:9' #Glass Panes, Cyan
- 163 #Wood Stairs, Acacia
- 164 #Wood Stairs, Dark Oak
- 171 #Carpet, White
- '171:1' #Carpet, Orange
- '171:10' #Carpet, Purple
- '171:11' #Carpet, Blue
- '171:12' #Carpet, Brown
- '171:13' #Carpet, Green
- '171:14' #Carpet, Red
- '171:15' #Carpet, Black
- '171:2' #Carpet, Magenta
- '171:3' #Carpet, Light Blue
- '171:4' #Carpet, Yellow
- '171:5' #Carpet, Lime
- '171:6' #Carpet, Pink
- '171:7' #Carpet, Gray
- '171:8' #Carpet, Light Gray
- '171:9' #Carpet, Cyan
- 256 #Iron Shovel
- 257 #Iron Pickaxe
- 258 #Iron Axe
- 259 #Flint and Steel
- 261 #Bow
- 262 #Arrow
- 267 #Iron Sword
- 268 #Wooden Sword
- 269 #Wooden Shovel
- 270 #Wooden Pickaxe
- 271 #Wooden Axe
- 272 #Stone Sword
- 273 #Stone Shovel
- 274 #Stone Pickaxe
- 275 #Stone Axe
- 280 #Stick
- 281 #Bowl
- 290 #Wooden Hoe
- 291 #Stone Hoe
- 292 #Iron Hoe
- 298 #Leather Cap
- 299 #Leather Tunic
- 300 #Leather Leggings
- 301 #Leather Boots
- 321 #Painting
- 325 #Bucket
- 330 #Iron Door
- 333 #Boat
- 339 #Paper
- 340 #Book
- 345 #Compass
- 346 #Fishing Rod
- 'Rose_Red' #'351:1'
- 'Lapis_Lazuli' #'351:4'
- 'Purple_Dye' #'351:5'
- 'Cyan_Dye' #'351:6'
- 'Light_Gray_Dye' #'351:7'
- 'Gray_Dye' #'351:8'
- 'Pink_Dye' #'351:9'
- 'Lime_Dye' #'351:10'
- 'Dandelion_Yellow' #'351:11'
- 'Light_Blue_Dye' #'351:12'
- 'Magenta_Dye' #'351:13'
- 'Orange_Dye' #'351:14'
- 'Bone_Meal' #'351:15'
- 355 #Bed
- 359 #Shears
- 386 #Book and Quill
- 395 #Empty Map
level: 1
- 47 #Bookshelf
- 116 #Enchantment Table
level: 1
- 23 #Dispenser
- 25 #Note Block
- 27 #Powered Rail
- 28 #Detector Rail
- 29 #Sticky Piston
- 33 #Piston
- 46 #TNT
- 66 #Rail
- 76 #Redstone Torch (on)
- 84 #Jukebox
- 356 #Redstone Repeater (off)
- 123 #Redstone Lamp (inactive)
- 131 #Tripwire Hook
- 146 #Trapped Chest
- 147 #Weighted Pressure Plate (Light)
- 148 #Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy)
- 152 #Block of Redstone
- 404 #Redstone Comparator (inactive)
- 151 #Daylight Sensor
- 154 #Hopper
- 157 #Activator Rail
- 158 #Dropper
- 328 #Minecart
- 331 #Redstone
- 342 #Minecart with Chest
- 343 #Minecart with Furnace
- 385 #Fire Charge
- 401 #Firework Rocket
- 402 #Firework Star, White
- 'Orange_Firework_Star' #'402:1'
- 'Purple_Firework_Star' #'402:10'
- 'Blue_Firework_Star' #'402:11'
- 'Brown_Firework_Star' #'402:12'
- 'Green_Firework_Star' #'402:13'
- 'Red_Firework_Star' #'402:14'
- 'Black_Firework_Star' #'402:15'
- 'Magenta_Firework_Star' #'402:2'
- 'Light_Blue_Firework_Star' #'402:3'
- 'Yellow_Firework_Star' #'402:4'
- 'Lime_Firework_Star' #'402:5'
- 'Pink_Firework_Star' #'402:6'
- 'Gray_Firework_Star' #'402:7'
- 'Light_Gray_Firework_Star' #'402:8'
- 'Cyan_Firework_Star' #'402:9'
- 407 #Minecart with TNT
- 408 #Minecart with Hopper
level: 1
- 35 #White Wool
- 47 #Bookshelf
- 91 #Jack_o_Lantern
- 103 #Melon (Block)
- 170 #Hay Bale
- 279 #Diamond Axe
- 282 #Mushroom Stew
- 286 #Gold Axe
- 293 #Diamond Hoe
- 294 #Gold Hoe
- 296 #Wheat
- 297 #Bread
- 353 #Sugar
- 354 #Cake
- 357 #Cookie
- 360 #Melon Slices
- 361 #Pumpkin Seeds
- 362 #Melon Seeds
- 398 #Carrot on a Stick
- 400 #Pumpkin Pie
- 420 #Lead
level: 1
- 25 #Note Block
- 84 #Jukebox
- 130 #Ender Chest
- 347 #Clock
- 381 #Eye of Ender
level: 1
- 1 #Granite (1.8)
- 22 #Block of Lapis Lazuli
- 27 #Powered Rail
- 28 #Detector Rail
- 41 #Block of Gold
- 42 #Block of Iron
- 46 #TNT
- 57 #Block of Diamond
- 66 #Rail
- 133 #Block of Emerald
- 152 #Block of Redstone
- 157 #Activator Rail
- 173 #Block of Coal
- 263 #Coal
- 264 #Diamond
- 265 #Iron Ingot
- 266 #Gold Ingot
- 277 #Diamond Shovel
- 278 #Diamond Pickaxe
- 284 #Gold Shovel
- 285 #Gold Pickaxe
- 328 #Minecart
- 331 #Redstone
- 342 #Minecart with Chest
- 343 #Minecart with Furnace
- 'Lapis_Lazuli' #'351:4'
- 371 #Gold nuggets
- 388 #Emerald
- 407 #Minecart with TNT
- 408 #Minecart with Hopper
level: 1
- 138 #Beacon
- 152 #Block of Redstone
- 381 #Eye of Ender
- 389 #Item Frame
level: 1
- 41 #Block of Gold
- 42 #Block of Iron
- 57 #Block of Diamond
- 101 #Iron Bars
- 145 #Anvil
- 264 #Diamond
- 265 #Iron Ingot
- 266 #Gold Ingot
- 276 #Diamond Sword
- 277 #Diamond Shovel
- 278 #Diamond Pickaxe
- 279 #Diamond Axe
- 283 #Gold Sword
- 284 #Gold Shovel
- 285 #Gold Pickaxe
- 286 #Gold Axe
- 293 #Diamond Hoe
- 294 #Gold Hoe
- 306 #Iron Helmet
- 307 #Iron Chestplate
- 308 #Iron Leggings
- 309 #Iron Boots
- 310 #Diamond Helmet
- 311 #Diamond Chestplate
- 312 #Diamond Leggings
- 313 #Diamond Boots
- 314 #Gold Helmet
- 315 #Gold Chestplate
- 316 #Gold Leggings
- 317 #Gold Boots
UPdated@Kainzo this code is incomplete but can be used for testing.
