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Suggestion Give the New Players some Help


Apr 17, 2013
First off, let me say that I do understand that herocraft is meant to be a hardcore server. However, for new players, I'm not so sure if this will always be completely appealing.

Here is, in words, my first few days on herocraft (Bastion)

1) I loggin, I say "Awsome, RPG server :D"
2) But then when I see that I start with 0 coins, im like "Shit.... gotta actually work my butt off for stuffz"
3) I train to lvl 10, but then I get really pissed from dying continuously from mobs, and losing my stuff.
4) By now I'm lvl 20, I fill out an application for newerth, and then walk over like 3000 blocks to get to the town. Just as I'm waiting to for someone to open the enterance, some OP lvl 60000000 bard from another town, comes and beats me with a disk. I lose all my stuff. me= "Fck this" *ragequits.
5) I take a break for a few days, then decide to give the server one more chance, despite the fact that I'm at like 0 coins and 0 gear and food.
6) Miracle happens: A guy invites me to his group, I go over to the base, and this same nice guy gives me free money for my combat and crafter class.
7) Me: "Free stuff= I like the server"

So you can see that I had a pretty rough time when I first joined the server. I got killed a lot, didn't have the best first impression, and considered leaving forever. If it weren't for that "miracle", I probably wouldn't be playing right now. Basically, what I'm trying to show, is the fact that new players may find the server too difficult when they first join, and therefore unenjoyable. Ultimately, they may just leave without even taking into consideration the really good parts about the server.

So here's what I'd like to suggest:
New players get....
50s to start off (you know, to get gear, food, and simple things to have a good jump start to their first experience on the server)
free first class choice (whether it be combat or crafter, one only)
Grace Period (new players can easily get frusturated and mad if they get killed a lot by lvl 65 players, which may cause them to leave)

Giving new players all these things to start off would really give a good first impression, and give a better chance for them to stay. Also, I heard that an adventure map is on the way. Hopefully, this map can be focused on giving a enjoyable experience to new players, so that they can be occupied with quests, dungeons, etc., on their first days, rather than just walking out far and mining or attempting to kill OP mobs.

I really wanna see herocraft always having at least 150+ people online someday (more people= more pvp and more interaction), and I believe the above suggestion is a step towards that (common) dream/goal


Feb 9, 2014
That's actually not a bad Idea in my opinion, this way more people will stay on the server


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
In all honesty, I can't see the free first class happening. I think something more realistic would be around a 100-150 first class/profession choice.


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
The problem with Grace Periods is that they can be abused. Originally (Or maybe it was last map?) People under Lvl 10 in either Combat or Crafter couldn't PvP or be PvP'd. This could have been (Was?) abused by sending people under Lvl 10 into a town during a raid, or into a PvP battle just to distract people. While not EVERY new player would do this, there will always be people who end up abusing loops in the system.

A cheaper 1st class isn't a terrible idea, but I'm not sure if I like it.
And giving them money? That's what Voting is for. You can get 21 Souls a day via voting (If you don't get lucky and receive more)
You also get Exp for both Crafter and Combat via voting now. So, my tip to newer players for getting money: Vote. If you vote all 7 times a day for 1 week you've already made 147s. That's a good chunk of the money needed to spec. And you get Exp for your classes to help outwith leveling a bit.


Nov 1, 2013
Honestly when you first join it shouldn't be a walk in the park it should be a challenge. I don't agree with the grace period cause that can and would be exploited. Free class would also mean a ton of noobs, if a person really wants to play this server then they will try to get the money via mining or voting. Also the challenge in the beginning is so much fun even if you get killed constantly, or loose your stuff. The beginning isn't supposed to be easy, and honestly they have made it super easy by reducing Crafter and Lostsoul mastery to 20 levels.


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
Honestly when you first join it shouldn't be a walk in the park it should be a challenge. I don't agree with the grace period cause that can and would be exploited. Free class would also mean a ton of noobs, if a person really wants to play this server then they will try to get the money via mining or voting. Also the challenge in the beginning is so much fun even if you get killed constantly, or loose your stuff. The beginning isn't supposed to be easy, and honestly they have made it super easy by reducing Crafter and Lostsoul mastery to 20 levels.
Not everyone enjoys that degree of challenge. Losing things can be really discouraging. I know it was for me (Although I have the experience to get back up and play), but the new players don't have the experience or the allies.


Apr 17, 2013
The problem with Grace Periods is that they can be abused. Originally (Or maybe it was last map?) People under Lvl 10 in either Combat or Crafter couldn't PvP or be PvP'd. This could have been (Was?) abused by sending people under Lvl 10 into a town during a raid, or into a PvP battle just to distract people. While not EVERY new player would do this, there will always be people who end up abusing loops in the system.

