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ALERT Heavens Gate - The Battle Front of Souls


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Please note that this is a massive patch and several things have changed. For the first week this is out, class swaps and attribute allocations will be free.

ALL MASTERS ARE NOW LOST. A level 60 will go down to level 50. A level 25 may move up to 45+ depending on where their EXP curve is. THIS IS NOT A BUG, DO NOT REPORT IT
The max level has been reduced from 100 to 60, this is to better ensure players dont exceed the cap when mastering.
The linear exp curve has been changed to a logarithm exponential curve, so leveling in the beginning takes less time and leveling in the later levels takes more time.
All professions now master at level 50, down from level 60. The time to level a profession is mostly untouched from the past.
All Tier 2 classes now master at level 60 and obtain their utlimate skill at level 60.
The max exp to get to mastery is 1,000,000
Every level you gain a passive damage increase to PVE mobs. This increase allows you to move more easily into higher level dungeons.
New reputation sects roam the dungeons in Heavens Gate, fight them to regain your soul mastery!
There are 3 classifications of monsters.
-- Minions (Several spawners (REDSTONE BLOCKS), 90 second respawn)
-- Elites (Few spawners (EMERALDBLOCKS), 10 minute respawns)
-- Bosses (Very few spawners (GOLD BLOCKS), 30 minute respawn, great loot)
Citadel mobs/spawners give 0 xp.
Class swaps and allocation points are free until 11/09/15
All players now start at the new tutorial in the forgotten realm.
Heavens Gate can be accessed at the Citadel spawn area and in the Nexus.
Each dungeon is progressively harder and can be accessed via the previous dungeon.

Things left to do for patch 8.2.2:
Polish mob skins/names
Fix complete loot sets
Implement custom crafting recipes
Proper Lore on most skills.
Scale melee/arrow damage for PVE.


Heavens Gate Dungeons (12 total)
Level 01 thru 09
Forgotten Battlegrounds - The Unforgiven (UNF) Withered (WIT)
The Forgotten Ones memorial. The first area the souls of the lost will see before descending into their path of madness. Chaos has twisted this area and the inhabitants have forgotten who they once were. Spiders, Skeletons and Hulking Unforgiven are seen roaming freely in this forgotten land.

Level 10 thru 19
The Necropolis - Chaos Order (CHA)
The Vexing Necropolis of Panir. Summoned minions, necromancers and other warlocks roam the surrounding areas. The Necromancer, Cho'Gal leads this necropolis.

Crushflame Keep - The Black Death (VAM)
Towers of Crushflame. Shady figures accompany these halls, the vampire lord Senir V'Thal sits atop the tallest tower gathering his forces to strike against the Fae and Elves.

Level 20 thru 29
Trickster's Domain - Fae Fae (FAE)
The Trickster's Domain. This domain is filled with riddles and madness, not much seems to be what it appears. The darkened doorways lead you to random areas of the castle. The Sulking Trickster roams placing tricks on its prey.

Stoneflow Castellum - Violet Seekers (NIN)
The Maze of Stoneflow. An area filled with twisty turns, pit falls and more. The danger here is mostly from the surrounding areas but Stoneflow has several unhappy inhabitants. Lap the Pained, controls this floating sanctum with his elite Ninja Guard.

Level 30 thru 39
Celephind, Elven Palace - Emerald Forest (ELV)
A palace full of elves of the great emerald forest. The great protectors are engaged in protecting their riches and use the palace as a base to protect the great forest, nearby.

Jino, Desert Town - Goldtail Bandits (BAN)
The den of thieves, floating above the Dalar desert. The Bandit Lord resides here. The Goldtail bandits are engaged in combat with the Elves to obtain their vast riches.

Level 40 thru 49
Ivory City - Ivory Outcasts (OUT) - PVP ON
The Ivory City of Outcasts. These outcasts believe that there is only one true god and all others must be false. This city is surrounded by tall mountains and hidden away from the world.

Skycastles - Blackflag Outlaws (PIR) - PVP ON
A haven for the Blackflag, pirate outlaws. These outlaws take from whomever they please and stash their hoards of treasure within the skylands. The pirate king currently resides in this stronghold.