It will give us a good idea if things are working ok.
- All DYES recipes are updated
- All classes other than CRAFTER are fully updated
- Rest of crafter is taking a bit longer, because there's loads to fix
Code:all: level: 1 items: - '*' removestone: level: 1 denied-items: [ 4 ] default: level: 1 items: [] ALCHEMIST: level: 1 items: - 41 #Block of Gold - 117 #Brewing Stand - 118 #Cauldron - 266 #Gold Ingot - 322 #Golden Apple - 'Enchanted_Golden_Apple' #'322:1' - 331 #Redstone - 353 #Sugar - 371 #Gold nuggets - 374 #Glass Bottle - 376 #Fermented Spider Eye - 377 #Blaze Powder - 378 #Magma Cream - 382 #Glistening Melon - 396 #Golden Carrot CRAFTER: level: 1 items: - 5 #Wood Planks, Oak - 'Spruce_Wood_Planks' #'5:1' - 'Birch_Wood_Planks' #'5:2' - 'Jungle_Wood_Planks' #'5:3' - 'Acacia_Wood_Planks' #'5:4' - 'Dark_Oak_Wood_Planks' #'5:5' - 24 #Sandstone - 'Chiseled_Sandstone' #'24:1' - 'Smooth_Sandstone' #'24:2' - 35 # Wool - 'Purple_Wool' #'35:10' - 'Blue_Wool' #'35:11' - 'Brown_Wool' #'35:12' - 'Green_Wool' #'35:13' - 'Red_Wool' #'35:14' - 'Black_Wool' #'35:15' - 'Orange_Wool' #'35:1' - 'Magenta_Wool' #'35:2' - 'Light_Blue_Wool' #'35:3' - 'Yellow_Wool' #'35:4' - 'Lime_Wool' #'35:5' - 'Pink_Wool' #'35:6' - 'Gray_Wool' #'35:7' - 'Light_Gray_Wool' #'35:8' - 'Cyan_Wool' #'35:9' - 44 #Slab, Stone - 'Sandstone_Slab #'44:1' - 'Cobblestone_Slab #'44:3' - 'Brick_Slab' #'44:4' - 'Stone_Brick_Slab' #'44:5' - 'Nether_Brick_Slab' #'44:6' - 'Quartz_Slab' '44:7' - 45 #Bricks - 48 #Moss_Stone - 50 #Torch - 53 #Stairs, Oak - 54 #Chest - 58 #Crafting Table - 61 #Furnace - 323 #Sign - 324 #Wooden Door - 65 #Ladder - 67 #Stairs, Cobblestone - 69 #Lever - 70 #Stone Pressure Plate - 330 #Iron Door - 72 #Wooden Pressure Plate - 77 #Stone Button - 80 #Block of Snow - 82 #Block of Clay - 85 #Fences - 89 #Glowstone - 95 #Stained Glass, White - 95 #Stained Glass, Orange - '95:10' #Stained Glass, Purple - '95:11' #Stained Glass, Blue - '95:12' #Stained Glass, Brown - '95:13' #Stained Glass, Green - '95:14' #Stained Glass, Red - '95:15' #Stained Glass, Black - '95:2' #Stained Glass, Magenta - '95:3' #Stained Glass, Light Blue - '95:4' #Stained Glass, Yellow - '95:5' #Stained Glass, Lime - '95:6' #Stained Glass, Pink - '95:7' #Stained Glass, Gray - '95:8' #Stained Glass, Light Gray - '95:9' #Stained Glass, Cyan - 96 #Trapdoor - 98 #Stone Bricks - '98:1' #Mossy Stone Bricks (1.8) - '98:3' #Chiseled Stone Bricks (1.8) - 102 #Glass Pane - 107 #Fence Gate - 108 #Stairs, Brick - 109 #Stairs, Stone Brick - 112 #Nether Brick - 113 #Nether Brick Fence - 114 #Stairs, Nether Brick - 126 #Wood Slab, Oak - '126:1' #Wood Slab, Spruce - '126:2' #Wood Slab, Birch - '126:3' #Wood Slab, Jungle - '126:4' #Wood Slab, Acacia - '126:5' #Wood Slab, Dark Oak - 128 #Stairs, Sandstone - 134 #Wood Stairs, Spruce - 135 #Wood Stairs, Birch - 136 #Wood Stairs, Jungle - 139 #Cobblestone Wall - '139:1' #Mossy Cobblestone Wall - 390 #Flower Pot - 143 #Wooden Button - 155 #Block of Quartz - '155:1' #Chiseled Quartz Block - '155:2' #Pillar Quartz Block - 156 #Stairs, Quartz - 159 #Stained Clay, White - '159:1' #Stained Clay, Orange - '159:10' #Stained Clay, Purple - '159:11' #Stained Clay, Blue - '159:12' #Stained Clay, Brown - '159:13' #Stained Clay, Green - '159:14' #Stained Clay, Red - '159:15' #Stained Clay, Black - '159:2' #Stained Clay, Magenta - '159:3' #Stained Clay, Light Blue - '159:4' #Stained Clay, Yellow - '159:5' #Stained Clay, Lime - '159:6' #Stained Clay, Pink - '159:7' #Stained Clay, Gray - '159:8' #Stained Clay, Light Gray - '159:9' #Stained Clay, Cyan - 160 #Glass Panes, White - '160:1' #Glass Panes, Orange - '160:10' #Glass Panes, Purple - '160:11' #Glass