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[Hamlet] VALOR [41] [Neutral]


Jan 23, 2012
1: What is your IGN (case sensitive)?: juliustoth​
2: How long have you played MC?: Almost 2 years now. HC?: About 30 seconds.​
3: How old are you?: 39​
4: Why do you want to join Valor?: I heard about you through Dr. Cow and FuturizeHandgun almost as soon as I joined Herocraft. They told me about how if you don't have a town, there is a good chance you will become fodder for higher levels so I decided to try and join Valor. Since I just started out I have almost nothing to bring to the table, besides my humor, wit, ability to plan, and ability to build.​
5: Who are your personal friends/allies in Herocraft?: Dr. Cow and FuturizeHandgun (also in Valor)​
6: What class are you?: I'm a warrior, but I just started out and don't really know what I plan to spec as.​
7. How often are you active in game?: Most days I can play for upwards of 6-8 hours, so I'm pretty active.​
8: Are you ok with a 50c tax requirement each week? Yes.​
9: Did you know you can vote for 6c a day at Tiny.cc/herocraft?: Yes​
10: Have you read our rules?: Yes.​
Oct 18, 2011
1: What is your IGN (case sensitive)?: juliustoth​
2: How long have you played MC?: Almost 2 years now. HC?: About 30 seconds.​
3: How old are you?: 39​
4: Why do you want to join Valor?: I heard about you through Dr. Cow and FuturizeHandgun almost as soon as I joined Herocraft. They told me about how if you don't have a town, there is a good chance you will become fodder for higher levels so I decided to try and join Valor. Since I just started out I have almost nothing to bring to the table, besides my humor, wit, ability to plan, and ability to build.​
5: Who are your personal friends/allies in Herocraft?: Dr. Cow and FuturizeHandgun (also in Valor)​
6: What class are you?: I'm a warrior, but I just started out and don't really know what I plan to spec as.​
7. How often are you active in game?: Most days I can play for upwards of 6-8 hours, so I'm pretty active.​
8: Are you ok with a 50c tax requirement each week? Yes.​
9: Did you know you can vote for 6c a day at Tiny.cc/herocraft?: Yes​
10: Have you read our rules?: Yes.​
Your app looks good and the Mayor has already approved. :D

Just one thing to note... at the moment we are limited on space, so you won't have your own plot immediately. We do have an apartment building that you can have your own room in to store your stuff. More plots will be handed out once the server allows us to expand the city.

Welcome to Valor!


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 28, 2011
Since before the server opened we've had designs ready on a test server of ours for very pretty walls, the dirt is but a minor protection as a placeholder until these are created. Due to delays beyond our control in expanding our region they have stayed longer than intended and are being replaced very soon.

Additionally this forum is for applications please refrain from posting here any negative comments.


Sep 23, 2011
hey @Lastivity @kperkins1982 here's an idea. Seeing as we are unable to expand, and have so many new members flooding in, why don't we just stop finding obviously unavailable space on the surface and construct an under city! This new extension to the town could include 12x12x12(ish) rooms where people could build something like their own personal apartment. That and we could add various other buildings that could benefit the town. This would also be a safe heaven for town members during raids, and would be place to put buildings that only town members have access to (bank, shops, etc.)! What you guys think?? :)


be ready, they said they would bring a disiple with them and 2 dragoons .....gonna be intense


hey @Lastivity @kperkins1982 here's an idea. Seeing as we are unable to expand, and have so many new members flooding in, why don't we just stop finding obviously unavailable space on the surface and construct an under city! This new extension to the town could include 12x12x12(ish) rooms where people could build something like their own personal apartment. That and we could add various other buildings that could benefit the town. This would also be a safe heaven for town members during raids, and would be place to put buildings that only town members have access to (bank, shops, etc.)! What you guys think?? :)
i love this idea its brilliant


Legacy Supporter 7
Sep 29, 2011
meh, better hamlets to raid.
have to write down names of who shows up.

In other news, we now have very very awesome grass.
The grass in town is SUPER AWESOME!!!

now who wants to cut it??


Legacy Supporter 3
Jul 29, 2011
Mrfly you should edit your posts instead of making a new one each time. :)

But thanks for the heads up


sry i will try in the future tanks for the idea...lol im on herocraft at school right now...


Jan 24, 2012
777 1: What is your IGN (case sensitive)? Jazzel​
2: How long have you played MC? HC? MC? Well, i bought the game when it was still @Alpha, but i started to play it properly at beta.​
3: How old are you? 17​
4: Why do you want to join Valor? (How did you hear about us? What can you contribute? Why should we accept you? I am friendly PvP guy who enjoys building and having fun /w others.​
5: Who are your personal friends/allies in Herocraft? No one :p
6: What class are you? Future spec plans? Healer. -> Not sure yet.​
7. How often are you active in game? Everyday for few hours. It depends​
8: Are you ok with a 50c tax requirement each week? (Yes, required) Yeah, it should be a problem since i figured how to make money!​
9: Did you know you can vote for 6c a day at Tiny.cc/herocraft? Yes.​
10: Have you read our rules? I have.​


Jan 22, 2012
@Roondak @DrCow @Micerbeats

Welcome to Valor! Roondak and Micer, at this time we don't have a lot of room in town so you won't have your own plot. You would have to see if we have any space left in our apartment complex or double up with someone in town. If you would like to wait until we expand and become a city, that is fine as well. Also, Roondak, please be aware that between the time you wrote your application and now, taxes are 50c a week.

DrCow, since you know FuturizeHandgun, i'll assume you'll be rooming in his house.

I'll let @Lastivity have the final say on all of this.

Awesome man. I will see you guys on Minecraft :)


Dec 28, 2011
why the fuck can i never get to curse's website, keeps giving me invalid errors, i have cleaned cookie and all other shit