A cheaper 1st class isn't a terrible idea, but I'm not sure if I like it.
And giving them money? That's what Voting is for. You can get 21 Souls a day via voting (If you don't get lucky and receive more)
You also get Exp for both Crafter and Combat via voting now. So, my tip to newer players for getting money: Vote. If you vote all 7 times a day for 1 week you've already made 147s. That's a good chunk of the money needed to spec. And you get Exp for your classes to help outwith leveling a bit.

So about the grace period, maybe it could be more of something like: new players can be killed, but for a period of time, they don't lose any items, or exp from dying.
For the money issue, you have to realize that not everyone is willing to vote, no matter how much you tell them to do so. If people were so eager to vote, we'd be seeing much more competition in the (month's) top voting list. People come on herocraft for the herocraft server experience, not for the boring voting experience.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jul 28, 2013
So about the grace period, maybe it could be more of something like: new players can be killed, but for a period of time, they don't lose any items, or exp from dying.
For the money issue, you have to realize that not everyone is willing to vote, no matter how much you tell them to do so. If people were so eager to vote, we'd be seeing much more competition in the (month's) top voting list. People come on herocraft for the herocraft server experience, not for the boring voting experience.
If new players refuse to get free money via the easiest way imagineable, that's their problem.


Legacy Supporter 2
Mar 31, 2013
is all honestly I see that you want, but me personally I hated the lvl 10 pvp thing when I joined last map and I don't really think that giving them money to start off with is a great idea but maybe a cheaper class change at the start isn't a terrible idea


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 24, 2013
When I first join the server one of my first memoryies is fighting @Ellron23 then @Rizyq came out and killed him, (after I died) I was wyntervale and I loved the umbra raids they where so fun XD that's probs the reason I kept playing this server lol I loved getting camped at the start it was pretty fun tbh and trazil might get mad but this is our first raid and I was chased away so im not in vid D:



Wiki Team
Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 16, 2011
So here's what I'd like to suggest:
New players get....
50s to start off (you know, to get gear, food, and simple things to have a good jump start to their first experience on the server)
free first class choice (whether it be combat or crafter, one only)
Grace Period (new players can easily get frusturated and mad if they get killed a lot by lvl 65 players, which may cause them to leave)
50s to start off with will make them think that money is worth less than it is, then they will buy some gear that they probably can't use or isn't worth it, like enchanted armor for their LostSoul class or a diamond Fortune pick for their Crafter.

The first combat profession should cost money always, raising those 250 souls is part of the grind, and the Grind is all-important to the way an RPG game incentivizes you to play. I think that lowering the barriers of entrance to Professions is a solid idea, because then noobs can make money by entering the economy faster instead of simply farming souls.

No Grace Periods. They get Exploited. Why we can't have nice things.

I support lowering the barriers of entry to Professions by making the first Prof choice cheaper.
Mar 30, 2013
@Dsawemd I don't think giving a player 50 souls to start would make players think souls are worthless at all. I quickly found out that getting money was extremely difficult as a new player. I've only been here playing seriously on this map for about 2 weeks. I've had to grind harder than any true MMO to get money here. 50 souls is NOTHING in the long run.

As for a cheaper first crafting/PVE class, I can fully support this. This would allow for people to actually make money in some way besides mining what ores are left or spending their entire server time killing mobs. If it wasn't for a friend of mine having a residence plot, I would not be on here. The grind is way too ridiculous as it is and with so many maxed out players running around, it makes trying to explore and mine as a new player crazy. I'm not asking for a free ride, but god damn. The second day back on here starting back up again I was killed twice by two level 65 players who didn't even bother to give a good enough reason to why they killed me. This is literally the only server where every time i run into someone they automatically assume I'm hostile. Not a single, "Hello" has been uttered. Just straight up murder instantly regardless of player level or armor/weapons. It's almost like people don't care about player interactions at all.


Wiki Team
Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 16, 2011
@Dsawemd I don't think giving a player 50 souls to start would make players think souls are worthless at all. I quickly found out that getting money was extremely difficult as a new player. I've only been here playing seriously on this map for about 2 weeks. I've had to grind harder than any true MMO to get money here. 50 souls is NOTHING in the long run.
50 souls to start would lower the value of money both in reality and more importantly from their perspective, which is what I said. It would encourage vet players to scam new players out of their money. This isn't a good idea.

If you want to grant souls to help new players, it needs to happen as a reward for something instead of just the first time they log in.

Remember you get 21 souls per day for voting, more if you get lucky!
That means it takes 13 days of voting to get enough money for a "free" combat class.


A frightening Cactus!
Sep 7, 2013
Georgia, United States
@Dsawemd I don't think giving a player 50 souls to start would make players think souls are worthless at all. I quickly found out that getting money was extremely difficult as a new player. I've only been here playing seriously on this map for about 2 weeks. I've had to grind harder than any true MMO to get money here. 50 souls is NOTHING in the long run.

