Legacy Supporter 3
- Joined
- Oct 18, 2011
Does anyone have any specific jobs about building?
Me toojust going to let you guys know, im not the best at the actual building, so i will probily be doing mining or gathering materials.
IGN (In game name): drpepper1344
Age/Time zone: 14/EST
Referrals / How did you hear about us?: Through the RE channel (Haxnn), and ( Daz's post at the bottom
Why do you want to join Belegost? At least from the Description of the town and it's citizens in the OP, It seems like a Mature, friendly town that has a goal. I want to be a part of a community like that.
Any past towns you were citizen of? Frost, actually a co-founder, and I was not very active.
What class/spec are you/planning to be? At this point, I have no Idea. I am going to be a caster spec, and Pyromancer looks promising to me.
Who are our allies? None at the moment
How often do you plan on playing? 1+ hours on the weekdays, and 2+ on weekends
What is our most important rule? Though it did not state anywhere, at least as far as I can see, What the most important one looks like is the No stealing rule.
IGN (In game name)
- GalaxySearcher
Age/Time zone
- 16 MDT
Referrals / How did you hear about us?
-Asked in game, told me to apply here.
Why do you want to join Belegost?
-I'm tired of having my items stolen, and want to play HC as part of a community.
Any past towns you were citizen of?
- When I played about a year ago I was a citizen of Shiroku.
What class/spec are you/planning to be?
Who are our allies?
How often do you plan on playing?
-On weekends
What is our most important rule?
- No stealing
Accepted! Get with @Kourne, @florosapien0 @Xoiyoyoxoi or me ingame for our building plans. Our channel is /ch bg temp and make sure you do /town sign Belegost. Other than that, welcome to belegostIGN (In game name)
- R0fleC0pter =the 0's are zeros
Age/Time zone
- 15 MDT
Referrals / How did you hear about us?
-From my Friend GalaxySearcher
Why do you want to join Belegost?
-Items stolen
Any past towns you were citizen of?
What class/spec are you/planning to be?
- Caster/ Necro or Wizard
Who are our allies?
How often do you plan on playing?
-On weekends
What is our most important rule?
- No stealing[DOUBLEPOST=1347136139][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN (In game name)- R0fleC0pter =the 0's are zerosAge/Time zone- 15 MDTReferrals / How did you hear about us? -From my Friend GalaxySearcherWhy do you want to join Belegost?-Items stolenAny past towns you were citizen of?-NoWhat class/spec are you/planning to be?- Caster/ Necro or WizardWho are our allies?-NAHow often do you plan on playing?-On weekendsWhat is our most important rule?- No stealing
IGN (In game name)
Age/Time zone
-13 CST (14 in October)
Referrals / How did you hear about us?
-My friend thejoker1177 told me.
Why do you want to join Belegost?
-To be with my friend thejoker and to be in a good established town that doesn't get raided every 5 minutes.
Any past towns you were citizen of?
-I was...I guess a partial citizen in Newerth but that was mainly for a start. I'm really looking for a town that I can play with for a long time. Also I used to be in Nevermore.
What class/spec are you/planning to be?
-Warrior/Dragoon or Samurai
Who are our allies?
How often do you plan on playing?
-An hour or so on the weekdays and a lot more on the weekends.
What is our most important rule?
No Stealing.