Level 50 thru 59
Dark Palace - The Faceless (FAC) - PVP ON
The machines that once worshiped their creators now clutter this abandoned city, void of all flesh. The Dark Palace was once a bustling city fielded with the creators of old, those who originally brought the mechnos to awareness have long since passed by their creations hands.

Redhand Highkeep - The Red Hand (CRU) - PVP ON
The sanctum of the Redhand. The highlord himself sits atop the throne. Several extremist roam the castle and ensure the safety of their dominion.

Level 60+ (Unreleased, Tier 7 dungeon)
The Lost Dreadlands - ALL.
The war torn floating islands that are devoid of all time and space. These areas gather all the sects and force them to engage in battle for eternity.

Overall: Kainzo/Xexorian
Mobs: Xexorian
Skills: Xexorian/Celvick
Items: Kainzo/Eldrylars
OldShoes - SensFortress
RedJohnxS - Gondlin / Desert / Sky
EvenTime - Forgotten Legend / Lem Castle
Tumble_Pig - Caverns
Playman - Telios / Almor
Aryios / Lookout and other Architects for random tweaks!
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Dec 28, 2012
Alright, I'm sure these will be fixed as time goes on, but so far here are my complaints with HeavensGate.
1. Left click/arrows do not scale, leading to mobs only being taken down in a timely fashion by skills. This is confirmed an oversight and one I hope to see fixed very soon.
2. Mobs having skills can lead to them getting BS damage on you, and while I think it fits some mobs like Necromancers or mages, I should not be hit by an "Undead Flayer" from 7 blocks away because it flails its body around. This leads to having to consume food a lot, and will make players quickly run out.
3. Equipment still breaks at the same rate, and with the issue discussed in point 1, this is going to lead to having a broken weapon before even killing 10 mobs. Perhaps the entirety of the drop system needs to be reduced, but it'd be nice to have Unbreaking weapons drop often.
4. The most important point, while I don't mind a bit more grind, the EXP changes are ball-bustingly insane. 1 million EXP to max a class compared to the 100k EXP previously, and not to mention that a singular minion mob will take 30-40 seconds or more to kill with a measly payoff of 40EXP in tier 4 dungeons. Thats absolutely buttfuck insanity to expect a player to torture themselves, and I do not use that term lightly here, for months to max a single class, much less mastering a Tier 2 class. This is the gravest issue that must be resolved, or I predict Herocraft will be too grindy for the veteran players to enjoy and too hopeless for newer players to even get into.
Oct 19, 2013
I was so excited to finally get to level 60 ranger (I was 55), then I was put down to 48. I tried to go with it, I really did, but no matter how many zombies I kill I am failing desperately, and I've yet to get up to 1% towards level 49. I've yet to see anything else, the 3 redstone block requirement for /spawn also came as a shock because that made it nearly impossible to get out of dungeons. I'd imagine it will have unprecedented issues on me as well involving transport yet to come. I'm excited to see the positive ends of this update, but if those two things could be changed back it would make my (and most likely a lot of others) life easier.


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 30, 2012
I was so excited to finally get to level 60 ranger (I was 55), then I was put down to 48. I tried to go with it, I really did, but no matter how many zombies I kill I am failing desperately, and I've yet to get up to 1% towards level 49. I've yet to see anything else, the 3 redstone block requirement for /spawn also came as a shock because that made it nearly impossible to get out of dungeons. I'd imagine it will have unprecedented issues on me as well involving transport yet to come. I'm excited to see the positive ends of this update, but if those two things could be changed back it would make my (and most likely a lot of others) life easier.
3 Redstone blocks for spawn has been here since map started, pretty sure. That did not come in this update.


Legacy Supporter 6
Dec 31, 2011
Aside from the void and all that shit that is an issue, I feel like dungeons have promoted the killing of noobs since now noobs will be in groups leveling and easier targets. I notice multiple of the veteran players teaming up to kill the lower level groups for the mob drop rewards as well.
If there was a way to restrict each portal to the levels people are that would be nice.
For example a level 39 can't go through a lvl40-49 portal or a lvl 50 can't go in a lvl portal that is lower than it.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Things left to do for patch 8.2.1:
Polish mob skins/names
Fix complete loot sets
Implement custom crafting recipes
Proper Lore on most skills.
Scale melee/arrow damage for PVE.


