1. In-game Name?: TNTSkelebro
2. Players Age: 16
3. Time Zone: GMT
4. Why do you wish to join ParcSansue?: I'm incredibly new to Herocraft and want a town that will help me along and this looks like a really friendly one

5. How did you hear about ParcSansue?: Browsing the forums
6. How long have you been on the Server?: I joined today

7. What Class and Profession are you, or do you plan to become?: Runeblade, Crafter. I want to be a smith.
8. What past townships have you been on in this map?: N/A
9. DO you belong to a clan in Herocraft?: Nope.
10. What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: I hope to become someone who provides the armoury and such.
11. Will you defend ParcSansue and it's allies? and why?: Well, of course I'll defend it but I won't do very well. I'm not THAT great at pvp, and have only had a small experience of PVPing in an RPG minecraft server.
12. Will you obey, at all times, the wishes of the Officers and the Mayor of ParcSansue?: If they respect me, I respect them.
13. Do you have TeamSpeak 3?: No, I can get it though.
14. Do you have a microphone?: Yes.
15. If NO, Do you have speakers, or a headset?: I have a headset

16. Can you join and listen to us?: Yea.
17. If you were to break a Server or Town rule will you accept responsibility and any punishment that might follow?: Unless it's completely out of order, 100%.
18. Do you prefer PVE or PVP?: PvE
19. Additional info you might want to add!
I was wondering if this application could also count for 2 of my friends that will probably like to joinand started today too. If I get accepted,I'llask them if they wanna join then tell you and, obviously, you decide if they have to make an application or not.