Panes, Blue - '160:12' #Glass Panes, Brown - '160:13' #Glass Panes, Green - '160:14' #Glass Panes, Red - '160:15' #Glass Panes, Black - '160:2' #Glass Panes, Magenta - '160:3' #Glass Panes, Light Blue - '160:4' #Glass Panes, Yellow - '160:5' #Glass Panes, Lime - '160:6' #Glass Panes, Pink - '160:7' #Glass Panes, Gray - '160:8' #Glass Panes, Light Gray - '160:9' #Glass Panes, Cyan - 163 #Wood Stairs, Acacia - 164 #Wood Stairs, Dark Oak - 171 #Carpet, White - '171:1' #Carpet, Orange - '171:10' #Carpet, Purple - '171:11' #Carpet, Blue - '171:12' #Carpet, Brown - '171:13' #Carpet, Green - '171:14' #Carpet, Red - '171:15' #Carpet, Black - '171:2' #Carpet, Magenta - '171:3' #Carpet, Light Blue - '171:4' #Carpet, Yellow - '171:5' #Carpet, Lime - '171:6' #Carpet, Pink - '171:7' #Carpet, Gray - '171:8' #Carpet, Light Gray - '171:9' #Carpet, Cyan - 256 #Iron Shovel - 257 #Iron Pickaxe - 258 #Iron Axe - 259 #Flint and Steel - 261 #Bow - 262 #Arrow - 267 #Iron Sword - 268 #Wooden Sword - 269 #Wooden Shovel - 270 #Wooden Pickaxe - 271 #Wooden Axe - 272 #Stone Sword - 273 #Stone Shovel - 274 #Stone Pickaxe - 275 #Stone Axe - 280 #Stick - 281 #Bowl - 290 #Wooden Hoe - 291 #Stone Hoe - 292 #Iron Hoe - 298 #Leather Cap - 299 #Leather Tunic - 300 #Leather Leggings - 301 #Leather Boots - 321 #Painting - 325 #Bucket - 330 #Iron Door - 333 #Boat - 339 #Paper - 340 #Book - 345 #Compass - 346 #Fishing Rod - 'Rose_Red' #'351:1' - 'Lapis_Lazuli' #'351:4' - 'Purple_Dye' #'351:5' - 'Cyan_Dye' #'351:6' - 'Light_Gray_Dye' #'351:7' - 'Gray_Dye' #'351:8' - 'Pink_Dye' #'351:9' - 'Lime_Dye' #'351:10' - 'Dandelion_Yellow' #'351:11' - 'Light_Blue_Dye' #'351:12' - 'Magenta_Dye' #'351:13' - 'Orange_Dye' #'351:14' - 'Bone_Meal' #'351:15' - 355 #Bed - 359 #Shears - 386 #Book and Quill - 395 #Empty Map ENCHANTER: level: 1 items: - 47 #Bookshelf - 116 #Enchantment Table ENGINEER: level: 1 items: - 23 #Dispenser - 25 #Note Block - 27 #Powered Rail - 28 #Detector Rail - 29 #Sticky Piston - 33 #Piston - 46 #TNT - 66 #Rail - 76 #Redstone Torch (on) - 84 #Jukebox - 356 #Redstone Repeater (off) - 123 #Redstone Lamp (inactive) - 131 #Tripwire Hook - 146 #Trapped Chest - 147 #Weighted Pressure Plate (Light) - 148 #Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) - 152 #Block of Redstone - 404 #Redstone Comparator (inactive) - 151 #Daylight Sensor - 154 #Hopper - 157 #Activator Rail - 158 #Dropper - 328 #Minecart - 331 #Redstone - 342 #Minecart with Chest - 343 #Minecart with Furnace - 385 #Fire Charge - 401 #Firework Rocket - 402 #Firework Star, White - 'Orange_Firework_Star' #'402:1' - 'Purple_Firework_Star' #'402:10' - 'Blue_Firework_Star' #'402:11' - 'Brown_Firework_Star' #'402:12' - 'Green_Firework_Star' #'402:13' - 'Red_Firework_Star' #'402:14' - 'Black_Firework_Star' #'402:15' - 'Magenta_Firework_Star' #'402:2' - 'Light_Blue_Firework_Star' #'402:3' - 'Yellow_Firework_Star' #'402:4' - 'Lime_Firework_Star' #'402:5' - 'Pink_Firework_Star' #'402:6' - 'Gray_Firework_Star' #'402:7' - 'Light_Gray_Firework_Star' #'402:8' - 'Cyan_Firework_Star' #'402:9' - 407 #Minecart with TNT - 408 #Minecart with Hopper FARMER: level: 1 items: - 35 #White Wool - 47 #Bookshelf - 91 #Jack_o_Lantern - 103 #Melon (Block) - 170 #Hay Bale - 279 #Diamond Axe - 282 #Mushroom Stew - 286 #Gold Axe - 293 #Diamond Hoe - 294 #Gold Hoe - 296 #Wheat - 297 #Bread - 353 #Sugar - 354 #Cake - 357 #Cookie - 360 #Melon Slices - 361 #Pumpkin Seeds - 362 #Melon Seeds - 398 #Carrot on a Stick - 400 #Pumpkin Pie - 420 #Lead MERCHANT: level: 1 items: - 25 #Note Block - 84 #Jukebox - 130 #Ender Chest - 347 #Clock - 381 #Eye of Ender MINER: level: 1 items: - 1 #Granite (1.8) - 22 #Block