Sep 18, 2015
I was told to post here for ideas, Let me say, i love this patch, adds actual challenge, adds usage for all skills, its beautiful with the builds and nature, not to mention the awesome new items. Heres my ideas though, I've noticed, with the challenging mobs, T2's already have a tough time for xp, but to lose all that xp per death, I've lost more than I've gained so far, I've been stuck at lvl 43 13% for 4 deaths, all i want is to not have xp losses for T2, there already decently hard to obtain not to mention level. Love you kainzo, thank you for the beautiful update, people don't seem to realize you did say in this post and for 3 weeks, The xp will be harder to get and will take ALOT longer to level up.... Everyone thinks it will be a piece of cake, <3


Max Legacy Supporter
May 19, 2013
Problems with this update.
Problem 1: The stab in the back that everyone received that had maxed classes prior. Oh your max combat, well have fun spending the time it would take to max it over again and then some, while having no enjoyment from it because you level at a snail pace. Oh you have maxed profession, well have fun getting that last level again, even though we were promised this would not happen, but it did, every max profession is lv 49.
Problem 2: The amount of exp it takes for 45-60, one mob is less than 1% and takes 10x as long to kill as before, shows no progression and most people will just go do something else that is more enjoyable.
Solution: Change the exp back to normal and make the mobs worth the kill. Without the crappy leveling I would definitely enjoy leveling in these dungeons, they are way better than old ones, but all of that is destroyed with the fact that leveling is horrible. Make everyone that lost levels max, its not nice to make people have to level again, makes people just want to leave more.
I am just saying it as I see it, if you suggestions listen to them, otherwise my job here is done.


Legacy Supporter 6
Dec 31, 2011
I personally am fine with a slower leveling, maybe quicker than it is now though. Sure, it was fun playing multiple classes, but there was a time where you picked a class and stuck to it and normally didn't have more than 4 combat class mastered. This brings more thinking and planning out of the class you play. A lot of the veterans that didn't play over 3-4 years ago never experienced leveling without a boost as boosts have been common in recent maps. I think we're heading in the right direction, but as usual we need to tweak some things. Honestly, a lot of us have grown being used to mastering classes in 2 days or less, including myself. When I started herocraft it took over a week maybe even longer to master. To me the game has been too easy in recent maps aside from trying to create challenges through towns. - It's better to go slow with slower lvling(pun intended), ease into it, and not be like my astronomy tests where they want to cut our heads off a destroy us-
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The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Going to increase party exp by 25% to counter some of the issues we're facing here... if this doesn't increase EXP in parties - then we'll need to fix the code. @mung3r


Dec 28, 2012
Alright, first of two posts, this one concerning a bug in some mobs with their spells. Some mobs cast their spells in extremely rapid succession (5 spells in 1 second) which unless you're at full health or heavily armored will murder you. I've provided screenshots of these events below this particular post. It kills so quickly that you're dead before you can escape. This is a problem I've seen the flayers of the first zone dungeon have, so this is important to fix so new players don't get gang-raped. I'd assume this has to do with lag or certain states mobs are in, such as in the air after being struck, climbing a wall or hopping.2015-10-31_00.29.06.png 2015-10-31_00.42.40.png


