Thanks for that Witch, now hoping for confirmation. Only get to destroy another person's experience once a day. Or the entire day if they don't bother to play at that point. I really think you should try something different like letting people choose at start of map to /pvp enable or /pvp disable which would either prevent pvp for you but wont let you partake in it at all OR Allow you to be pvp but you can't go pve at all. Could even help in game with a money sink should you decide to switch (Like with Professions, but make it very expensive to do so) again, another way to take money out of the economy.
Forcing players to be in pvp when they don't consent to it just isn't the way to go imo. You're going to irritate your only potential for a playerbase by catering to Veterans, who are most likely bored after using all available tricks acquired from playing to max everything out as quickly as possible.
And while this may keep your more vocal players entertained, it will be short lived, and once they get their fill. They will play less too. But by then, you will also have fed your PVE/Non-PVP interested players to more organized PVPers for a temporary entertainment benefit. There has to be another way or alternate consideration.