of Lapis Lazuli - 27 #Powered Rail - 28 #Detector Rail - 41 #Block of Gold - 42 #Block of Iron - 46 #TNT - 57 #Block of Diamond - 66 #Rail - 133 #Block of Emerald - 152 #Block of Redstone - 157 #Activator Rail - 173 #Block of Coal - 263 #Coal - 264 #Diamond - 265 #Iron Ingot - 266 #Gold Ingot - 277 #Diamond Shovel - 278 #Diamond Pickaxe - 284 #Gold Shovel - 285 #Gold Pickaxe - 328 #Minecart - 331 #Redstone - 342 #Minecart with Chest - 343 #Minecart with Furnace - 'Lapis_Lazuli' #'351:4' - 371 #Gold nuggets - 388 #Emerald - 407 #Minecart with TNT - 408 #Minecart with Hopper RUNESMITH: level: 1 items: - 138 #Beacon - 152 #Block of Redstone - 381 #Eye of Ender - 389 #Item Frame SMITH: level: 1 items: - 41 #Block of Gold - 42 #Block of Iron - 57 #Block of Diamond - 101 #Iron Bars - 145 #Anvil - 264 #Diamond - 265 #Iron Ingot - 266 #Gold Ingot - 276 #Diamond Sword - 277 #Diamond Shovel - 278 #Diamond Pickaxe - 279 #Diamond Axe - 283 #Gold Sword - 284 #Gold Shovel - 285 #Gold Pickaxe - 286 #Gold Axe - 293 #Diamond Hoe - 294 #Gold Hoe - 306 #Iron Helmet - 307 #Iron Chestplate - 308 #Iron Leggings - 309 #Iron Boots - 310 #Diamond Helmet - 311 #Diamond Chestplate - 312 #Diamond Leggings - 313 #Diamond Boots - 314 #Gold Helmet - 315 #Gold Chestplate - 316 #Gold Leggings - 317 #Gold Boots
We're going to need to remove the ' << symbols after # in the item ID's ... they are breaking YML - also pelase ALWAYS parse the entire FILE here... if it gives an error it will break the server https://nodeca.github.io/js-yaml/@Kainzo this code is incomplete but can be used for testing.
It will give us a good idea if things are working ok.
- All DYES recipes are updated
- All classes other than CRAFTER are fully updated
- Rest of crafter is taking a bit longer, because there's loads to fix
Code:all: level: 1 items: - '*' removestone: level: 1 denied-items: [ 4 ] default: level: 1 items: [] ALCHEMIST: level: 1 items: - 41 #Block of Gold - 117 #Brewing Stand - 118 #Cauldron - 266 #Gold Ingot - 322 #Golden Apple - 'Enchanted_Golden_Apple' #'322:1' - 331 #Redstone - 353 #Sugar - 371 #Gold nuggets - 374 #Glass Bottle - 376 #Fermented Spider Eye - 377 #Blaze Powder - 378 #Magma Cream - 382 #Glistening Melon - 396 #Golden Carrot CRAFTER: level: 1 items: - 5 #Wood Planks, Oak - 'Spruce_Wood_Planks' #'5:1' - 'Birch_Wood_Planks' #'5:2' - 'Jungle_Wood_Planks' #'5:3' - 'Acacia_Wood_Planks' #'5:4' - 'Dark_Oak_Wood_Planks' #'5:5' - 24 #Sandstone - 'Chiseled_Sandstone' #'24:1' - 'Smooth_Sandstone' #'24:2' - 35 # Wool - 'Purple_Wool' #'35:10' - 'Blue_Wool' #'35:11' - 'Brown_Wool' #'35:12' - 'Green_Wool' #'35:13' - 'Red_Wool' #'35:14' - 'Black_Wool' #'35:15' - 'Orange_Wool' #'35:1' - 'Magenta_Wool' #'35:2' - 'Light_Blue_Wool' #'35:3' - 'Yellow_Wool' #'35:4' - 'Lime_Wool' #'35:5' - 'Pink_Wool' #'35:6' - 'Gray_Wool' #'35:7' - 'Light_Gray_Wool' #'35:8' - 'Cyan_Wool' #'35:9' - 44 #Slab, Stone - 'Sandstone_Slab #'44:1' - 'Cobblestone_Slab #'44:3' - 'Brick_Slab' #'44:4' - 'Stone_Brick_Slab' #'44:5' - 'Nether_Brick_Slab' #'44:6' - 'Quartz_Slab' '44:7' - 45 #Bricks - 48 #Moss_Stone - 50 #Torch - 53 #Stairs, Oak - 54 #Chest - 58 #Crafting Table - 61 #Furnace - 323 #Sign - 324 #Wooden Door - 65 #Ladder - 67 #Stairs, Cobblestone - 69 #Lever - 70 #Stone Pressure Plate - 330 #Iron Door - 72 #Wooden Pressure Plate - 77 #Stone Button - 80 #Block of Snow - 82 #Block of Clay - 85 #Fences - 89 #Glowstone - 95 #Stained Glass, White - 95 #Stained Glass, Orange - '95:10' #Stained Glass, Purple - '95:11' #Stained Glass, Blue - '95:12' #Stained Glass, Brown - '95:13' #Stained Glass, Green - '95:14' #Stained Glass, Red - '95:15' #Stained Glass, Black - '95:2' #Stained