I had a Wizard with me when me and my 2 friends raped Safehaven/Los Bandidos yesterday, he did great. Fireball is back, wooh!
Unable to see that picture... It was 3v6 so the AoE attacks really helped, however bringing 2 rangers in close combat is never smart... Bingy dealt a great deal of damage though, before i managed to take him out. I didn't even use improved chat, so i had to bind skills to actual items. Please come again, it was so much fun. (Not to mention all the loot)I had a Wizard with me when me and my 2 friends raped Safehaven/Los Bandidos yesterday, he did great. Fireball is back, wooh!
Unable to see that picture...I had a Wizard with me when me and my 2 friends raped Safehaven/Los Bandidos yesterday, he did great. Fireball is back, wooh!
That link lead me to funnyjunk.com, not an actual picture.
All the members we fought were in Los Bandidos and many of them was also from Safehaven (Pringle, Cata, Hatchy, Kitty, Bingy)