Dec 24, 2013
I was so excited to finally get to level 60 ranger (I was 55), then I was put down to 48. I tried to go with it, I really did, but no matter how many zombies I kill I am failing desperately, and I've yet to get up to 1% towards level 49. I've yet to see anything else, the 3 redstone block requirement for /spawn also came as a shock because that made it nearly impossible to get out of dungeons. I'd imagine it will have unprecedented issues on me as well involving transport yet to come. I'm excited to see the positive ends of this update, but if those two things could be changed back it would make my (and most likely a lot of others) life easier.
We're you in Heaven's Gate Leveling or were you killing mobs on the main map?(old dungeons)
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Dec 24, 2013
I personally am fine with a slower leveling, maybe quicker than it is now though. Sure, it was fun playing multiple classes, but there was a time where you picked a class and stuck to it and normally didn't have more than 4 combat class mastered. This brings more thinking and planning out of the class you play. A lot of the veterans that didn't play over 3-4 years ago never experienced leveling without a boost as boosts have been common in recent maps. I think we're heading in the right direction, but as usual we need to tweak some things. Honestly, a lot of us have grown being used to mastering classes in 2 days or less, including myself. When I started herocraft it took over a week maybe even longer to master. To me the game has been too easy in recent maps aside from trying to create challenges through towns. - It's better to go slow with slower lvling(pun intended), ease into it, and not be like my astronomy tests where they want to cut our heads off a destroy us-
I agree.

I relish this new era where getting to max level isn't as simple as going to a dungeon for a weekend.


Dec 28, 2012
Second post, this is to establish my opinions and what I think can be tweaked in HeavensGate so Herocraft doesn't drink the metaphorical Kool-Aid. Kainzo, other veteran players and myself we're talking about the patch, and the reason Kainzo put the gradual curve of experience points in is because of his distaste in seeing people master classes in a mere few hours. While I'd absolutely agree that the leveling process should be more wholesome and in general longer, I as well as many other players feel the curve is too steep, taking far too long to master a single class and losing far too much experience upon death, especially for Tier 2 classes. This problem is perpetuated by two things;
One, the toughness of the mobs and current difficulty in slaying them. Mobs in later dungeons have thousands of HP, and it takes up to a full minute to slay even one. They also strike relatively hard, compounding the problem of fighting potential groups of these beefed-up mobs and serving to extend time spent leveling due to needing healing constantly. Sadly, people are only putting up with these mobs at the time of writing because of the quality and plentiful loot drops, which, might I add, is a blessing that Kainzo should totally keep in the game. The icing on that cake here, though, is that due to a coding oversight standard left-click attacks and arrows do not scale, which makes classes dependent on skills and creates almost a monopoly for casters leveling, as most of their power comes from their powerful and diverse skills. Having little knockback, the mobs mercilessly brutalize melee classes, causing despair for a majority of server classes.
And two, the mobs, difficult to kill as of right now, don't give nearly enough experience to make grinding worthwhile. Part of the joy of Herocraft is the road to mastery, and the anticipation of all the things you can do when you're mastered. The small amount of EXP mobs give combined with the Mt. Everest- steep curve creates an environment of hopelessness for the leveler, like you're Sisyphus and the EXP bar is your boulder, carrying it up the mountain until an inevitable death makes it roll a day's progress back to the base. This alienates veteran players and scares away newer players, and with the attitude many PvP-leaning players have towards newbies, we have to do all we can to retain our noobs.
The main problems stem from a couple of what I'd think to be basic oversights from the coding process, but this EXP issue is excruciatingly important. Some ideas I have as to solve this problem is to fix scaling in weapon damage, and to either increase the EXP mobs in later dungeons give as to prolong endgame leveling while not subjecting the player to hopelessness or to reduce the curve itself so as to make the current EXP values work out while not making the leveling process a 3 hour deal. An ideal time to shoot for in mastering would be a week.
I would like to say this though, the dungeons themselves are fantastic and the little details implemented into every one (Besides the ninja cove dungeon) are astounding, reflecting the maturity Herocraft has come by in its 5 year life. One could tell when you step into the first dungeon that a lot of care and passion was put into each for the purpose of giving the player a great time, and I'd like to congratulate Kainzo and the staff for coming so far. After these tweaks and after Nation-warfare, Herocraft is going to enter a new age of excitement, and for that I thank the staff and every player who comes to Herocraft. I'm tired, so goodnight guys. Have a good night coders, you deserve it.


Jul 30, 2011
I find grinding for itmes really fun, but the drop tables should reflect the usage of the rare drops. I suggest that there be a higher drop rate on weapons and armor based on the number of classes that use that. So there should be more leather drops and less diamond drops because of classes use leather.