Glass, Magenta - '95:3' #Stained Glass, Light Blue - '95:4' #Stained Glass, Yellow - '95:5' #Stained Glass, Lime - '95:6' #Stained Glass, Pink - '95:7' #Stained Glass, Gray - '95:8' #Stained Glass, Light Gray - '95:9' #Stained Glass, Cyan - 96 #Trapdoor - 98 #Stone Bricks - '98:1' #Mossy Stone Bricks (1.8) - '98:3' #Chiseled Stone Bricks (1.8) - 102 #Glass Pane - 107 #Fence Gate - 108 #Stairs, Brick - 109 #Stairs, Stone Brick - 112 #Nether Brick - 113 #Nether Brick Fence - 114 #Stairs, Nether Brick - 126 #Wood Slab, Oak - '126:1' #Wood Slab, Spruce - '126:2' #Wood Slab, Birch - '126:3' #Wood Slab, Jungle - '126:4' #Wood Slab, Acacia - '126:5' #Wood Slab, Dark Oak - 128 #Stairs, Sandstone - 134 #Wood Stairs, Spruce - 135 #Wood Stairs, Birch - 136 #Wood Stairs, Jungle - 139 #Cobblestone Wall - '139:1' #Mossy Cobblestone Wall - 390 #Flower Pot - 143 #Wooden Button - 155 #Block of Quartz - '155:1' #Chiseled Quartz Block - '155:2' #Pillar Quartz Block - 156 #Stairs, Quartz - 159 #Stained Clay, White - '159:1' #Stained Clay, Orange - '159:10' #Stained Clay, Purple - '159:11' #Stained Clay, Blue - '159:12' #Stained Clay, Brown - '159:13' #Stained Clay, Green - '159:14' #Stained Clay, Red - '159:15' #Stained Clay, Black - '159:2' #Stained Clay, Magenta - '159:3' #Stained Clay, Light Blue - '159:4' #Stained Clay, Yellow - '159:5' #Stained Clay, Lime - '159:6' #Stained Clay, Pink - '159:7' #Stained Clay, Gray - '159:8' #Stained Clay, Light Gray - '159:9' #Stained Clay, Cyan - 160 #Glass Panes, White - '160:1' #Glass Panes, Orange - '160:10' #Glass Panes, Purple - '160:11' #Glass Panes, Blue - '160:12' #Glass Panes, Brown - '160:13' #Glass Panes, Green - '160:14' #Glass Panes, Red - '160:15' #Glass Panes, Black - '160:2' #Glass Panes, Magenta - '160:3' #Glass Panes, Light Blue - '160:4' #Glass Panes, Yellow - '160:5' #Glass Panes, Lime - '160:6' #Glass Panes, Pink - '160:7' #Glass Panes, Gray - '160:8' #Glass Panes, Light Gray - '160:9' #Glass Panes, Cyan - 163 #Wood Stairs, Acacia - 164 #Wood Stairs, Dark Oak - 171 #Carpet, White - '171:1' #Carpet, Orange - '171:10' #Carpet, Purple - '171:11' #Carpet, Blue - '171:12' #Carpet, Brown - '171:13' #Carpet, Green - '171:14' #Carpet, Red - '171:15' #Carpet, Black - '171:2' #Carpet, Magenta - '171:3' #Carpet, Light Blue - '171:4' #Carpet, Yellow - '171:5' #Carpet, Lime - '171:6' #Carpet, Pink - '171:7' #Carpet, Gray - '171:8' #Carpet, Light Gray - '171:9' #Carpet, Cyan - 256 #Iron Shovel - 257 #Iron Pickaxe - 258 #Iron Axe - 259 #Flint and Steel - 261 #Bow - 262 #Arrow - 267 #Iron Sword - 268 #Wooden Sword - 269 #Wooden Shovel - 270 #Wooden Pickaxe - 271 #Wooden Axe - 272 #Stone Sword - 273 #Stone Shovel - 274 #Stone Pickaxe - 275 #Stone Axe - 280 #Stick - 281 #Bowl - 290 #Wooden Hoe - 291 #Stone Hoe - 292 #Iron Hoe - 298 #Leather Cap - 299 #Leather Tunic - 300 #Leather Leggings - 301 #Leather Boots - 321 #Painting - 325 #Bucket - 330 #Iron Door - 333 #Boat - 339 #Paper - 340 #Book - 345 #Compass - 346 #Fishing Rod - 'Rose_Red' #'351:1' - 'Lapis_Lazuli' #'351:4' - 'Purple_Dye' #'351:5' - 'Cyan_Dye' #'351:6' - 'Light_Gray_Dye' #'351:7' - 'Gray_Dye' #'351:8' - 'Pink_Dye' #'351:9' - 'Lime_Dye' #'351:10' - 'Dandelion_Yellow' #'351:11' - 'Light_Blue_Dye' #'351:12' - 'Magenta_Dye' #'351:13' - 'Orange_Dye' #'351:14' - 'Bone_Meal' #'351:15' - 355 #Bed - 359 #Shears - 386 #Book and Quill - 395 #Empty Map ENCHANTER: level: 1 items: - 47 #Bookshelf - 116 #Enchantment Table ENGINEER: level: 1 items: - 23 #Dispenser - 25 #Note Block - 27 #Powered Rail - 28 #Detector Rail - 29 #Sticky Piston - 33 #Piston - 46 #TNT - 66 #Rail - 76 #Redstone Torch (on) - 84 #Jukebox - 356 #Redstone Repeater (off) - 123 #Redstone Lamp (inactive) - 131 #Tripwire Hook - 146 #Trapped Chest - 147 #Weighted Pressure Plate (Light) - 148 #Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) - 152 #Block of Redstone - 404 #Redstone Comparator (inactive) - 151 #Daylight Sensor - 154 #Hopper - 157 #Activator Rail - 158 #Dropper - 328 #Minecart - 331 #Redstone - 342 #Minecart with Chest - 343 #Minecart with Furnace - 385 #Fire Charge - 401 #Firework Rocket - 402 #Firework Star, White - 'Orange_Firework_Star' #'402:1' - 'Purple_Firework_Star' #'402:10' - 'Blue_Firework_Star' #'402:11' - 'Brown_Firework_Star' #'402:12' - 'Green_Firework_Star' #'402:13' - 'Red_Firework_Star' #'402:14' - 'Black_Firework_Star' #'402:15' - 'Magenta_Firework_Star' #'402:2' - 'Light_Blue_Firework_Star' #'402:3' - 'Yellow_Firework_Star' #'402:4' - 'Lime_Firework_Star' #'402:5' - 'Pink_Firework_Star' #'402:6' - 'Gray_Firework_Star' #'402:7' - 'Light_Gray_Firework_Star' #'402:8' - 'Cyan_Firework_Star' #'402:9' - 407 #Minecart with TNT - 408 #Minecart with Hopper FARMER: level: 1 items: - 35 #White Wool - 47 #Bookshelf - 91 #Jack_o_Lantern - 103 #Melon (Block) - 170 #Hay Bale - 279 #Diamond Axe - 282 #Mushroom Stew - 286 #Gold Axe - 293 #Diamond Hoe - 294 #Gold Hoe - 296 #Wheat - 297 #Bread - 353 #Sugar - 354 #Cake - 357 #Cookie - 360 #Melon Slices - 361 #Pumpkin Seeds - 362 #Melon Seeds - 398 #Carrot on a Stick - 400 #Pumpkin Pie - 420 #Lead MERCHANT: level: 1 items: - 25 #Note Block - 84 #Jukebox - 130 #Ender Chest - 347 #Clock - 381 #Eye of Ender MINER: level: 1 items: - 1 #Granite (1.8) - 22 #Block of Lapis Lazuli - 27 #Powered Rail - 28 #Detector Rail - 41 #Block of Gold - 42 #Block of Iron - 46 #TNT - 57 #Block of Diamond - 66 #Rail - 133 #Block of Emerald - 152 #Block of Redstone - 157 #Activator Rail - 173 #Block of Coal - 263 #Coal - 264 #Diamond - 265 #Iron Ingot - 266 #Gold Ingot - 277 #Diamond Shovel - 278 #Diamond Pickaxe - 284 #Gold Shovel - 285 #Gold Pickaxe - 328 #Minecart - 331 #Redstone - 342 #Minecart with Chest - 343 #Minecart with Furnace - 'Lapis_Lazuli' #'351:4' - 371 #Gold nuggets - 388 #Emerald - 407 #Minecart with TNT - 408 #Minecart with Hopper RUNESMITH: level: 1 items: - 138 #Beacon - 152 #Block of Redstone - 381 #Eye of Ender - 389 #Item Frame SMITH: level: 1 items: - 41 #Block of Gold - 42 #Block of Iron - 57 #Block of Diamond - 101 #Iron Bars - 145 #Anvil - 264 #Diamond - 265 #Iron Ingot - 266 #Gold Ingot - 276 #Diamond Sword - 277 #Diamond Shovel - 278 #Diamond Pickaxe - 279 #Diamond Axe - 283 #Gold Sword - 284 #Gold Shovel - 285 #Gold Pickaxe - 286 #Gold Axe - 293 #Diamond Hoe - 294 #Gold Hoe - 306 #Iron Helmet - 307 #Iron Chestplate - 308 #Iron Leggings - 309 #Iron Boots - 310 #Diamond Helmet - 311 #Diamond Chestplate - 312 #Diamond Leggings - 313 #Diamond Boots - 314 #Gold Helmet - 315 #Gold Chestplate - 316 #Gold Leggings - 317 #Gold Boots
level: 1
- '*
level: 1
denied-items: [ 4 ]
level: 1
items: []
level: 1
- 41 #Block of Gold
- 117 #Brewing Stand
- 118 #Cauldron
- 266 #Gold Ingot
- 322 #Golden Apple
- 'Enchanted_Golden_Apple' #322:1
- 331 #Redstone
- 353 #Sugar
- 371 #Gold nuggets
- 374 #Glass Bottle
- 376 #Fermented Spider Eye
- 377 #Blaze Powder
- 378 #Magma Cream
- 382 #Glistening Melon
- 396 #Golden Carrot
level: 1
- 5 #Wood Planks, Oak
- 'Spruce_Wood_Planks' #5:1
- 'Birch_Wood_Planks' #5:2
- 'Jungle_Wood_Planks' #5:3
- 'Acacia_Wood_Planks' #5:4
- 'Dark_Oak_Wood_Planks' #5:5
- 24 #Sandstone
- 'Chiseled_Sandstone' #24:1
- 'Smooth_Sandstone' #24:2
- 35 # Wool
- 'Purple_Wool' #35:10
- 'Blue_Wool' #35:11
- 'Brown_Wool' #35:12
- 'Green_Wool' #35:13
- 'Red_Wool' #35:14
- 'Black_Wool' #35:15
- 'Orange_Wool' #35:1