As for a cheaper first crafting/PVE class, I can fully support this. This would allow for people to actually make money in some way besides mining what ores are left or spending their entire server time killing mobs. If it wasn't for a friend of mine having a residence plot, I would not be on here. The grind is way too ridiculous as it is and with so many maxed out players running around, it makes trying to explore and mine as a new player crazy. I'm not asking for a free ride, but god damn. The second day back on here starting back up again I was killed twice by two level 65 players who didn't even bother to give a good enough reason to why they killed me. This is literally the only server where every time i run into someone they automatically assume I'm hostile. Not a single, "Hello" has been uttered. Just straight up murder instantly regardless of player level or armor/weapons. It's almost like people don't care about player interactions at all.

I only joined Herocraft at the start of Haven and I can agree about the hostility towards strangers on this sever. Granted I have had a few friendly interactions with strangers, they have been very few and very far between.

However I'm going off topic here so I'll stop


Legacy Supporter 6
Dec 31, 2011
Didn't read every post. Just going to say this. Noobs have it easier now than they did in the past.


Legacy Supporter 2
Mar 31, 2013
@Dsawemd I don't think giving a player 50 souls to start would make players think souls are worthless at all. I quickly found out that getting money was extremely difficult as a new player. I've only been here playing seriously on this map for about 2 weeks. I've had to grind harder than any true MMO to get money here. 50 souls is NOTHING in the long run.

As for a cheaper first crafting/PVE class, I can fully support this. This would allow for people to actually make money in some way besides mining what ores are left or spending their entire server time killing mobs. If it wasn't for a friend of mine having a residence plot, I would not be on here. The grind is way too ridiculous as it is and with so many maxed out players running around, it makes trying to explore and mine as a new player crazy. I'm not asking for a free ride, but god damn. The second day back on here starting back up again I was killed twice by two level 65 players who didn't even bother to give a good enough reason to why they killed me. This is literally the only server where every time i run into someone they automatically assume I'm hostile. Not a single, "Hello" has been uttered. Just straight up murder instantly regardless of player level or armor/weapons. It's almost like people don't care about player interactions at all.
50s is easy to get, if you have a hard time getting it you could just kill mobs close to spawn they have the same soul drop rates as mobs far away and within about an hour or less you will have it now for killing people on sight, I mean that kinda just makes sense because most people aren't going to stop check the persons level then start talking to are either going to run or fight usually
Mar 30, 2013
50s is easy to get, if you have a hard time getting it you could just kill mobs close to spawn they have the same soul drop rates as mobs far away and within about an hour or less you will have it now for killing people on sight, I mean that kinda just makes sense because most people aren't going to stop check the persons level then start talking to are either going to run or fight usually
You want to know what else is close to spawn? Camped graveyards and Haven. It might be easier this map for new people but in all honesty, it's still a bitch. Voting is really the only consistent income of souls since by now people have so much gear hoarded from events and raiding that selling things is few and far between. I've done my walk around Haven and seen people's donation and "look at me" chests. People just sit on things and do not even bother to put money back into the economy. There's no need to have PVE classes if the only things that sell are teleports and now loot chests. Hell, basic minerals sell for jack crap. Diamonds for .9 to 1 soul each? That's a joke. Something needs to be done about it. Either make mob drops more rewarding or drop more often or find a way to stimulate the economy a bit for people who aren't sitting on double chests full of gear that are rotting away.

*This post is a response to all people that quoted me. Not just Trazil. Just to point that out.


Legacy Supporter 2
Mar 31, 2013
You want to know what else is close to spawn? Camped graveyards and Haven. It might be easier this map for new people but in all honesty, it's still a bitch. Voting is really the only consistent income of souls since by now people have so much gear hoarded from events and raiding that selling things is few and far between. I've done my walk around Haven and seen people's donation and "look at me" chests. People just sit on things and do not even bother to put money back into the economy. There's no need to have PVE classes if the only things that sell are teleports and now loot chests. Hell, basic minerals sell for jack crap. Diamonds for .9 to 1 soul each? That's a joke. Something needs to be done about it. Either make mob drops more rewarding or drop more often or find a way to stimulate the economy a bit for people who aren't sitting on double chests full of gear that are rotting away.

*This post is a response to all people that quoted me. Not just Trazil. Just to point that out.
you do realize if you make mobs more rewarding it would decrease the value of money right? and also I can sit outside of spawn for hours and unless I have a bounty and someones tracking me I hardly ever see anyone :p
Mar 30, 2013
you do realize if you make mobs more rewarding it would decrease the value of money right? and also I can sit outside of spawn for hours and unless I have a bounty and someones tracking me I hardly ever see anyone :p
You've had better luck than I have. Been killed 4 times now. One time having all of the cobble i have saved up for a future township purposely destroyed by a player. Over 6k cobble gone. You can see why this topic makes me a little pissy. I've also been stalked and blackmailed on here in the last week. Fun times.

I don't necessarily mean to have the mobs drop souls more often either. Maybe finally give those custom crafting items a better use, or have some new drops implemented. It always doesn't have to be about souls, as long as money is circulating more.