Not a bribe! Just a pre-welcoming giftIGN (In game name): Jayzy3
Combat Class (Level and spec): mastered Thief
Profession(Level and Spec): 10 Crafter :/
Town(if any): Panorama, of KO
Age: 16
Time on server: I think 10 or so months now, I really have no idea.
Why are you interested? Eagles bribed me, plus they have some crazy ass PvP'ers
What do you bring to Los Bandidos? A mastered Thief who own you up. I have some PvP skills as well as building, although I much prefer the PvP.
Normal Playing Time (CST): EST, on weekdays anywhere from 11-8, and on weekends from 10-10
Do you speak English?: Hell, English is the ONLY language I speak
Do you have a headset/microphone? Yea bro
-Recommended by Eagles(BUNCHANUMBERS)
-Sorry Ezmac, our guild just wasnt taking of, plus Eagles bribed me xD