- 'Magenta_Wool' #35:2
- 'Light_Blue_Wool' #35:3
- 'Yellow_Wool' #35:4
- 'Lime_Wool' #35:5
- 'Pink_Wool' #35:6
- 'Gray_Wool' #35:7
- 'Light_Gray_Wool' #35:8
- 'Cyan_Wool' #35:9
- 44 #Slab, Stone
- 'Sandstone_Slab #44:1
- 'Cobblestone_Slab #44:3
- 'Brick_Slab' #44:4
- 'Stone_Brick_Slab' #44:5
- 'Nether_Brick_Slab' #44:6
- 'Quartz_Slab' '44:7
- 45 #Bricks
- 48 #Moss_Stone
- 50 #Torch
- 53 #Stairs, Oak
- 54 #Chest
- 58 #Crafting Table
- 61 #Furnace
- 323 #Sign
- 324 #Wooden Door
- 65 #Ladder
- 67 #Stairs, Cobblestone
- 69 #Lever
- 70 #Stone Pressure Plate
- 330 #Iron Door
- 72 #Wooden Pressure Plate
- 77 #Stone Button
- 80 #Block of Snow
- 82 #Block of Clay
- 85 #Fences
- 89 #Glowstone
- 95 #Stained Glass, White
- 95 #Stained Glass, Orange
- '95:10' #Stained Glass, Purple
- '95:11' #Stained Glass, Blue
- '95:12' #Stained Glass, Brown
- '95:13' #Stained Glass, Green
- '95:14' #Stained Glass, Red
- '95:15' #Stained Glass, Black
- '95:2' #Stained Glass, Magenta
- '95:3' #Stained Glass, Light Blue
- '95:4' #Stained Glass, Yellow
- '95:5' #Stained Glass, Lime
- '95:6' #Stained Glass, Pink
- '95:7' #Stained Glass, Gray
- '95:8' #Stained Glass, Light Gray
- '95:9' #Stained Glass, Cyan
- 96 #Trapdoor
- 98 #Stone Bricks
- '98:1' #Mossy Stone Bricks (1.8)
- '98:3' #Chiseled Stone Bricks (1.8)
- 102 #Glass Pane
- 107 #Fence Gate
- 108 #Stairs, Brick
- 109 #Stairs, Stone Brick
- 112 #Nether Brick
- 113 #Nether Brick Fence
- 114 #Stairs, Nether Brick
- 126 #Wood Slab, Oak
- '126:1' #Wood Slab, Spruce
- '126:2' #Wood Slab, Birch
- '126:3' #Wood Slab, Jungle
- '126:4' #Wood Slab, Acacia
- '126:5' #Wood Slab, Dark Oak
- 128 #Stairs, Sandstone
- 134 #Wood Stairs, Spruce
- 135 #Wood Stairs, Birch
- 136 #Wood Stairs, Jungle
- 139 #Cobblestone Wall
- '139:1' #Mossy Cobblestone Wall
- 390 #Flower Pot
- 143 #Wooden Button
- 155 #Block of Quartz
- '155:1' #Chiseled Quartz Block
- '155:2' #Pillar Quartz Block
- 156 #Stairs, Quartz
- 159 #Stained Clay, White
- '159:1' #Stained Clay, Orange
- '159:10' #Stained Clay, Purple
- '159:11' #Stained Clay, Blue
- '159:12' #Stained Clay, Brown
- '159:13' #Stained Clay, Green
- '159:14' #Stained Clay, Red
- '159:15' #Stained Clay, Black
- '159:2' #Stained Clay, Magenta
- '159:3' #Stained Clay, Light Blue
- '159:4' #Stained Clay, Yellow
- '159:5' #Stained Clay, Lime
- '159:6' #Stained Clay, Pink
- '159:7' #Stained Clay, Gray
- '159:8' #Stained Clay, Light Gray
- '159:9' #Stained Clay, Cyan
- 160 #Glass Panes, White
- '160:1' #Glass Panes, Orange
- '160:10' #Glass Panes, Purple
- '160:11' #Glass Panes, Blue
- '160:12' #Glass Panes, Brown
- '160:13' #Glass Panes, Green
- '160:14' #Glass Panes, Red
- '160:15' #Glass Panes, Black
- '160:2' #Glass Panes, Magenta
- '160:3' #Glass Panes, Light Blue
- '160:4' #Glass Panes, Yellow
- '160:5' #Glass Panes, Lime
- '160:6' #Glass Panes, Pink
- '160:7' #Glass Panes, Gray
- '160:8' #Glass Panes, Light Gray
- '160:9' #Glass Panes, Cyan
- 163 #Wood Stairs, Acacia
- 164 #Wood Stairs, Dark Oak
- 171 #Carpet, White
- '171:1' #Carpet, Orange
- '171:10' #Carpet, Purple
- '171:11' #Carpet, Blue
- '171:12' #Carpet, Brown
- '171:13' #Carpet, Green
- '171:14' #Carpet, Red
- '171:15' #Carpet, Black
- '171:2' #Carpet, Magenta
- '171:3' #Carpet, Light Blue
- '171:4' #Carpet, Yellow
- '171:5' #Carpet, Lime
- '171:6' #Carpet, Pink
- '171:7' #Carpet, Gray
- '171:8' #Carpet, Light Gray
- '171:9' #Carpet, Cyan
- 256 #Iron Shovel
- 257 #Iron Pickaxe
- 258 #Iron Axe
- 259 #Flint and Steel
- 261 #Bow
- 262 #Arrow
- 267 #Iron Sword
- 268 #Wooden Sword
- 269 #Wooden Shovel
- 270 #Wooden Pickaxe
- 271 #Wooden Axe
- 272 #Stone Sword
- 273 #Stone Shovel
- 274 #Stone Pickaxe
- 275 #Stone Axe
- 280 #Stick
- 281 #Bowl
- 290 #Wooden Hoe
- 291 #Stone Hoe
- 292 #Iron Hoe
- 298 #Leather Cap
- 299 #Leather Tunic
- 300 #Leather Leggings
- 301 #Leather Boots
- 321 #Painting
- 325 #Bucket
- 330 #Iron Door
- 333 #Boat
- 339 #Paper
- 340 #Book
- 345 #Compass
- 346 #Fishing Rod
- 'Rose_Red' #351:1
- 'Lapis_Lazuli' #351:4
- 'Purple_Dye' #351:5
- 'Cyan_Dye' #351:6
- 'Light_Gray_Dye' #351:7
- 'Gray_Dye' #351:8
- 'Pink_Dye' #351:9
- 'Lime_Dye' #351:10
- 'Dandelion_Yellow' #351:11
- 'Light_Blue_Dye' #351:12
- 'Magenta_Dye' #351:13
- 'Orange_Dye' #351:14
- 'Bone_Meal' #351:15
- 355 #Bed
- 359 #Shears
- 386 #Book and Quill
- 395 #Empty Map
level: 1
- 47 #Bookshelf
- 116 #Enchantment Table
level: 1
- 23 #Dispenser
- 25 #Note Block
- 27 #Powered Rail
- 28 #Detector Rail
- 29 #Sticky Piston
- 33 #Piston
- 46 #TNT
- 66 #Rail
- 76 #Redstone Torch (on)
- 84 #Jukebox
- 356 #Redstone Repeater (off)
- 123 #Redstone Lamp (inactive)
- 131 #Tripwire Hook
- 146 #Trapped Chest
- 147 #Weighted Pressure Plate (Light)
- 148 #Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy)
- 152 #Block of Redstone
- 404 #Redstone Comparator (inactive)
- 151 #Daylight Sensor
- 154 #Hopper
- 157 #Activator Rail
- 158 #Dropper
- 328 #Minecart
- 331 #Redstone
- 342 #Minecart with Chest
- 343 #Minecart with Furnace
- 385 #Fire Charge
- 401 #Firework Rocket
- 402 #Firework Star, White
- 'Orange_Firework_Star' #402:1
- 'Purple_Firework_Star' #402:10
- 'Blue_Firework_Star' #402:11
- 'Brown_Firework_Star' #402:12
- 'Green_Firework_Star' #402:13
- 'Red_Firework_Star' #402:14
- 'Black_Firework_Star' #402:15
- 'Magenta_Firework_Star' #402:2
- 'Light_Blue_Firework_Star' #402:3
- 'Yellow_Firework_Star' #402:4
- 'Lime_Firework_Star' #402:5
- 'Pink_Firework_Star' #402:6
- 'Gray_Firework_Star' #402:7
- 'Light_Gray_Firework_Star' #402:8
- 'Cyan_Firework_Star' #402:9
- 407 #Minecart with TNT
- 408 #Minecart with Hopper
level: 1
- 35 #White Wool
- 47 #Bookshelf
- 91 #Jack_o_Lantern
- 103 #Melon (Block)
- 170 #Hay Bale
- 279 #Diamond Axe
- 282 #Mushroom Stew
- 286 #Gold Axe
- 293 #Diamond Hoe
- 294 #Gold Hoe
- 296 #Wheat
- 297 #Bread
- 353 #Sugar
- 354 #Cake
- 357 #Cookie
- 360 #Melon Slices
- 361 #Pumpkin Seeds
- 362 #Melon Seeds
- 398 #Carrot on a Stick
- 400 #Pumpkin Pie
- 420 #Lead
level: 1
- 25 #Note Block
- 84 #Jukebox
- 130 #Ender Chest
- 347 #Clock
- 381 #Eye of Ender
level: 1
- 1 #Granite (1.8)
- 22 #Block of Lapis Lazuli
- 27 #Powered Rail
- 28 #Detector Rail
- 41 #Block of Gold
- 42 #Block of Iron
- 46 #TNT
- 57 #Block of Diamond
- 66 #Rail
- 133 #Block of Emerald
- 152 #Block of Redstone
- 157 #Activator Rail
- 173 #Block of Coal
- 263 #Coal
- 264 #Diamond
- 265 #Iron Ingot
- 266 #Gold Ingot
- 277 #Diamond Shovel
- 278 #Diamond Pickaxe
- 284 #Gold Shovel
- 285 #Gold Pickaxe
- 328 #Minecart
- 331 #Redstone
- 342 #Minecart with Chest
- 343 #Minecart with Furnace
- 'Lapis_Lazuli' #351:4
- 371 #Gold nuggets
- 388 #Emerald
- 407 #Minecart with TNT
- 408 #Minecart with Hopper
level: 1
- 138 #Beacon
- 152 #Block of Redstone
- 381 #Eye of Ender
- 389 #Item Frame
level: 1
- 41 #Block of Gold
- 42 #Block of Iron
- 57 #Block of Diamond
- 101 #Iron Bars
- 145 #Anvil
- 264 #Diamond
- 265 #Iron Ingot
- 266 #Gold Ingot
- 276 #Diamond Sword
- 277 #Diamond Shovel
- 278 #Diamond Pickaxe
- 279 #Diamond Axe
- 283 #Gold Sword
- 284 #Gold Shovel
- 285 #Gold Pickaxe
- 286 #Gold Axe
- 293 #Diamond Hoe
- 294 #Gold Hoe
- 306 #Iron Helmet
- 307 #Iron Chestplate
- 308 #Iron Leggings
- 309 #Iron Boots
- 310 #Diamond Helmet
- 311 #Diamond Chestplate
- 312 #Diamond Leggings
- 313 #Diamond Boots
- 314 #Gold Helmet
- 315 #Gold Chestplate
- 316 #Gold Leggings
- 317 #Gold Boots